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386 files

  1. mp checkpoint - mp_checkpoint.pk3 and waypoints

    MP_CHECKPOINT - Axis Rail Checkpoint
    Major Quality of Life improvements of mp_checkpoint from Return to Castle Wolfenstein for ET

    Game Types Supported: MP, SW
    Suggested Players: 4-8 per team
    Default Round time: 10 minutes

    Allied forces are attempting to determine the location of a weapons train
    carrying V2 rockets by stealing a logbook from an Axis rail checkpoint.
    Allied Objectives:

    1 - Steal the Logbook containing details of the weapons trains wherabouts from the Checkpoint Office.
    2 - Get to the Radio Room and transmit the Logbook information to HQ.
    3 - Destroy the Damaged Wall to capture the South Annex.
    4 - Breach the Maintenance Access Door to create a route through the main checkpoint buildings to the Office.

    Axis Objectives:

    1 - Prevent the Allies from stealing the Logbook from the Checkpoint Office.
    2 - Stop the Allies before they transmit the Logbook information.
    3 - Defend the Damaged Wall of the South Annex.
    4 - Stop the Allies from breaching the Maintenance Access Door.


    Extract mp_checkpoint.pk3 to in your etmain folder.

    Other Information

    Author: Andrew Palmer (than)
    Email: andyp_123[AT]vodafone[DOT]net
    Website: than.spawnpoint.org

    Release: 15/05/2005
    Build Time: Ages
    Compile Time: 2 hours or so
    Build Machine: My work pc (2.2ghz, 512mb)
    New Textures: A few minor things. The loading screen and objective pics had a lot of work put into them.
    Brushes: Lots
    Bugs: The Allied forward spawn points don't work in RTCW versions prior to 1.32.
    Source included: Yes, look in the \maps directory in the .pk3 - maybe you could fix the bugs for me
    ...or convert level to work with ET.


       (0 reviews)



  2. mp beach - mp_beach.pk3 and waypoints

    ==; MP - Beach Invasion ;==
    Basic information
    Author: Nerve
    Release date: 2004-02-10
    Filename: mp_beach.pk3
    Program: GTK-Radiant

    Map information
    Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
    Original Map and Design by Nerve
    Long name: MP - Beach Invasion
    Short name: mp_beach
    Map time: 20 minutes

    Place the et_beach.pk3 in your *instaldiretmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create
    server menu or bring down the console and type: map mp_beach. The in zip file included et_beach_bobota1.pk3 is only needed 4 BoBot Alpha 1 Support
      Map Description

    It is like the legendary original Map from RTCW , the objectives and design has not changed.

    Allied forces are attempting to steal top secret war documents from an Axis beach
    installation and transmit it to her base.
      Map Objectives
      Allied objectives:

    *Destroy the Sea Wall
    *Steal the War Documents
    *Transmit the War Documents
    *Capture the Forward Bunker
    *Destroy the Side Entrance
    *Construct a Command Post
      Axis objectives:

    Defend the Sea Wall
    *Defend the War Documents
    *Stop the Allies from Transmitting
    *Hold the Forward Bunker
    *Defend the Side Entrance
    *Construct a Command Post

    Changes since 1.0
    - Mapname changed 2 et_beach
    - Beach texture changed
    - Terrain failure fixed
    - Missing doc-board texture added
    - Light-Bug fixed
    - BoBot Alpha1 support added (et_beach_bobota1.pk3)
    - 9-Map Campaign file removed

    Special thanks
    Thanks to Gray Matters for their Beach Invasion map in Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
    (The original Map can be tested in the MP-Demo!)
    Thanks to SplashDamage for their mapping documentation and their support in the forum.
    (Disable the "complain after friendly mine" in the next patch pleeeeeaase)
    Thanks to ID Software for their engine and their support in community.

    Copyright 2002 Nerve, 2003 SplashDamage and Activision. All rights reserved!
    You may electronically distribute this file freely as long as this readme file is included and that
    no fee is payed by the reciever.


       (0 reviews)



  3. Tram2 b2 - Tram2_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Fix texture issues with other maps

    Spawntimes: 20 Allies / 30 Axis

    Changes from mp_tram to Tram2:
    Map is cut in half (2nd stage only)
    Documents are now at the old transmitter
    Transmitter is outside South-West of the Castle
    Flag spawn at the Tram Tower for Allies
    Lower Basement Door now grants the Allies a permanent spawn at the Northern Hut
    New spiral staircase added to the Castle as a safe way to reach the transmitter outside


    This map is a reimagining of mp_tram for Return to Castle Wolfesntein converted into a stopwatch map all the credit goes to the original map makers

    find a bug? or have a suggestion regarding the map? contact me on discord @ John_Mullins#8799
    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1    "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Castle Lower Door."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from retrieving the Agent One Documents."
    3    "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies before they use the Radio Transmitter."
    4   "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from capturing the Tram Tower Flag."
      Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Secondary Objective:**Break into the Castle Lower Door."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Retrieve the Agent One Documents."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Send message from the Radio Transmitter."
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Tram Tower Flag"  


       (0 reviews)



  4. Rocket2 b1 - Rocket2_b1.pk3 and waypoints



    Major Quality of Life improvements of mp_rocket from Return to Castle Wolfenstein for ET

    Spawntimes: 20 Allies / 30 Axis
    Timelimit: 10:30

    Changes from mp_rocket to Rocket2:

    Added: Ladder from First Cave Flag to catwalk
    Added: New Lower Train Room Stairway that connects to the new hallway up above
    Added: New hallway that connects the Store Room to the West Stairwell area and the new Lower Train Room Stairway
    Added: Closable metal window at Override Key room
    Change: Wider Axis upper spawn
    Change: Rocket Bay balcony ladder is now climbable
    Change: Higher support beam locations at Override Key area
    Change: Emergency Rocket Bay Door is now an Axis team door (it can still be destroyed with a dynamite)
    Change: The ladders at the Lower Train Room are now Elevators
    Change: Capping the objective will now trigger a 30 seconds countdown that can be Aborted/Started with the press of a button (same thing as mp_password2 but it requires a key)
    Removed: Tunnel Cave-in secondary objective
    Removed: The annoying train that circles around the map lower
    Removed: Loud announcers

    find a bug? or have a suggestion regarding the map? contact me on discord @ John_Mullins#8799
      Allied Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Rocket Launch Override Key."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Get to the Override Console and use the Key."
    3 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Rocket Bay Emergency Exit."
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Upper Rocket Bay Door"
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Frist Cave Flag."
      Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from stealing the Override key."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from using the Override console."
    3 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Rocket Bay Emergency Exit."
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Upper Rocket Bay Door."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the First Cave Flag."


       (0 reviews)



  5. sub2 b2 - sub2_b2.pk3 and waypoints



    Reimagining of mp_sub from Return to Castle Wolfenstein for ET
    Spawntimes: 20 Allies / 30 Axis
    Timelimit: 10 Minutes

    Changes from mp_sub to Sub2:

    Change: Main Door is destroyed at the start of the map
    Change: The Axis Submarine now requires two dynamites to be planted in order for the allies to win
    Added: Path from Central Access Room (Above Flag) to the Axis Workshop
    Added: Two new rooms inside the axis spawn Office and Workshop that has a team door that can be destroyed by a satchel and rebuilt by the axis
    Added: Dropdown from axis spawn to filtration
    Added: Filtration Hallway that leads to the back of the Axis Submarine
    Added: Spiral stairs at the back of the submarine pen that connects the first, second floor and the crane balcony
    Added: The room overlooking the submarine from RTCW's singleplayer (third floor)


    _b2 fixes: removed some models and entities reduced lightmapsize to fit the default com_hunkmegs 56 limitation. Changed the map coordinates for omnibot

    special thanks to [UJE]Niek for the omnibot waypoints

    find a bug? or have a suggestion regarding the map? contact me on discord @ John_Mullins#8799


       (0 reviews)



  6. warmup final - warmup_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Mapname: warmup_final
    Status: final
    Mapper: CyburK
    released: beta1 03.08.2006/// final 20.08.2006
    contact: cyburk@gmx.de
    website: www.cyburk.net

    This is a very small dual Objective Map i made to get warm with mapping again. beta 1 was made in 3 Days. Again this Map is really small i havent tested
    it yet but i guess the fun limit may be reached with 20 players.

    put the warmup_final.pk3 in your Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain folder and play.

    If you have a ton of maps in your etmain folder its possible you cant run the map with the
    ingame "host-game" option. In this case open the console with "^" and type "/g_gametype 2"
    hit enter and then type "/map warmup_final" hit enter again and check it out.

    Objectives for  Allies/Axis   - Destroy the Enemys Safe.

    - Steal the Secret Documents

    - Build and Defend your Command Post

    - Bring the Enemys Documents to your Command Post.

    thanks and greetings

    all people at level-designer.de / etmaps.de / M8D Nephilm / M8D clan /Northerner /Shazam /Pitsbrgparatrpr
    / Berserker from wolfmap.de / splash-damage / macbeth / MerCuryRisIng / nullskillz for his nice forum post/tutorial on the dual objective /
    speedy (http://speedy.planetquake.gamespy.com//) for the nice mountain enviroment.



       (0 reviews)



  7. UJE Lake sniper B1a - UJE_Lake_sniper_B1a.pk3 and waypoints Map 2023

    FULL TITLE : [UJE] Lake sniper B1
    FILENAME: UJE_Lake_sniper_B1a
    AUTHOR : [UJE]Interbellum
    DATE : 03-11-2021
    bug report feedback : contact me at the [UJE]Clan forum: http://ujeclan.com/phpBB3/ (login required)
    Or Discord, username Rijnusch,  nickname [UJE]Interbellum
    Release date beta 1.0 : --

    Eerie lake side village where both sides are reacheable with a small boat
    Version : beta1
    Attacking : Allies and axis
    Timelimit : 20 minutes

    EDITORS USED : GtkRadiant 1.6.6-20180422, Easygen 1.42, Photoshop CS6
    COMPILE TIME : ca. 10 minutes

    * special thanks *

    [UJE] C For all the support.
    = Credits =

    Games.chruker.dk fot additional information
    Map maker: [UJE]Interbellum

    This map may be electronically distributed in its current state, this .txt file must be included.
    The .pk3 file (which this text file is located) and it's content may not be modified in any way without written permission.


       (0 reviews)



  8. mp sillyctf - mp_sillyctf.pk3 and waypoints


    (the readme file)

    Basic Information

    Author : Lanz (Johan Gustavsson)
    Email address : johanrg@telia.com
    Webpage : http://www.rtcw-tf.co.uk/gib/ #gameinfobot on quakenet (thats my irc bot page and channel)

    Map Information

    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : Silly CTF
    Filename : mp_sillyctf.pk3
    Release date : 2003-07-15
    Decription : The aim for this map has been to create a fast fun map and not spend time on inventing
    a new look, it has a classic base feel over it and has been inspired from mp_ctfmultidemo,
    wich even if it's ugly as hell and just a demonstration of how to implement ctf in rtcw,
    has a lot of good and fun action for 1on1 play. This map however is aimed for a higher
    player count, 3 per side is great fun but works well with 2on2 also. So here it
    is, Silly CTF, hopefully you will find this map a lot of fun to play with up and close
    battles. Best played without air strikes, artillery strikes and panzerfausts.

    The map file is included in the package, I hope someone might learn something from it.
    Observe! I do not want to see any work based on this map, I distribute the map file for
    all those new mappers out there, not so you can take the easy way and steal it from me.

    Program : SDRadiand 1.3.8

    Build time : A couple of relaxed days.
    Compile time : a couple of minutes
    Compile options : -meta -vis -light -fast -filter -samples 2
    Compile machine : AMD Athlon 1.4 gig

    Installation : Extract the pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the hostgame menu or
    bring down the console and type: map mp_sillyctf.


    Standard Rtcw textures

    Special thanks to

    Clan Enigma for play testing (#enigma? on quakenet)


    Copyright 2003 Johan Gustavsson all rights reserved

    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN



       (0 reviews)



  9. UJE battersea b1- UJE_battersea_b1.pk3 and waypoints Map 2023

    Map by  [UJE]Niek
    The Axis are invating battersea where the weapons for all allies are made for the war,
    Axis are trying to destroy the rocket that is on the train on his way to be transported
    to the battlefield, Allies will try to prevent this.
    Axis objective

    *Destroy the Traincart entrance
    *Steal the keycard and bring it to the armory on the top floor
    *Get 5 charges to the rocket and arm the bomb
    *Destroy the side door
    *Build the Commandpost
    Allied objective

    *Defend the Traincart entrance
    *Defend the keycard
    *Protect the Rocket
    *Defend the side door
    *build commandpost

    [UJE]Clan site

    bsp name of this map is UJE_battersea

    Like always the credits also go to everyone who keeps this game alive.


       (0 reviews)



  10. tram2 - tram2.pk3 and waypoints

    tram2 (tram2).pk3
    It's a RTCW converted map(Like et_beach and others).
    PK3 can actually run in either Enemy Territory or Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
    Start Spawntimes:
    Axis_respawntime: 20 Seconds
    Allied_respawntime: 15 Seconds
    Timelimit: 30 Minutes
    Spawntimes change as either team does objectives:
    Command Post or Bridges-Built or Destroyed.
    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Castle Lower Door."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from retrieving the Agent One Documents."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies before they use the Radio Transmitter."
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from capturing the Tram Tower Flag."
    Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Secondary Objective:**Break into the Castle Lower Door."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Retrieve the Agent One Documents."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Send message from the Radio Transmitter."
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Tram Tower Flag"


       (0 reviews)



  11. madbunker reload - madbunker_reload_beta_fixed.pk3 and waypoints

    Map Title (original)     : mad.et|Bunker (Reloaded)
    Map Version              : beta (fixed)
    Map Author               : mad.et|Cambo
    Game                     : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Gametype:                       : Team Deathmatch
    Filename                            :    madbunker_reloaded_beta_fixed.pk3
    BSP-Name                            :    madbunker_reloaded
    Map Size (suggested)  : <20 Players
    Release (date)                : Oktober 2011

    Features                            : Team-Deathmatch (without a mod)
       Allies "Objectives"
    1. Kill the enemy!
    2. Stay alive!
    3. See rule 1
      Axis "Objectives"

    1. Kill the enemy!
    2. Stay alive!
    3. See rule 1

    Note :    Support for Omnibot in process
    Credits   :  Stealth, Zer0Cool, Quake, COD5, M|A|D Community
    Distribution / Permissions

    This is the First Beta of this map and may not be modified in anyway.
    This file may not be commercially exploited in any way. Mapsource and
    models will be released with a "final" version of this map.


       (0 reviews)



  12. falx ctf village b2 - falx_ctf_village_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Basic Information

    Map Maker: Predator and Bivif

    Email Address: nvision_alex@yahoo.com

    ICQ/MSN/Yahoo: nvision_alex@yahoo.com

    Clan Site: http://etromania.forumotion.com

    Map Information


    Title: FalX CTF Village

    Filename: falx_ctf_village_b2.pk3

    Version: beta 2

    Release date: 1/09/2012

    Players: Map designed for 2-8 players

    Installation: Place the falx_ctf_village_b2.pk3 into your etmain folder,
    select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
    bring down the console and type: map falx_ctf_village_b2

    Omnibot 0.8 support added

    Capture the flag race, a supremacy race. Secure more flags than your enemy! Omnibot support included!

    Steal the enemy flag!
    Defend your own flag!
    Steal the enemy flag!
    Defend your own flag!

    Round time: 20 minutes

    Thanks Avoc for skybox

    Bugs: REPORT ANY BUGS at SplashDamage forums or ym: nvision_alex@yahoo.com or etromania.forumotion.com


       (0 reviews)



  13. odenthal b2 - odenthal_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    === Odenthal Beta 2 ===


    Name: Odenthal
    Mapper: Jens 'eiM' B.
    Type: Competition map (3v3 , 6v6)
    Spawntimes: Axis 30s , Allies 20s
    Average duration: 10 Minutes
    Worked time: 3,5 Month (for beta2)
    Homepage: http://reveal.et-support.de/odenthal


    I always wanted to create a real competition map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. But I never got started to a real
    project like this... the only maps I finished are small 1v1 / 2v2 maps or my trickjumpmap (a bit bigger though).
    So well, back in the Winter of 2006 I really had too much freetime because of holiday and stuff. So it came that
    I reinstalled all the mappingstuff on my harddisk and thought about a nice map.
    Anyway this maybe sounds a bit weird but when this amok run happened in Germany - Emsdetten me and some friends
    were together hanging out and randomly heard that the guy who ran amok had mapped his school for Counterstrike.
    Because we always have much fun @ LAN's and stuff the idea of mapping our school for W:ET @ LAN's became more
    and more reality.

    Before I write on I really have to note that I misprize the happenings of Emsdetten and i'm sorry for all
    the victims and that not in my farest thougts plan to do something like an amok run.

    Okay , well in my winterholidays I went skiing and had much fun but also some time to think about my mapping project.
    There were many things to plan. (If you really try to remap something of your daily life you'll notice that you don't
    remember many details of the looks and stuff ;>) So I made some photos , searched + created textures and made some outlines.
    Anyway after about 2weeks when I were back at school I finally started to create the map in my GTKRadiant.
    The map is not a perfect remake of Odenthal (the small city it's located in) because I set a higher value
    on making the school realistic than the terrain etc. But still there are much similarities like the small
    river ,some grassland...
    So this is the story behind the map and the name Odenthal. The story set in W:ET is the following:
    Axis have constituted an headquarter in the school of Odenthal. Therefore they rebuild some parts of
    the school and the town. The Allies forces have to escort their Jagdpanther through the streets of
    Odenthal to get access to the school. After this they have to destroy the Main Entrance and the Generator to
    disable the magnetic seal of the Security doors to get access to the main building of the school. Inside this
    the Axis store their secret documents which have to be secured by the Allies Forces.


       (0 reviews)



  14. caha tavern b1 - caha_tavern_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    title    : CAHA: tavern
    filename : caha_tavern_b1
    game : wolfenstein: enemy territory
    version : beta 1
    date  : 5.October.2005

    author : Roger "redRum" Creus
    url    : http://www,cyanureill.paparra.net
    email  : roger.creus@gmail.com

    gametype : objective, stopwatch, campaign
    mines     : disabled
    max. players : 12 per team

    1942. China. Province of Liaoning.
    The well known tavern Fire Garden has been taken by an allied squad.
    They are using it as a document depot, and have set two security system levels to ensure the spy lists inside it are safe.
    A german squad has found out the allied shellac, so they get ready for battle and rush into the building.


    Primary: Destroy the security power generator B.
    .Primary: Destroy the security power generator A.
    .Primary: Steal the spy lists.
    .Primary: Escape with the lists through the sewers.
    .Secondary: Destroy the cellar wall to open an escape route;
    you must have destroyed the generator A to get access to the cellar.
    .Secondary: Destroy the stairs wall and get faster acces to the top floors.


    .Primary:    Don't let axis destroy the security power generator B.
    .Primary: Don't let axis destroy the security power generator A.
    .Primary: Hold the spy lists.
    .Primary: Don't let axis escape with the lists.
    .Secondary:  Don't let axis reach the cellar and protect the sewers exit.
    .Secondary:  Hold or rebuild the stairs wall to cut the allied path.


       (0 reviews)



  15. canyon3 - canyon3.pk3 and waypoints

    Large map
      Both sides have to dynamite a vault door in the other's base, capture and secure the documents. Construct bridges for fast access to forward spawnflags. The lower route is blocked by a constructible/dynamitable Allied Dam and Axis Gate.

      // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1     "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Allied Vault Door and Steal the Allied Docs."

    2    "Primary Objective:**Bring the Allied Docs to the Control Room."

    3    "Secondary Objective:**Capture Allied Spawn 2."

    4    "Secondary Objective:**Hold the Forward Spawn."

    5    "Secondary Objective:**Defend Axis Spawn 2."

    6    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Axis Vault Door and Protect Docs."

    7    "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from delivering Docs."

    8    "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."

      // Allies Objective Descriptions

    1     "Primary Objective:**Defend the Allied Vault Door and Protect Docs."

    2     "Primary Objective:**Prevent Axis from delivering Docs."

    3     "Secondary Objective:**Defend Allied Spawn 2."

    4     "Secondary Objective:**Hold the Forward Spawn."

    5     "Secondary Objective:**Capture Axis Spawn 2."

    6     "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Axis Vault Door and Steal the Axis Docs."

    7     "Primary Objective:**Bring the Axis Docs to the Control Room."

    8     "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."


       (0 reviews)



  16. bpaim4b2 - bpaim4b2.pk3 and waypoints

    No Map information


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  17. axis-complex a3-2 - axis-complex_a3-2.pk3 and waypoints


    "Objective:**Get Acces to the heavy defended Axis Complex, steel the secret Documents and transmit them at the Radio Room!"

    "Objective:**Stop the Allies from breaking into the Axis Complex and defend the Secret Documents!"

    neutral "The Axis owning some secret Documents about the Enigma Decoder Machine. These Documents are heavely defended in the Black Forrest, called the Axis Complex. The Allies have to break into the Complex, steel the Decoder Manuals and transmit them to the Radio Station."


       (0 reviews)



  18. UJE schwarzwald b2 - UJE_schwarzwald_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Author:            -)A(-WuTang**

    Lays of Schwarzwald is a custom ET map situated in the middle of nice, famous region of Blackwood (schwarzwald..)forests.

    Information about advanced progress of Axis in the Rocketbomb research were true.
    Allies are on a mission to ambush their Weapon factory in the middle of huge Schwarzwald forest and destroy everything whats worth.

    Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the Village and destroy the Tunnel Gate.
         Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the tunnels to parmanently push Axis to the Rocket Base.
         Primary Objective: Bring all four Explosion Materials to the Rocket.
         Primary Objective: Build the Detonator to blow up the Rocket Base.
         Primary Objective: Blow up the Rocket Base using the constructed Detonator.
               Secondary Objective: Do not let Axis construct the Tank Barrier.
               Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post to take partial control over the tunnels.

      Primary Objective: Prevent Allies from completing their objective.
           Secondary Objective: Construct the Tank Barrier.
           Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post.

    Programs used:

       GTKRadiant 1.5
       Adobe Photoshop CC2017
       Blender 2.79
       MilkShape 3D

    Credits & such:
    Textures:     dirt_m03icmp_brown.tga - from ET:L texturepack made by Kemon.
               Missing images to original ET shaders were found in custom packs..
               Other than that, textures were downloaded for free, or made by me.
                   Websites:   https://www.textures.com/
    Models:    Rocketbomb, trees and foliage models - made by me.
           Big dynamite - made by MLB guys.

    Sounds:    Sounds included in pk3 are made out of ET original sounds.
    You can use all textures and models from this pack. Those downloaded are free, and those made by me are totally free too.

    Thanks to C from UJE Clan for their tank generator.
    Special thanks for help and feedback:
    Kemon, Mateos, Thunder, [UJE]Niek, Ray, Loffy, Macchute, ryven, Ensiform, Aranud, Aciz, hatcher, JoNny, Old-Owl and others.

    You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
    permission from the author.  You may not mass distribute this level via any
    non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.

    You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
    This will change after map source file will be released to public.


       (0 reviews)



  19. greenlee et - greenlee_et.pk3 and waypoints


    Release Date: Friday, October 22, 2004
    Version: Release One


    TITLE: Elevated Transport
    FILE: greenlee_et.pk3
    AUTHOR: Aaron J. Greenlee (CrazedFan)
    email address: greenlee@elevatedgaming.com
    URL: http://www.elevatedgaming.com

    1. Destroy/Protect the entrance to the Center Complex (affects spawn point)
    2. Destroy/Protect the southern wall that protects the fuel pump
    3. Construct your team's command post and protect it
    4. Destroy/Protect the fuel pump that supplies fuel to the tram's generator
    This is my first map release. As with all maps there are some obvious weak issues. I planned to
    have the tram functioning; however, none of my experiments satisfied my ambitions. Over time, I am
    sure I could have it all function as I would like, but, I am compelled to release this, my
    first map, and begin to refocus on the next project.

    Known issues include some terrain texture issues here and there, two brushes that have
    light overlap, I think the forward spawn points should not be visible before forcing the
    spawn point. Some may say the map is a little off balance and favors the Axis. This was
    intentional. If you are still playing Enemy Territory I am confident you are looking for
    some real challenges. My hope is that a good server with stable players will swap sides at
    the end of each match.

    Please feel free to send comments to greenlee@elevatedgaming.com. I am always looking for
    talented people to partner with to release high quality expansions to the community and of
    course, I'll always entertain a level design job (although I do enjoy my current job .

    Thank you for your support.




    Special thanks to thegnat who did some terrific work on the Command Map. Thegnat can be
    reached through his Web site at http://www.n0lame.de and can be found on the Splash Damage
    forums as of the time of this writing. Thanks also to http://www.elitekillas.com/ for offering
    to first post this to their servers. Thanks!

    Special thanks also go out to all the readers at the Splash Damage forum.

    Thanks to Paula Berry (who can be seen in the love nest) for her appreciation for my
    ambitions and dedication to this project. I love you.


    GAMETYPE wolfmp, wolfsw


    BASE: scratch
    EDITOR: GTK Radiant 1.4
    PROGRAMS: Easy-Gen for original land formation. Manipulated by hand in Radiant. Photoshop for texture creation/manipulation.
    Q3map2Build by ydnar.

    BUILD TIME: Not measured. Leassons learned are countless. Start date approx. May 1, 2004.
    COMPILE TIME: (BSP: 155s) + (VIS: 135s) + (LIGHT: 4205s) = 1.2 hours
    MACHINE: Pent. 3 @ 2.4gHz with 512mb RAM.
    TOTAL BRUSHES: 15,704 (As reported in editor)
    NET BRUSHES: 3,324 (As reported in editor)
    TOTAL ENTITES: 1,020 (As reported in editor)


    Copyright 2004 Aaron J. Greenlee. All Rights Reserved.

    This level may be electronically distributed only at NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN ANY WAY. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE


       (0 reviews)



  20. etl warbell v3 - etl_warbell_v3.pk3 and waypoints

    ETL Warbell (v3)

       Pk3 file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3
       Objdata file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3\maps\etl_warbell.objdata
       Map date : 2022-11-20
       Gametypes : wolfmp wolfsw wolflms
       Raw map name : etl_warbell
       Arena file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3\scripts\etl_warbell.arena
       Date added : 2023-01-14

    Myths surrounding an ancient castle deep in the mountains are the target of the Axis' occult forces. The 'Warbell' up in the church tower, is said to summon Heinrich, the mighty Wargod.**In an attempt to strengthen their war efforts, the Axis aim to summon the dark power of Heinrich to smite the Allies to oblivion once and for all.**Map by McNite.**Overhaul by kemon.
      Axis objectives

    Objective:**Dynamite the Guardhouse gate.
    Objective:**Destroy the Generator.
    Objective:**Seize the 'Book of Death' holding ritual instructions.
    Objective:**Place the 'Book of Death' on the Altar to enable the summoning ritual.
    Objective:**Repair the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell'.
    Objective:**Toll the 'Warbell' to awaken Heinrich.
    Objective:**Sacrifice yourself in the yellow lightning to restore Heinrichs full power.
    Objective:**Establish a Command Post.
      Allies objectives

    Objective:**Defend the Guardhouse Gate.
    Objective:**Defend the Generator.
    Objective:**Don't let them take the 'Book of Death'.
    Objective:**Prevent them from placing the 'Book of Death' on the Altar.
    Objective:**Keep the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell' disabled.
    Objective:**Stop them from activating the 'Warbell'.
    Objective:**Prevent mortal sacrifices to Heinrich at all cost.
    Objective:**Stop them from establishing a Command Post.


       (0 reviews)



  21. xlabs1 - xlabs1.pk3 and waypoints

    no information on the map


       (0 reviews)



  22. weisbaden final - weisbaden_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Dynamite the axis V-2 missile controls before the rocket finishes fueling!"

    "Defend the V-2 missile controls until the rocket is fueled and ready for launch!"

    neutral "The allies must destroy the missile controls before the V-2 rocket finishes fueling!"

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  23. warringgods final - warringgods_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Title:          Warring Gods
    File:           warringgods_final.pk3
    Version:        Final

    Release date: September 2011

    Author: Tardis
    Email address: dbjones80@btinternet.com

    Website 1:     http://www.wix.com/dbjones80/tardis-informatick
    Website 2:     http://www.dbjonescomputers.co.uk

    Location: Libya / Egypt

    Description : The Axis or the Allies are guarding a hoard of gold, Steal Seven crates of Gold from the Allies or the Axis
      // Allies Objective Descriptions

    "Primary Objective: Secure Seven crates of Gold to the Axis Gold Store. Primary Objective: Stop the Axis from stealing the Gold from the Allied Mint." "Primary Objective: Stop the Axis from Securing the Gold." "Primary Objective: Steal Seven crates of Gold."
    "Secondary Objective:** Build Allies Ladder." "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis From Destroying The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Stop the Axis From Building The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Destroy Axis Ladder."
      // Axis Objective Descriptions
    "Primary Objective: Stop the Allies from Securing the Gold." "Primary Objective: Steal Seven crates of Gold.  "Primary Objective: Secure Seven crates of Gold to the Allies Gold Store." "Primary Objective: Stop the Allies from stealing the Gold from the Axis Mint." "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies From Building The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Destroy Allies Ladder.  "Secondary Objective: Build Axis Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Stop the Allies From Destroying The Ladder."


    base: From ctf_dkswarringgods :author = no author A Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast Map reworked and redesigned for ET.

    editor: GTK Radiant 1.5
    build time: about 16 weeks.

    compile settings:
    BSP: -meta -vis -light -fast -filter -samples 2 -bounce 8

    Final compile time: 30 mins.

    New :

    Sky Box
    Lifts Both Teams
    Ladders (Water Area's)
    Constructible Ladders Both Teams
    Water Fix
    Egypt Lamp (Main Area)
    Wodden Lamps
    Limbo Cam's
    -Vis Fixes


    Sky Box - New bespin_skybox See :bespin_skybox.shader
    Objective Icon - FireFly
    Egypt Lamp - Arcana (Robbie Powell)
    Help - Mateos & Splashdamage Forum: Editing Wolf: ET

    Distribution / Permissions

    This is a Final of this map and may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a completed map by anyone else other than the author.

    You May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels. You May Use Any Items From This Map As Prefabs, Textures and/ or Models, as long as credit is given (Tardis)

    This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.

    Thanks Tardis

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  24. motherboard sniper - motherboard_sniper and waypoints

    A great replica of a PC inside. Have you ever wondered why sometimes your computer does not work well?
    This is what happened in a repair center a few years ago. Have fun.

    Hi all,
    Have you ever wondered why sometimes your computer does not work well?
    This is what happened in a repair center a few years ago.
    Have fun.

    Thanks to  [UJE]Niek for his support.

    For any comments please write to:


    15/05/2014 - LoRenz


       (0 reviews)



  25. LRS Sniperama B1 - LRS_Sniperama_B1.pk3 and waypoints

    Hi all, this map is my tribute to my favorite cartoon.
    For who love this cartoon will be a nice jump inside it,
    you can try the suicide cab, visit the headmuseum, call the
    future lift, go inside the Planet Express ship, visit the strip club.

    For all the others, will be only another sniper map

    Crossing is not possible.

    Thanks to LRS Elite for his music.

    Before play this map, ask your doctor if Sniperama is right for you.

    Have fun!!!


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