386 files
et tundra beta4a - et_tundra_beta4a.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Title : ET Tundra
Version : Beta 3
Release Date : 12/24/03
Filename : et_tundra_beta3.bsp
Author : Tom "Menzel" Haskins
Converted to ET by: ChumChum
Email Address : thaskins@snet.net
homepage : http://www.farmingtonco.com/ro
Description : The Allies have orders to lay seige on an Axis held outpost near the coast, infiltrate
the Axis compound and destroy the power grid. Once the power is disabled allied
forces can advance further inland.
Other info : This is a modified version of the original Tundra Outpost from RTCW. This version is designed for
use in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Major changes from the original are:
- The first wall is now open instead of needing tnt to blow
- The flag has been moved out from the tunnel closer to the first wall
- The allied spawn associated with the flag is now in the barracks in the front.
- Removed the MG42 above the front barracks
- The sewers no longer need to be blown
- The house near the ice now contains a CP that either team can build but only the Allies gain a spawn point there when its built
- Added health and ammo racks in the house near the ice and the axis barracks inside the compound
- The compound gate is no longer open and requires tnt
- Next to the compound gate is an axis only door
- I put some boxes in front of the compound wall to allow a boost into the compound. These may get removed since there is now an axis-only door
- I added another sewer entrance just in front of the axis compound
- Added another ladder to get from the ground to the second level of the compound
- Moved the Axis spawn inside into 2 seperate rooms
- Added some boxes here and there for cover
- Made the MG42s at the front of the compound buildable
- Made a weak looking command map
- Allowed for mines to be placed on terrain
- Some other things you won't notice
et mor vara - et_mor_vara.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Marrakech Street Vara
: Allied intelligence has learned of the existence of Operation Hitlers Beard, a top secret project that the Axis top minds have been working on. If the Allied command could get there hands on the information contained within these files it would help them plan for a swifter and more decisive victory in the entire North Africa campaign. The Allies have put together a small strike force to attempt to break through the Axis defenses and steal the documents they are guarding. Needless to say, the Axis soldiers can not allow this to happen, and must defend the town at all costs.
: Allies;
1, Escort the tank passed the barrier
2, Escort the tank to the town gate and destroy them
3, Destroy the back door entrance *** New objective ***
4, Destroy the entrance to the laboratory and get the document case
5, Take the documents back out through the gate to a waiting truck
: Axis;
1, Don't let the tank get passed the barrier
2, Stop the Allies from destroying the town gate
3, Protect the back door entrance *** New objective ***
4, Guard the laboratory entrance
5, Don't let the Allies escape with the document case
Added war sound
Added alarm sound
Change dessert to grass
Modified by {PRZ}Gavrila
info PARAZIT-clan www.parazit.ro
alanbrooke v1 - alanbrooke_v1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Author: Kent “Loffy” Lofgren, Sweden
Game: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Map Title: Alan Brooke (version 1)
Filename: alanbrooke_v1.pk3
Date: September 2, 2018
Decription: Custom map for Enemy Territory.
Editor: Gtk Radiant 1.6
(-light -fast -samples 2 -filter -bounce 1 -external -lightmapsize 512)
Map Information
The Axis are attacking and their overall tactical military aim is to steal the documents (Alan Brooke’s diaries), and to transmit this secret information to their headquarter via a nearby communication radio.
Primary Objective: Steal/defend the documents (Alan Brooke’s secret diaries) and transmit at/protect the radio.
Secondary Objective: Dynamite/defend the Water Wall.
Secondary Objective: Dynamite/defend the Central Wall
Secondary Objective: Dynamite/defend the Side Route in the centre
Secondary Objective: Dynamite/defend the second Side Route to the Radio
Secondary Objective: Get control over the important Command Post
How to install and play this map
Place the file alanbrooke_v1.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the Host Game-menu or
bring down the console and type: /map alanbrooke_v1 (then ENTER).
Special thanks and Credits to
A big Thank You to everyone providing input and help.
Also, I want to thank all server admins who host custom maps.
Map files/no copyright
The .map-file is included (which can be used in a map editor, to change or expand the map).
This map, and all its map files (including the .map file) is in the public domain.
No intellectual property rights apply. You may include or distribute this map in any way, without permission from the author.
You may can mass distribute it via any means.
In summary, you may redo/reproduce/update/change this map in ANY WAY, and distribute your new version, without ANY permission from me.
Now, put alanbrooke_v1.pk3 in your etmain folder, pull down the console, type /map alanbrooke_v1, and hit ENTER3 downloads
al kad b3 - al_kad_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Kill all. Have no mercy."
briefing "The allied forces have landed on the small coastal town of Al Kad, where they will attempt to return the relic to the citizens of Al Kad and thereby gain access to Kadesh. The allied forces have to move quickly since axis have started the countdown for the rocket launch."
1 download
blackmoon raid b1 - blackmoon_raid_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
||Map name: Blackmoon Raid
||pk3 and its files names: blackmoon_raid_b1
||Author: -)A(-WuTang**
||Version: Beta 1 (B1)
||Released: January 2018
|| Email: panprezident789@gmail.com
|| Forum: www.splashdamage.com - user WuTangH
|| www.thewolfteam.org - user WuTangH
|| Discord - user #7270 (WuTangH)
A small snow map, originally meant to be released before Christmas, but I was too slow.
Primary: Escort the Tank through village and blow up Defense Gate.
Primary: Dynamite the Generator.
Construct Tank Barrier.
Programs used:
GTKRadiant 1.5
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017
Credits and such things:
Textures were downloaded from free websites, or made by me.
Models: conife_trees, wall_lamp, and chandelier were made by me.
Thanks to C from UJE Clan for their prefab generator.
Few good people to mention:
UJE-Niek, Kemon, TWT-Thunder, Mateos, Ray from WolfWatch, mr.Ronboy..
=== Big thanks to Mateos for Omnibot waypoints. ===
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
This will change IF map source file will be released to public.2 downloads
Berghof Assault A5 - Berghof_Assault _A5.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Basic Information
Mapper: Mateos
Map Information
Game: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title: Berghof Assault (Alpha 5)
Filename: Berghof_Assault_A5.pk3
Release date: 16th March 2017
Description: December 1943, somewhere in the Italian Alps.
After taking the Sicily, the Allies see their progression stopped by the Axis troups at Monte Cassino,
and this for months. In secret, a small group of specially trained soldiers are sent
through the country for a special mission in the Italian Alps: destroy a Radar Bunker,
to open a breach in the Axis belt of radars, so that the Allies can bomb the Berghof,
where our spies report the Fuhrer is planning his next operations with his military staff.
The Italia is only invaded by troops at the moment, so antiaircraft guns are not an issue to think about.
And with the winter, the Alps are isolated, so the few Axis troops guarding that station should be easily defeated.
But stay alert!
Programs Used: GtkRadiant 1.4.0 & 1.6.x, Notepad++, Picasa, ToDo List.
Build time: Started... years ago x)
Alpha 1 the 12th September 2015.
Alpha 2 the 10th October 2015.
Alpha 3 the 15th December 2016.
Alpha 4 the 1st February 2017.
Alpha 5 the 16th March 2017.
Installation: Place the Berghof_Assault_A5.pk3 file in your etmain folder.
Contact: mister_mateos[AT]hotmail.fr
Used Prefabs
Concrete stairs from Fuel Dump.
Metallic ladder from Seawall Battery.
Metallic stairs from Rail Gun.
Trees and rocks settings from Fuel Dump.
Trucks models and clips from Siwa Oasis.
Wooden room tables and chairs from Gold Rush.
Compilation Stats
CPU used to compile: Intel Core i5-6300HQ CPU @ 2.30GHz
BSP -meta 4 seconds.
-vis -saveprt 7 seconds.
-light -fast -samples 2 -filter -patchshadows -bounce 8 -external -lightmapsize 256 424 seconds.
Special thanks to
#Kemon, DeX, Tardis, Teuthis, Thunder and all other Splash Damage members who have helped and supported me.
2Bit, Marko, Chruker, Ifurita and some others for their tutorials and prefabs.
id Software & Splash Damage, thanks for ET! v586!
Further development
> Alpha 5
* Added an Axis door next to the Main Door, so Axis can easily navigate (should have been always there).
* Axis now spawns inside and behind the Bunker (4 spots inside, 8 spots outside, 4 left and 4 right).
* Added spawn cameras for limbo menu.
* Updated location file around and inside the Bunker.
> Alpha 4
* Fixed floating walls.
* Added some sight protection from the front of the bunker, especially Axis doors/middle of the bunker area.
* Some more snow here and there.
* Minor performance tweak.
> Alpha 3
* Fixed end animations.
* Fixed west wall VIS glitch.
> Alpha 2
* Added a snow layer on the roads.
* Moved the pin location on the map.
> Alpha 1
* Initial release.
Useful Links
2Bit Mapping Tutorials: http://www.pythononline.co.uk/et/tutorial.htm
Bunker Clan Mapping Wiki: http://bunkerwiki.aaxxss.com/index.php/Mapping
Chruker's Entities & Scripting Reference: http://games.chruker.dk/enemy_territory/default.php
GtkRadiant WikiBooks (Compilation levers): https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Category:GtkRadiant
Ifurita's T-Junctions Optimization Tutorial: http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php/10838-Tutorial-T-Junctions
Q3Map2 Shader Manual: http://robotrenegade.com/q3map2/docs/shader_manual/contents.html
Splash Damage Editing Wolf: ET Forums: http://forums.warchest.com/forumdisplay.php/8-Editing-Wolf-ET
Splash Damage Wiki: http://wiki.splashdamage.com/index.php/Wolfenstein:_Enemy_Territory
SimonOC Terrain Blending Tutorial: http://simonoc.com/pages/articles/terrain2_1.htm
The WolfTeam (Mapping & Modding Community): http://www.thewolfteam.org/
Wezelkrozum's Accums Tutorial http://wetmapping.wezelkrozum.com/tutorials/specific/accums/index.html
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
bellum - bellum.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
created by StoerFaktoR
"a simple minimap where the allies have to destroy the maingate and the generator!!!
apennines b2 - apennines_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
(the readme file)
Apennines Research
By: Jacques "Mlehliw" Kvam
Changes from Beta 1
1. No more spawn bugs! Yay
2. Fixed that damned terrain. It shoots up snow and lets you lay landmines.
3. A little brushwork here and there.
1944. In the Apennines Mountains, located in central Italy, the axis have construced a remote secret research laboratory. Through covert operations allied forces have gotten wind of this operation. They have inserted troops in the immediate vicinity of the facility. Carnage ensues.
Extract the pk3 out of the zip file, put the pk3 into your etmain folder.
File Info
This is a beta map of Apennines Research
It will only work with Enemy Territory
Build Time: Approximately 1 month
Compile Time: About an hour
Other Readme Crap
If you have stuff to criticize about or just want to tell me what a swell guy I am for releasing this beautiful map for your playing pleasure, email me @
If you really want to you can visit my site http://jacques.curvedspaces.com/et.html
I don't really use or update it but you can still go there if you really want to.
Thank You's
I spose I should thank some people
Splash Damage Forum People: I know I couldn't have finished my map without you guys.
Draker: For releasing that awesome collection of prefabs
All the people who gave great feedback to me.4 downloads
ice_sniper - ice_sniper.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: ice_sniper.pk3
Map name: ice_sniper.bsp
Two seperated side, covered with snow. Many sniping spots, perfect for sniperwar.
1 download
LRS Stadium Sniper B1 - LRS_Stadium_Sniper_B1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
LoRenz presents his new Enemy Territory Sniper map - LRS Stadium Sniper beta 1.
Quote: Hi all, this time, we are inside a soccer stadium. We have only to snipe the other supporters.
Crossing is not possible.
***Thanks to Elite for his music***
***Thanks to Oldboy for the nice billboards***
Have fun.
1 download
LRS Highway Sniper B1 - LRS_Highway_Sniper_B1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Hi all, this is a beta1 version of this map.
We are in a traffic jam, so, we can spend our time for snipe,
and try to get out alive.
Have fun.
*Thanks to |LRS|Mo0n, Cate Armstrong and me who gave their face for the drivers.
*Thanks to (HBC)Hannes who gave his motorbike picture and sound.
*Thanks to |LRS|Elite who gave his music for trucks.
For any comments or request please write to:
1 download
UJE fantasie sniper b1 - UJE_fantasie_sniper_b1.pk3 andwaypoints
By papywolf
[UJE]Fantasy Sniper b1
Map made by [UJE]Niek
I'm running out of fantasy.
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_fantasy_sniper
To everyone who still keeps this game alive
uje canyon sniper b2 - uje_canyon_sniper_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
[UJE]Canyon sniper b2
Map made by [UJE]Niek
A lot of snipers are dropped in a big canyon with a floating river.
Try to stay alive..
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_canyon_sniper
Too all who keep this game alive
1 download
doorfragger - doorfragger.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Many thanks to Niek for making the waypoints files
no information on the map
tides - tides.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Tides of War
This map was created by FrostyChilli, FrostyMixi, Jens-Stefan in 31/01/2010.
It was completed and polished in 12/12/2014.
Inspiration for map layout came from a map called LNA 1v1. Work was started in 2009, first version completed in 2010.
Then it was not published but stalled for 4 years. Until I decided to pick up the map again and finish it.
It is the second map in my coming Campaign scenario, with the first one being finished and polished as well(2014/11).
Thank you for Rayban for foliage models and textures. Also thanks to people from SplashDamage forums for great help!
Thank you for developers of Enemy Territory for making such a great game!
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let Allied forces destroy the Generator."
2 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Secret Entrance in the basement!"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent Allies from constructing the net!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the net!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post!"
6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent Allies from destroying the sewer entrance!"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Generator!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Secret Entrance!"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the net!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent Axis from constructing the net!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post!"
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the sewer entrance!
stukton - stukton.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Stukton" README
Conversion From Tardis
Made Playable for Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (Axis Objective Map)
Briefing: The Axis Air Drop in to Stukton a small english village/town and try to steal allied secret documents.
Date: 6th January 2012
1. Primary: Steal the Secret Documents
2. Secondary: Conquer the Forward Spawn
3. Secondary: Destroy the Safe Door
4. Secondary: Destroy the Broken Wall for Alternative Route
1. Primary: Prevent the Secret Documents
2. Secondary: Conquer the Forward Spawn
3. Secondary: Construct the Safe Door
4. Secondary: Construct a Wall to Stop Alternative Route for Axis
- Sky Box - VANILLA SKY - BY AVOC @ eft-clan.com
- rayban_candle - raybanb@gmail.com
- All Modles - Thanks Respected Owners
- Help - Splashdamage Forum: Editing Wolf: ET
Distribution / Permissions
This map and may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a
completed map by anyone else other than the author.
You May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.
You May Use Any Items From This Map As Prefabs, Textures and/ or Models, as long as credit is given to respected owners
This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.
Thanks Tardis
Other shaders edited for Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
2012 Dainel Jones. All rights Reserved.
Original Author:
Melv "Stukatto" Miller
16th February 2002
Map Name:
Welcome to Stukton.The map is set in a small english village/town,it's taken a few months on and off to build.
The map is primarily designed for In2tagib or Disintigration games, but accomodates all game modes except CTF.
Theres new sounds,textures,shaders and contributed models and textures.
A few sparklies around some curves, they don't hinder gameplay or anything,they're just a visual flaw.
Melv "Stukatto" Miller ,
Raven for EF,
ID for engine,
Mr Chapel
Author:3D Realms,Max Payne texture pack.
Author:Joe Smoe
Author:Mega Mike Deus
Author:Misc/Unknown origin
Author: Dale A. Byrd
Author:(SoF,Foyleman) Raven Software
Bushes and ferns are copies of the ones included in the addon for Elite Force. 2000 Raven Software/Activision.
Author:Krischan "GrimReaper" Makowka
/models/mapobjects/liqour courtesy of Xcom
/models/mapobjects/oak courtesy of GrimReaper
Author:Krischan "GrimReaper" Makowka
/models/mapobjects/qkq_cigs courtesy of QkennyQ
Dead tree,red flower and bush textures courtesy of DB Studios
Author:Dale A. Byrd
What's New in Version 1.0.0
Released April 26
Conversion From Tardis
Made Playable for Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory (Axis Objective Map)
Briefing: The Axis Air Drop in to Stukton a small english village/town and try to steal allied secret documents.
Date: 6th January 2012
1. Primary: Steal the Secret Documents
2. Secondary: Conquer the Forward Spawn
3. Secondary: Destroy the Safe Door
4. Secondary: Destroy the Broken Wall for Alternative Route
1. Primary: Prevent the Secret Documents
2. Secondary: Conquer the Forward Spawn
3. Secondary: Construct the Safe Door
4. Secondary: Construct a Wall to Stop Alternative Route for Axis
- Sky Box - VANILLA SKY - BY AVOC @ eft-clan.com
- rayban_candle - raybanb@gmail.com
- All Modles - Thanks Respected Owners
- Help - Splashdamage Forum: Editing Wolf: ET
Distribution / Permissions
This map and may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a
completed map by anyone else other than the author.
You May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.
You May Use Any Items From This Map As Prefabs, Textures and/ or Models, as long as credit is given to respected owners
This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.
Thanks Tardis
Other shaders edited for Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
2012 Dainel Jones. All rights Reserved.
Original Author:
Melv "Stukatto" Miller
16th February 2002
Map Name:
Welcome to Stukton.The map is set in a small english village/town,it's taken a few months on and off to build.
The map is primarily designed for In2tagib or Disintigration games, but accomodates all game modes except CTF.
Theres new sounds,textures,shaders and contributed models and textures.
A few sparklies around some curves, they don't hinder gameplay or anything,they're just a visual flaw.
Melv "Stukatto" Miller ,
Raven for EF,
ID for engine,
Mr Chapel
Author:3D Realms,Max Payne texture pack.
Author:Joe Smoe
Author:Mega Mike Deus
Author:Misc/Unknown origin
Author: Dale A. Byrd
Author:(SoF,Foyleman) Raven Software
Bushes and ferns are copies of the ones included in the addon for Elite Force. 2000 Raven Software/Activision.
Author:Krischan "GrimReaper" Makowka
/models/mapobjects/liqour courtesy of Xcom
/models/mapobjects/oak courtesy of GrimReaper
Author:Krischan "GrimReaper" Makowka
/models/mapobjects/qkq_cigs courtesy of QkennyQ
Dead tree,red flower and bush textures courtesy of DB Studios
Author:Dale A. Byrd
"Stukton" and custom textures 2002 Melvin "Stukatto" Miller. All rights Reserved.
"Star Trek","Voyager" 2001 Paramount Pics Inc.
"Elite Force" 2000 Activision Inc. All rights reserved.
All other copyrights and registered trademarks are acknowledged of their respective owners.
UJE sniper challenge fall - UJE_sniper_challenge_fall.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map made by [UJE]Niek
"Axis and Allies are at a standoff to hold a blown bridge so neither side can rebuild it to cross into enemy territory and to help further win the war! supplies are low and the only available ammunition left is sniper rounds. you must do your best to defeat the enemy with this covert rifle.... one shot, one kill. Map designed by AE_Northerner, Mapping by +Kommando+"
"Axis and Allies are at a standoff to hold a blown bridge so neither side can rebuild it to cross into enemy territory and to help further win the war! supplies are low and the only available ammunition left is sniper rounds. you must do your best to defeat the enemy with this covert rifle.... one shot, one kill. Map designed by AE_Northerner, Mapping by +Kommando+" wm_mapdescription nuetral "Axis and Allies are at a standoff to hold a blown bridge so neither side can rebuild it to cross into enemy territory and to help further win the war! supplies are low and the only available ammunition left is sniper rounds. you must do your best to defeat the enemy with this covert rifle.... one shot, one kill. Map designed by AE_Northerner, Mapping by +Kommando+"
et powescape b2 - et_powescape_b2 .pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
A big thank you to the UJE team [UJE]Niek for the waypoint files
POW Escape for ET - BETA 2
Description : Multiplayer Objective map for ET
Title : POW Escape
Date : 5th April, 2007
pk3 name : et_powescape_b2.pk3
Filename : et_powescape_b2.bsp
Author : Codey
Email Address : tas2098@hotmail.com
Web : http://www.tramdesign.net
Base : Conversion from my original RTCW map
New sounds? : YES
NEW Graphics? : YES
Editor used : GTK Radiant 1.4
Compiler : Q3MAP2
Extract the file "et_powescape_b2.pk3" to <Enemy territory folder>/etmain
Now you are ready to join servers running this map!!!
To start a server select "POWESCAPE beta2" option from the map list in game.
Cpt. J Smith, POW
Personal Diary
January 18, 1943, 21:15
Command has received information that this camp is being used as front for some sort of human experiments. The type of experiments are conducted here remains unknown but reportedly invovles some sort of maturation chambers used to mutate humans into super soldiers.
Through the usual channels, they have sent information about the location of the facility. Originally, our plans were to dig a tunnel to the west of the camp to outside the main fence, but now we've decided to dig north to the research facility location. With any luck we can break through a wall into the facility with enough men to hold off any resistance.
July 7, 1943, 1:02
Great news today, Command sent word that they have an operative replacing the train driver on the south line and he will hold the train at the station for us to escape. We were also informed of dire news which indicates axis are at the final stage of their experiments, they must not be allowed to complete them!
Yesterday, the final stage of the tunnel to the research area was completed. Tonight we will infiltrate the facility, Some of our men will create a diversion at the north gate and make their way to our location if they are able to sneak through. Once we're inside we must locate the documents which will reveal detailed imformation about what Axis were planning.
We must then take the documents to the train station located to the south of the camp and sneak them, and as many pow's as we can onboard.
Finally the truth will be known and many of us will have escaped to freedom, God be with us.
1. Steal the top secret axis documents from the reearch facility
2. Take the documents south to the train and escape with as many pow's as you can
3. Prevent axis retrieving the soldier activation key dropped by parachute somewhere to the south of the camp
4. Prevent axis activating the soldiers with the key
1. Capture and hold the North supply room to aid escape
2. Capture and hold the Train station area to aid escape
3. Capture and hold the Lab area to aid escape
1. Prevent Allies stealing the top secret documents from the reearch facility
2. Prevent Allies from escaping on the train with the documents
3. Retrieve the soldier activation key dropped by parachute somewhere to the south of the camp
4. Activate the soldiers with the key
1. Capture and hold the North supply room
2. Capture and hold the Train station area
3. Capture and hold the Lab area
Special functionality
Random Objective Placement
The two main objectives, Secret Documents and Soldier activation key, are placed randomly at the beginning of the match. To provide for more varied gameplay each match.
Taps give health
All taps and showers in the map when turned on can give out health when activated on.
Water supply pump destructable
Either Axis or ally team can destroy the water pump with TNT located at the south-east of the camp. All taps in the facility will then not function for the remainder of the match.
Alternate route out of the camp
The General's car can be driven down the hill and crashed through the fence, providing an alternate route out. Remember cold cars are hard to start, it may take a few tries.
We welcome your comments good or bad!
First of all to the Wolfy staff, without your constant feedback and testing, this map wouldn't be half what it is today.
Brewskie of http://www.rtcwnews.com for your great gameplay suggestions, brain-storming sessions and unbelievably brilliant testing server.
The staff at http://www.rtcwfiles.com, especially SubWolfer and Korn Warrior.
Also thanks to http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/tramdesign guys Osias, Halister, Tunnleram, OGG servers and everyone else for taking the time to setup, run and test the map, big hugs!
If I missed anyone, I'm also truely thankfull for everyone's input!
Version history
ET Beta2
Fixed map going over memory limit
Enabled axis initial spawn at lab
Fixed train wheel alignment with tracks
Fixed general's car windscreen texture
Cleaned top of waterfall area
Cleaned waterpump area
ET beta1
First ET conversion test release
Converted capture points to command posts
mass conversion of entities to et entities
Reduced size slightly
*Fixed crash bug when fish was killed
*Added "Rescue Team" spawn location near waterfall
*MOved some axis spawns from north fence area
*Fixed area where axis could jump over fence west of the north gate
*Moved an activation key location further away from camp
*Bug fixed which would cause the server to crash with entity not found error
*Soldier activation sequence tweaked for smoother movement
*Clipped out Generator bar trapping players
*Moved one of the Axis activation key locations away from camp to aid balance
*Removed clips from car seats to fix gibbing at bottom of ramp
*Reduced entity count substantially
*Fixed hole in rocks at waterfall
*Fixed river bottom texture, mid north side
*Fixed clipping on chamber soldiers
*Soldier Activation Scene added for axis primary objective!!!!
*Misc texture align probs fixed
*light poles re-positioned
*Fixed west rocks
*Cleaned brushwork on south-east river
*Target_location for waterfall
*Texture cleanup of grass
*More gibbing on the general's car fixed
*Spawn points cleanup, no more spawning ontop of each other
*General target_location clean
*Numbering added to labs
*Changed timing on taps to 1.5sec delay since 3sec is too little to make any diff
*Added clip railing for sniper roost
*updated axis sinks texture with realistic scrapes, scratches, dings - photo source?
*Fixed Light poles texture stretched a bit
*Size of activation of water health was too small, increased model size
*Fixed car gibs standing riders at bottom of ramp
*Fixed Invalid texture sizes!
*Changed Train signal too high and big
*Fixed dark texture on left side of lockers in shower room
*Fixed outer fence near frontgate is raised off terrain
*Added train engine connect with rest of train
*Fixed Texture align at bottom of windows shower and munition rooms
*Fixed lightgrid screwed, removed lightgrid brushes and go back to previous scaling method
*Added "Puffy was killed" message
* Added dual objective
* Added 3 random points parachute box with key for axis objective
* Added activation point in chamber for axis objective
* extended Vent system into the faclity above lower two labs
* added vent system animated fans
* Fixed vent system texturing
* Added double doors between top two labs
* Fixed texturing on lift doors
* Fixed caching of lift button presses
* Changed lab lights to brighter
* Added dlight at tunnel entrace
* Changed misc shiney metal to more realistic
* Added dynomitable re-enforced windows to labs, glass breaks out wire stays, blocking gren and rocket
* Changed chamber layout for soldier activation scenerio
* Fixed FPS issue in chamber and south camp areas
* Changed layout of river edges, harder to cross, need to use bridge and waterfall crossings
* Added waterfall area, custom shaders, particles and sounds
* Added sparks particles from flamebarrels
* fixed scaling problem of guardhouse
* Added working clocks
* Added "puffy" the fish and fishbowl
* Added flagpoles capture points at frontgate and north supply room forward spawning
* Added sniper roost to large tree south of camp
* Added angled tree for south-west access to camp
* fixed rocks west of camp ugly looking
* Added "generator" to chamber area and custom shaders
* Added custom shader for lightpoles and scaled to more realistic
* Changed lightpole wiring realistic
* Changed train exiting to longer sequence, train goes further into tunnel
This level is Copyright(c) 2007 Codey.
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.3 downloads
TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final - TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Basic Information:
Author : TsC-Skywalker
Email address : skywalker@tsc-group.org
Map Information:
Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final
Filename : TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final
Version : Final
Release date : 26/02/2011
Installation : Place the TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the menu 'host server' or
bring down the console and type: /map TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final
Thanks for
My Wife for the missing time.
My Clan , my Frinds and his Member.
Special Thanks to
TsS-Yoda for helping me with the feedback/suggestions and testing the map.
And all who gave feedback and ideas what to improve.
You can email feedback and suggestions at skywalker@tsc-group.org
tsc-ardennen-sniper-final_goals.gm tsc-ardennen-sniper-final.way tsc-ardennen-sniper-final.gm
radiochatterii2 - radiochatterii2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Defend the documents that contain supply needs and secret documents for the war effit."
"Steal the Axis documents from the fort in the mountians and transmit them!"
"Allies are tryig to steal Axis documents that contain supply needs and secret documents.** Axis are defending them till the armoured truck comes to take them to Berlin." Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Guard House Gate!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Stop Allies from building the Bridge!"
3 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Front Door!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Side wall!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Documents."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post!"
7 "Primary Objective:**Keep the safty gate shut!"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Guard House Gate!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Build the Bridge"
3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Front Door!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Side Wall!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Steal the Documents and transmit them near the command post."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post!"
7 "Primary Objective:**Open the safty gate so that the main gate can be destroyed!"3 downloads
etl warbell v2 - etl_warbell_v2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Info : If you have installed etl_warbell_v1 do not forget to delete the script file to play with v2 otherwise it blocks the sacrifices .
Warbell, by McNite'
November 2022
Cedric 'kemon' Easton
This map is an overhaul of the original Warbell map from ET created by McNite.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.
to original:
• Changed secret room dynamite objective in the Guardhouse to a generator dynamite objective that reveals a passage to the room behind.
• Guardhouse doors now open after generator is destroyed not after the lower gate is destroyed.
-> Flag secure is still tied to the lower gate.
• Added Voice Operator announcements.
• Extended sacrifice lightning to outside of the church roof for a near-global status indicator.
• Cleaned and stream-lined the entire playable area for faster and smoother movement.
Dynamite the Guardhouse gate.
Destroy the Generator.
Seize the 'Book of Death' holding ritual instructions.
Place the 'Book of Death' on the Altar to enable the summoning ritual.
Repair the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell'.
Toll the 'Warbell' to awaken Heinrich and sacrifice yourself in the light.
Dynamite the Abbey Main Gate to gain access.
Establish a Command Post.
Defend the Guardhouse Gate.
Defend the Generator.
Don't let them take the 'Book of Death'.
Prevent them from placing the 'Book of Death' on the Altar.
Keep the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell' disabled.
Stop them from activating the 'Warbell'. Prevent mortal sacrifices to Heinrich at all cost.
Defend the Abbey Main Gate.
Stop them from establishing a Command Post.
This map is an overhaul of the original Warbell map from ET created by McNite.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.
• Added Axis' sacrifices as a map objective in the limbo menu. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Lowered castle window decals looking like an Allied player on the roof from a distance. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Darkened the river and waterfall texture for better integration into the atmosphere. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Fixed tolling the Warbell being possible multiple times resetting the sacrifice routine. Thank you TeamMuppet for playtesting.
• Fixed tolling the Warbell being possible as Allied......that's just not smart.
• Removed flying brush at tunnel entrance. Thank you Exagone for reporting.
• Added vegetation to the cliff side of the castle. Thank you Exagone for reporting.
• Added generator door to the back secret room entrance. Thank you Exagone for reporting.
• Added background music for more ambience. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Implemented ambience change to a more occult/evil atmosphere once the Book is delivered to the Altar. Thank you u!ps and Dmxj for reporting.
• Implemented a teleport death sequence for jumping off the cliff and sacrificing oneself for more ambience. Thank you Firefly for indirect inspiration and resources.
• Fixed river having dark edges when extending above the river bank.
• Changed Heinrich's voice lines from voice operator to localised speaker broadcasting in the castle church. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Swapped 2nd and 3rd sacrifice lightning positions to be consistent with the original map. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Fixed 'Book of Death' command-map icon not disappearing after being delivered. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Removed Axis CP auto-spawn rendering the cave system unused. Behaves like the original now. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Changed the Axis-only CP to a Neutral Command Post to be consistent with the original. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Made generator doors in the guardhouse functional for Allied to be consistent with the original. Thank you Mateos for reporting.
• Changed sacrifice lightning idle sound from electric to occult. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Added more ambient sounds for a more immersive atmosphere. Thank you u!ps and Dmxj for reporting.
• Implemented a few hidden sound triggers to world props to enable sound easter-eggs (original Warbell had some). Thank you Vice86 for reporting.
• Fixed planting landmines not possible on grass patches inside the castle. Thank you Rohambili for reporting.
• Added optional health and ammo cabinets to the Axis CP. Enabled by default. Thank you c0rnn for reporting.
• Added optional rope constructible to access the church roof from below. Intended to provide an alternative to Exagone's report for double-jump access to that roof.
• Added optional blocking of the room next to the bell mechanism to prevent the defenders from setting up tents and roasting marshmallows. Thank you c0rnn for reporting.
• Added optional sacrifice mechanism where Axis need to 'steal' Heinrich's armor pieces from the castle church along with a sacrificial dagger. Only a player holding those items can sacrifice themselves. This is intended to make defending a bit easier as firepower can be focussed on one player rather than 10 yeeting themselves into the light at once. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
v1 (to original):
• Changed secret room dynamite objective in the Guardhouse to a generator dynamite objective that reveals a passage to the room behind.
• Guardhouse doors now open after generator is destroyed not after the lower gate is destroyed.
-> Flag secure is still tied to the lower gate.
• Added Voice Operator announcements.
• Extended sacrifice lightning to outside of the church roof for a near-global status indicator.
• Cleaned and stream-lined the entire playable area for faster and smoother movement.
• Changed the terrain near the garden gate to prevent players frequently being flung to death.
duplex towers - duplex_towers.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Basic Information
Author : Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden Email address : loffyswe@yahoo.se
Webpage : www.loffy.tk
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Duplex Towers
Filename : duplex_towers.pk3
Release date : May, 2005
Decription : Custom map for Enemy Territory.
Program : SD Radiant 1.4.0
Compile time : 30 min.
Compile machine : Dell Dimension 8200, 2,0 Ghz Pentium 4, 512mb
Installation : Place the file duplex_towers.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the Host Game-menu or
bring down the console and type: /map duplex_towers (then ENTER).
Over the years I've used many models done by QkennyQ, Topsun and GrimReaper. Thanks guys!
"Axis are ATTACKING on this map. **Your mission as an Axis player is to destroy the two towers."
"The Allied Forces are DEFENDING on this map. **Your mission as an Allied player is to defend the two towers."
"This map is called Duplex Towers. **The Axis are ATTACKING. The objective for the Axis is to destroy two towers. The Allied Forces are DEFENDING these towers."
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:*The Allied Forces are DEFENDING on this map.
Defend the West Tower!"
2 "Primary Objective:*The Allied Forces are DEFENDING on this map.
Defend the East Tower!"
3 "Primary Objective:*The Allied Forces are DEFENDING on this map.
Own the Command Post!"
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:*Axis are ATTACKING on this map.
Destroy the West Tower!"
2 "Primary Objective:*Axis are ATTACKING on this map.
Destroy the East Tower!"
3 "Primary Objective:*Axis are ATTACKING on this map.
Own the Command Post!"
This map is called Duplex Towers and it is about two heavily defended structures.
The Axis are attacking and their main objective is to dynamite these two towers. Axis respawn-time: 20 seconds. The Allied Forces are defending. Allied respawn-time: 30 seconds.
This map is medium-sized and optimal for 6-12 players on each team.
Total match-time: 20 minutes.
The map has a very simple design. The two towers are situated on top of a mountain. The Axis (attackers) are spawning at the bottom of the slopes. Note!: The Axis may spawn at two different locations, at equal distance to the towers. Go to Limbo menu to switch spawn-location. The Allies (who are defending) are spawning at the top of the mountain, close to the towers. They have two spawning locations, at equal distance to the towers, just like the Axis.
The fact that each team has two potential spawning locations will reduce the risk of air-strike spamming.
Landmines, mortar and air-strikes are enabled. Air-strikes are disabled over the two towers. Air-strikes are also disabled over both the Axis and Allied spawn-locations. Landmines cannot be places on rocky terrain.
Special thanks and Credits to: I want to thank all server admins, who constantly support and host custom maps. I also want to thank all the people who have given their input to me - big thanks! Copyright:
This custom map is (c) 2003 Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden. You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of product without permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any means, including but not limited to compact disks and DVDs. You may not redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
door - door.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Basic Information
Author : Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden
Email address : Loffyswe@gmail.com
Webpage : http://www.loffysdomain.com
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Door
Filename : door.pk3
Release date : July, 2013
Map editor : SD Radiant 1.4.0
Place the door.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the Host Game-menu
Bring down the console and type: /map door (not door.pk3 or door.map). Just /map door and hit ENTER.
This is a fully playable map. The Axis are attacking to dynamite a door to steal some gold. The Allied Forces are defeding the door and the gold.
However, this map is also a so called prefab, for other mappers to use. Therefore, the .map-file is included.
Just rename the door.pk3 file to door.zip and unzip it, to find all necessary files, including the .map-file.
Special thanks:
Mappers, mod:ers and forum admins at www.splashdamage.com/forums.
I want to thank all server admins, who constantly support and host custom maps.
desertrats - desertrats.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: desertrats.pk3
Map name: desertrats.bsp
Author(s): Sylar and Blowfish
The 7th Armoured Division was a British armoured division which saw service during the Second World War where its exploits made it famous as the Desert Rats.
After the Munich Crisis, the division was formed in Egypt during 1938 as the Mobile Division (Egypt) and its first divisional commander was the acclaimed tank theorist Major-General Sir Percy Hobart. During January 1940, the name of the unit was changed to the 7th Armoured Division. It was during this period that the nickname "Desert Rats" was coined.
The division fought in every major battle during the North African Campaign; later it would land and fight in Italy before being withdrawn to the United Kingdom where it prepared to fight in North West Europe. It began landing in Normandy during the afternoon of June 6 and fought its way across Europe ending the war in Kiel and Hamburg, Germany. The 7th Armoured Brigade was detached from the division during early 1942 and fought the Japanese during the fighting in Burma before it returned to the Mediterranean Theatre and fought in Italy.
Although the division was disbanded during the 1950s, the history, name and the famous 'Desert Rat' flash is carried on by the 7th Armoured Brigade.
Have to defend the water supply to the fort and the two 75 mm guns that protect it from the Axis navy.
Have to cut of the water supply to the Allied fort and destroy the two 75mm guns, so that their navy can attack it from sea.