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Bomba last won the day on June 25 2021

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About Bomba

  • Birthday 05/19/1995

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  1. Who this? never heard of no caro..
  2. Bomba


    Hey there Hettoo! Nice to see you here on our forums, our discord is a lot more active so I'd recommend you to also join us there for some nice chats Tell me more, are you born a Dutchman or did you live here temporarily and go back to the UK? Btw the offer still stands https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/forum/177-tm-recruitment/
  3. Great job! But it seems that the mg in upper bunker is still usable and cannot be hit from outside anymore. That makes it real though for allies to kill the mg guy. Can we remove the mg or block it somehow?
  4. Excellent! 🏆 Thank you all you nay-voters and ofc @Charlie
  5. Yeah well you can't avoid people from proning by adding a delay on getting up. Wouldn't it make morse sense then to put a delay on getting down instead? I mean that's what you are trying to avoid, people going down. I'm not thinking now ooh wait there is a 1 second delay when I need to get up, no ofc i just prone and later see whats what There are many more things we should tweak if we start tweaking stuff like this. Any chance it will be reverted with a majority of votes in favor of that? @MiniMuppet @Charlie
  6. Hi all you lovely people here's something I'd like to open a discussion about if that's okay. I think that most of you have already noticed there is now a 1 second delay on getting up again after proning. I’m not saying it’s the worst thing in the world but it comes pretty close imo. To me it feels like a unnecessary restriction on a player’s ability to move around freely. Talking from my own experience I know that proning works only just in maybe half the times you try it and as long as everyone is capable of doing it I don’t see any real unfair advantage. I know already from @divine_one and @Jaime that they also don’t support the 1 second delay, now I’m very curious to hear other people’s opinions about this. Added a poll to see what's the general opinion on this. Cheers🍻
  7. Ehh the regular please. By night?
  8. Preatoria we have tried many times on server, never really worked Radar phx is probably same as with adlernest roof version that bot waypoints don't work properly and people usually prefer the original version My only suggestion at the moment is to replace The well of Youth with Marrakech
  9. I've been looking for this map for quite some time but I could never remember the name. I'm pretty sure it has been on one of tm's servers in the past so I hope we can add it once more. Would you prefer adding it to main with 50 players or etl2 with 10 players?
  10. Completely agree with J, you need to play a lot to get high sr even as a high skilled player the system whith k/d ratings would be better like we used to have on etpub. from the moment players join our server their skill is constantly represented in the k/d rating and that makes for easy and fair shuffles imo
  11. All members have !put command but we never use it to shift good players to the losing team
  12. FLO🥰
  13. Never noticed that about Fegter, will keep on eye on him when he's there
  14. Happy to hear this, was starting to feel a little as if members were not really interested in upgrading Legacy 2 server. I'll wait patiently to see what changes will come. @Visangle was also asking me yesterday if I would want to join. Told him I was a member here before and that it ended abruptly after some shit that I don't exactly all remember. @MrMuppet / @MiniMuppet If there is no more hard feelings after the stunt we pulled 10 years ago (I think time is the best healing factor) I might put in an application. In my defence I was around 15 years old at the time and shared my account with my older brother and on top of that server was dying which lead to some annoyances back and forth. It brings real joy in my heart to see this community being very much alive after so many years and the love, respect and humor that is present. I feel some sort of obligation on one hand to join this community to 'give something back' after 'receiving' for many years. On the other hand I don't want to be constantly policing people around on the servers. Let me know what you think muppets and I will make up my mind. Cheers and have a nice weekend y'all 🍻
  15. Thanks Ctrz for your reply, I don't use Discord and it if I did this solution would only work occasionally when high enough admin is online for long enough period of time (as bots also need to be returned). I know the easiest solution is to join TM and grab the power but lets pretend that this is not a possibility. Why not reduce the amount of bots permanently to 4 per team? Can someone give some logic why this would be a bad idea on a small secundo server without any real regular players . Server is not listed on Splatterladder btw. And for Stargate map, it would certainly help if gate were destroyable by satchel after first time destroying it with dyna. Only I don't see why someone would want to put time and effort in altering a overal bad map (tank is hard to fix, probably bugged, ask froggy). Maps have been removed for less in the past. My proposal; remove 6 unpopular maps now, add 6 new ones. After one month do the same. Dont treat this server like your main server as only regulars from your main come to play here, it doesnt attract new players. Do some experimenting with bots and maps and you might attract more regulars. The server is not really attractive to play on right now but thats just my opinion.
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