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Everything posted by Eagle_cz

  1. Hi Peter, welcome to the forum and enjoy your fun here
  2. I must say big apology to alll... i was in my work, but there was so many circulumstances and my work is so important for me :/ Sorry guys... (there was so many problems with my team in my work, that must be solved. No matter on to my own wishes and etc... It was about my responsibility and i was in situation that choice was about - TM or my work and my own team in my work... sorry m8, but at this time., it was so difficult for me.... one big sorry for it.... to see you in next event! thank you for understanding....
  3. Heya, sorry, but, i dont think, that my PBFixer will be helpfull :/ Its program for punkbuster. But, pls, try to follow this steps below: 1. open folder C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\profiles\$your_nickname\ 2. open etconfig.cfg (with notepad.exe or better with Notepad++ ) 3. add this line: seta logfile "2" // saves all console output 4. save and close this file --- if you want to be sure, do this on etpub --- 5. open folder C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpub\profiles\$your_nickname\ 6. open etconfig.cfg (with notepad.exe or better with Notepad++ ) 7. add this line: seta logfile "2" // saves all console output 8. save and close this file next, run your ET and after crash, do this: 1. try to find file with name (in folder C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpub): etpubc_crash.log and POST IT HERE! and next open folder C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain and post here file with name etconsole.log if you have another questions, just write me PM... Good luck m8
  4. wb m8 hmm, why you have same avatar like I ?
  5. hehe, please, i want map mp_tram
  6. welcome to the forum
  7. Eagle_cz

    Infected Event

    yeah, it was nice event
  8. wb m8
  9. nice welcome and good luck with your trial
  10. Eagle_cz


    welcome Ice enjoy your fun on TM servers and to see you in game ...
  11. hmm, i dont like Norton ... for me its better Eset NOD32 ... btw. what OS?
  12. welcome and to see you in the game
  13. Eagle_cz


    welcome HawK, nice to see you here
  14. aahhh all browsers on phones are same F1 ....i hope, that someone just try my video for all of tm :D
  15. Great job! ...a new star in journalism was born and this is Ron
  16. Hi and welcome
  17. Eagle_cz

    Windowed mode

    ok, lets start with this: /seta r_aspectratio 1 /seta r_customaspect 1 /seta r_mode -1 /seta r_customwidth 800 /seta r_customheight 600 /seta r_fullscreen 1 i think, that problem is on OpenGL library - resp graphic card driver... if this settings will be ok, try to set higher resolution and make sure, that you have OpenGL options (in game) disabled... sorry, but this is all, that i think about it. Please, try to describe your problem better
  18. nice i want to join predator's team :D
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