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Everything posted by Eagle_cz

  1. welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  2. Hi and welcome. Sure, i will take a look on that .. true is that we are mostly on etpub and not on legacy, but, if you will be interested to join our family, im sure that we will find the way how to get rid off these rats
  3. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  4. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  5. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  6. Nice to see your intro - now im waiting for your app Welcome, enjoy and to see ya on the server
  7. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  8. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  9. Eagle_cz

    Lua weapons

    Enough. I really don't have time for that. I'm suggesting you to follow this link: http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/forum/9-silent-mod-enemy-territory/ and you can try to ask them. I really have a lot of other work to do. Sorry.
  10. Our focus is mainly on the etpub but if other server is busy too, its really good turn! Any servers wasn't turned off ... yet lol ... nah, bad joke - will send you PM and we can talk about how to keep that players on that. Thanks for this good news mate
  11. Eagle_cz

    ETLegacy Etpub

    simply extract the zip file and put that 'etpub' folder in to path: C:\Users\Rado\Documents\ETLegacy
  12. Eagle_cz

    ETLegacy Etpub

    yes, its about what I tried to explain but probably this will not help him so much because of lack of other files that will be needed...
  13. Eagle_cz

    ETLegacy Etpub

    I don't see which version you have (is it latest 2.75?). I know that in the past, it was common bug, and quick fix was to download etpub - try it here dowload the fille called etpub.zip and this file extract in your ETLegacy folder which is C:\Users\Rado\Documents\ETLegacy ... .... and let me know if your problem was solved.
  14. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay here
  15. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  16. Eagle_cz

    Lua weapons

    I see and sorry for that. I didn't had a mood and time for that. I will try to think about that but can't promise anything. Sorry
  17. ah fleshy! nice to see you here. What about to play with us a little bit ? :)

    1. Stumpel


      Why I get notification about adding pictures into memvers album.. if dont have even access there.. And 2nd cant send even pm without deleting hundreds of posts.. So only way to post about something to player straight.. is just to write reply to this line.. Quite weird way but works.. Really dont say much because its not then a pm.. Thanks for keep too low post limit and Craig still havent answered anything to me in fb..

  18. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay
  19. Hi Rado, nice intro Enjoy and see ya on the server
  20. You're correct but with higher fps you need more packets that will keep the client side synchronized. That can cause lags on higher server load. And hi btw what about to come back?
  21. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay!
  22. as many of you can see, this section of the forum is quite empty. There are reasons for that. Because we are more active in our specific forum categories that are not accessible for you now. The shortest way how to be able to see that (heated) parts of this forum is to be the TM member. If you are interested, just play on our servers and sooner or later the recruiters will reach you! Or, write them a message Aswell if you will have whatever on your mind, feel free to contact anybody from the management. We are here and open to you!
  23. I'm with u charlie and I know that others will eat me due this, but I think that 125 is more than sufficient. Higher fps = higher traffic needed for sync and comm between server/client which mean that server will have to 'care' about more needed resources than in this way. For sure, if it have a free resources, gigabit uplink to the internet and resources are not shared for other purpose, than i can imagine to do that. But in our current scenario, im more for to let it be as it is now
  24. Hi, thanks for intro and to see ya on the servers cheers
  25. Eagle_cz

    Thursday events

    no one is forced. We just wanted to try to bring some people back to this server. Etpub was and still IS the main TM server. If someone want to play elsewhere, it's his decision. We'll not beg you to save the pub server if you are not interested to do whatever. Truth is that ET generally loosing players and the statistic is telling us that most of players are playing on the etpub mod. Thats the fact and your choice is if you will help us or you will stay away.
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