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Everything posted by JoeCool

  1. JoeCool

    Happy NewYear!

    Happy New year! Me being in the West Coast feels like I might be one of the last ones to welcome the New Year. Unless there's anyone here from Hawaii!
  2. Why do I have to be in the US?! no one is online during the time I'm free :O no one to play with in the afternoon :(. Can someone adopt me so  I can move to Europe?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alistar


      Ok, I choose you Joe!

    3. JoeCool


      Bare in mind that I wouldn't take care of the paper work to extradite myself there to you lol

    4. StaR


      I live in Montreal Qc

  3. JoeCool


    This seems interesting, considering my XP count is not as high as it once was back in my hay days lol.
  4. I'm so there! This time I saved the date on my calendar, I didn't want to make a mistake like last time and thought the event was a week earlier! Looking forward to it!
  5. Welcome!
  6. No wonder I saw Lvl up appear out of nowhere earlier this morning. At first I thought I was welcomed back to the clan and reinstated my old level lol One can only hope...
  7. Welcome enjoy your stay!
  8. It looks like I don't have access to the Poll
  9. It was awesome! Fun fun fun!
  10. Welcome! Please enjoy your stay!
  11. Welcome! If I were an employer, i'd say that the link you provided is good clickbait lol. Me being an IT guy, makes me feel like we're twins, except that I'm 25
  12. Welcome Timothy!
  13. That's at 12PM my time. I shall be there!
  14. Welcome!
  15. Oh man!!!!!! My photoshop skills are rusty but even I would pay for a mug!!!!!!
  16. Good luck everyone! I find it ironic on how the team I'm in is called The Drunkies when I don't even drink hahahaha! Should be fun, I should be the only sober one
  17. I seem to be having issues connecting to etpub, it wont go past the Awaiting Gamestate. EDIT: It seems to work now! my name was reset but other than that it works for me!
  18. Site has been crashing a lot lately!

  19. Eating a taco.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Temptin


      Charlie and Macka need to get laid or something dirty minded MOFO's :P LOL

    3. Macka


      Hey! My comment was not intended that way at all! I wonder which of us has the dirty mind ;) I was just making an inane comment :D

    4. JoeCool


      hahaha, yes. the food. What else can it be? *wink* *wink*

  20. Taking my mouse apart.

  21. I was expecting a link to Jesus' video! hahaha! Nice idea with the Mail!
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