386 files
NOD_Temple v11 and waypoints
By papywolf
allied "A secret brotherhood of NOD supports the Axis. Destroy their new weapon!"
axis "The Allieds detected our new auxiliary and attack! Secure our new secret weapon!"
neutral "The brotherhood of NOD supports the Axis wtih a new weapon."
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allieds from destroing the generator."
2 "Primary Objective:**Capture the forward flag."
3 "Primary Objective:**Defend the windows."
4 "Primary Objective:**Construct the command post."
5 "Primary Objective:**Secure the fueling of the rocket."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the generator!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Capture the flag."
3 "Primary Objective:**Breach through the windows."
4 "Primary Objective:**Construct the command post."
5 "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the fuel tanks to destroy the rocket."1 download
sottevast pe - sottevast_pe.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Sottevast PE (Final) / Public Edition
March 2010
Since Dersaidin released the sources of all his maps
to the public, it's alright to modifiy them.
Sid & Etch
An Axis V2 missile project has been advancing in a silo
facility called Sottevast. Allied spies have discovered
an attack is about to be launched from this secret silo,
and a small team of elite soldiers were mobilized to
prevent the launch.
Allies are attacking.
Allied objectives:
- (Primary) Capture the Targeting System
- Enter the silo facility by dynamiting the main entrance
or by using a disguise
- Take control of the Axis forward spawn
- Construct the command post to activate a forward spawn
- (Optional) Open the side door to gain additional access
Axis objectives:
- (Primary) Defend the Targeting System
- Defend the silo facility's main entrance and prevent a
covert entry
- Hold the forward spawn
- Stop the Allies from constructing a command post, or
destroy it if it has been made
- (Optional) Keep the side door closed to hinder the
Allied progress
Axis : 20
Allies: 20
Information on bunker IRL:
Additonal pk3:
The additional pk3 contains a ETpro mapscript.
Works only with ETpro, NQ, and other mods wich are
+ Added Health and Ammo Cabinets to Command Post
+ Added Health and Ammo Cabinets and MG Nest to Side Bunker
+ Added Neutral Command Post to Bunker near Forward Bunker
+ Added Model for delivered Objective
+ Added Secondary Map Objective: Allies need to blow up the V2 Rocket
+ Fixed Tunnel Barrier appearance when under construction
Sottevast PE (Final):
+ Based on Beta 3b
+ Added tracemap
+ Removed all unnecessary files from the pk3
+ Ficed mapscript
+ Fixed spelling errors
+ Reworked command map
+ New levelshot
+ Sottevast is now shown on the right place in the
command map
+ Retextured the map in near every aspect, because with
the old textures this great map looked like shit
Sottevast (Beta 3b):
+ Tunnel barricade, can be constructed by either team.
+ Fixed scripting so that Allies will now get the forward
flag for 30 seconds when main door blows. (Previously
they had to be holding it to secure it for 30 seconds.)
Sottevast (Beta 3):
+ Spawntimes 30/20
+ Removed Team door near main door - Closed this tunnel completely.
+ Side door:
No longer dynoable
open/close by both sides
+ Edits to the flag building and flag scripting:
- Open the side with the two team doors (so theres no teamdoors,
just a big open side like on the middle side of the flag) Allies
will be able to attack caves without blowing anything.
- xis spawn in the other side of the building (which is now open)
- Flag is recaptureable
- Axis loose flag when main is blown, but can still recapture
it (wait 30 seconds)
+ Move allied CP spawns back onto the ramp. Increases distance and allows
allies to pick that hall above CP easier.
+ Voiceovers
+ Improved river banks
+ Mineable areas added around the rocket
+ End of round camera things
+ ETPro Fireteam locations
Sottevast (Beta 2):
- Flag can no longer be reclaimed by axis once a door has been blown.
- Changed terrain near main door. Added two bunkers. Added ladder with team door.
- Fixed CP's killed build box thingo.
- CP is now both Axis and Allied
- Fixed ladder out of river that you'd sort of get stuck on the top and fall back in
- Added another stair out of the water on the axis side.
- Moved Allied first spawn closer
- Improved command map .
1 download
nomercy - nomercy.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
== Map name : Blackops No Mercy ==
== version : 1.0 ==
== Made by : Sylar and Blowfish ==
== website : Blackops Clan - http://www.enemyterritory.biz ==
== Date : 04-10-2009 ==
No Mercy
The map was designed with my kids paper/pencils, on vacation, while lying near the pool having a beer. It was made for smaller servers or scrims, but I think you have to test that yourself. The objective is simple. Allies get to the Axis safe, blow it up, get the documents and bring it to the radar post. Have fun playing it and let me (blowfish@xs4all.nl) know if you run into weard things.
Special Thanks to
The designers of Enemy Territory, since I copied a few things from the original maps and modified em.
Splashdamage forum (www.Splashdamage.com)
For all the people helping eachother create maps.
2Bit (http://www.pythononline.co.uk/et/tutorial.htm)
For the great dummy proof tutorial they made. This helped me a lot !
Berzerkr of www.wolfmap.de
For the great resource of ET things on that website (like the good RSS feeds and prefab section).
For getting me the skybox...
Erik-Ftn, ola_erik@hotmail.com for creating the rtcw_ent_in_et_beta2.pk3 which I used for some nice extras.
All the Blackops members who helped me testing and debugging.
Axis objective descriptions
1 "** Don't let tank reach Main Gate!"
2 "** Defend Left Wall."
3 "** Defend Tunnel Wall."
4 "** Defend Bunker spawn at all cost!"
5 "** Defend Safe."
6 "** Prevent Allies transmitting secret documents data!"
7 "** Build CP to get better charge times!"
8 "** Defend Fence!"
Allied objective descriptions
1 "** Escort the tank to Main Gate!"
2 "** Destroy Left Wall to get better access to bunker!"
3 "** Destroy Tunnel Wall to get better access to bunker!"
4 "** Capture bunker!"
5 "** Destroy Safe Door to get Secret Documents!"
6 "** Bring the Secret documents to the Radar to transmit data!"
7 "** Build CP to get better charge times!"
8 "** Destroy Fence"3 downloads
country road jp - country_road_jp.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Take me home, country road."
"Take me home, country road."
Allied objectives
1 "Objective:
Allies Gold."
2 "Objective:
Axis Gold."
Axis objectives
1 "Objective:
Allies Gold."
2 "Objective:
Axis Gold."2 downloads
destruction final - destruction_final.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Title : Destruction_final
Filename : destruction_final.pk3
Date : 2009.03.29
Author : Russell Story (Geehaad)
Contact : angel_son_7d@yahoo.com
Map File : destruction_final.bsp
Script File : destruction_final.script
Release : 2009.03.02
Gametype : Objective, SW, Campaign
Maximum Players : 64
Recommended Players : 12-18
*Allies have cornered the Axis into a heavily bombed out warehouse complex. The Axis are making their last stand, and trying to call reinforcements to stop the raid on their last stronghold.
*Allies must destroy their Communications before they are able to radio for help.
1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them destroy the Comm Station.**This will cause a loss of communication to reinforcements.
2 "Secondary Objective:**Don't let them destroy the Gate.**This will give them access to the warehouse.
3 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Weakend Wall.**This will give them access to the roof.
4 "Secondary Objective:**destroy the side door. This will give them quick access to the forward warehouse.
1 "Pr**Destroy the Comm Station.**This will keep Axis reinforcements from knowing about the raid on the warehouses.
2 "Se**Destroy the Gate.**This will give access to the warehouse.
3 "Se**Destroy the Weakend Wall.**This will give access to the roof.
4 "Se**Destroy the side door. This will give quick access to the forward warehouse.2 downloads
UJE Paris b1 - UJE_paris_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
[UJE] Niek releases his new handsome Enemy Territory map - UJE-Paris beta 1.
The Axis forces are invading Paris this time. They are on their way passing the Seine into the center of Paris where they want to destroy the Eiffel Tower.
France will be fallen if they succeed. The Allied forces need to stop them at all costs
Axis Objective
* Escort both Tanks into Paris
* Destroy 2 Tank barriers
* Destroy the Eiffel Tower
* Build the commandpost
Allied Objective
* Stop the Tanks
* Build the commandpost
Special thanks to Fabi for the scripting adjustments and thanks to everyone that keeps the game alive.
1 download
great wall b1 - great_wall_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"Defend the decoder. Do any thing to stop the Axis from getting to the decoder and escaping to the truck!"
"Steal the decoder from the Allies by any means! Then escape to the truck waiting for you!"
"Axis are trying to steal the Allies secret decoder. Can the Allied forces with hold the Axis attacks?"
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Defend the decoder door"
2 "Primary Objective:
Defend the decoder"
3 "Primary Objective:
Stop the Axis from escapig with the decoder"
4 "Secondary Objective:
Destroy the Axis command post"
5 "Secondary Objective:
Build the command post"
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Allied decoder door!"
2 "Primary Objective:
Steal the Allied decoder"
3 "Primary Objective:
Escape to the truck with the Allied decoder"
4 "Secondary Objective:
Build the command post"
5 "Secondary Objective:
Destroy the Allied command post"2 downloads
bunker - bunker.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
***** Bunker *****
* Enemy Territory Map - by Impact - 2004 *
Note: This map is exclusively my own
permanent property, that is, the copyrights are automatically mine. Equal-
early the map is a hobby project by a gamer for gamers. Therefore
this map freeware. Everyone is allowed to use this card for their private use
Offer to download, copy, or publish. One too
I expressly consent to publication in the following German game magazines to:
PC Action
PC Player
Game Star
PC Joker
Any other commercial use, in particular publication on dis-
chain, CD-ROM or DVD in a magazine other than those mentioned above
is expressly prohibited.
Everyone has the permission to change the map for the private area, or
Copy parts of the map, e.g. to create your own maps. In this case
I ask for the note that parts of my map are used to create the map
were used.
This map is my first ever map. It
so I am aware that this is not perfect in many areas. Besides
the map was created as part of a MapContest, which is why it is very small
has failed and there was a certain time pressure. For these reasons it is
this map was also my "test object" because I was practical
all the steps that are necessary to create a map still had to be learned.
Nevertheless, there are over two hundred hours of work in the map.
But above all others that I mention here made this card possible
would like to:
www.dflv-clan.de: no map without beta test;)
www.Fragpoint.de: Very good German tutorial and a nice one
small forum
www.haradirki.de: Very good German tutorial
www.level-desinger.de: Best forum for mappers with lots of nice people
www.planetweltenstein.de: Everyone should know, good forum for ET and RTCW
Those were the pages I visited most of the time. The people who helped me
just as they occur to me:
Fragpoint, haradirki, Ron007, BeoWulf, michi.be, HBe99, Rought, Fidelcastro, NightWulf
Micro, freakman, hardcoreraver and of course all that I haven't mentioned now.
[DFLV] Wolfine
[DFLV] Kosmic
[DFLV] Maroni
[DFLV] Maschine
[DFLV] DerBeo
[DFLV] CrazyPittbull
[DFLV] Denation
[DFLV] Dagget
[DFLV] HomeX
[DFLV] Nobert
[DFLV] Servidge
[DFLV] TheCrazyKraut
[DFLV] Tankwart
[DFLV] GohanZeta
Description of the map:
Bunker is a small map for ET, intended for 3-5 players on each side.
Installation Guide:
Unrar the file "bunker.rar" and copy the new file "bunker.pk3" into the "ETMAIN" folder of your ET installation. Start the game and select "Host Game".
Simply extract the Bunker.rar file into a directory of your choice. You should then find a bunker.pk3 file. It belongs in the ET main directory. If you start the game now you should be able to start the map via host gam
1 download
n2D PureFrag21 - n2D_PureFrag21.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
thanks to By UgC'Pinn for providing the waypoints for this map .
1 download
kotr te - kotr_te.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map: Kinf Of The Radio (True Edition)
Map type: UNK
Author: B0n3g1b - bo-n@ukr.net
Visit for update: http://rva.myhp.in.ua
Instructions: Place "kotr_te.pk3" into your ET/etmain/
Tools: GtkRadiant 1.4.0-ET, Q3map2 2.5.7
Build time: 12 days
Last update: 17.10.06
.zip Size: 700 KB
.pk3 Size: 3 MB
- Destroy Enemy Radio Controller
- Protect your Radio Controller
Time Limit: 15 min
Axis Respawn Time: 5 sec
Allies Respawn Time: 5 sec
===============1 download
ml chapel - ml_chapel.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Title: Chapel
Filename: ml_chapel.pk3
Map: ml_chapel
Number of players: Map is designed for 3 vs 3. Max 8 vs 8 is
possible, but will become _very_ crowded
Timelimit: 10 Minutes
France during the second world war.
German troops have discovered a hidden treasure inside of an old
french chapel. Planning on securing the gold and sending it back to the
Fuhrer, the axis have put up a camp inside of the building.
An allied bataillon managed to intercept a radio transmisson concerning
the gold, and quickly the plan to take the gold for themselves arises.
Infiltrating the chapel through a small sewer entrance they seek to
quitely take the gold and be gone without any notice, but they are
discovered and a fierce battle begins.
Objectives :
The allies have to reach the first floor, open the casket by pushing
the lid aside from the back and take the two gold crates to the sewer
The axis will do everything to prevent this.
Description: My contribution to the SplashDamage-Forum
1024³ mapping contest.
Feel free to distribute on a non profit basis
as long as this readme is provided.
The source .map file may NOT be used as base for new
maps or anything else _unless_ I am asked for
permission. It is solely provided as a means for other
people to learn.
de dusted2B1 - de_dusted2B1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Protect the military warehouse artillery on B-Site B."
2 "Primary Objective:**Protect the the rocket launcher on B-Site A."
3 "Primary Objective:**Defend the middle door from being breached ( not to repair)."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the barrier roasts on the left."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the defense Back Door."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the rock wall on Top Short A."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post at here spawn-house and use cover-opp to open the doorlock."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post inside the warhouse on second floor ."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:** Destroy the military warehouse artillery on B-Site B."
2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the rocket launcher on B-Site A."
3 "Primary Objective:**Breach the middle Door."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the barrier roasts on the left."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy defense Back Door."
6 "Secondary Objective:**destroy the rock wall on Top Short A."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Establish a forward Command Post at the house."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post in the Upper warhouse and use cover opp to open the doorlock."2 downloads
uje horror island nq - uje_horror_island_nq.pk3 and waypoint
By papywolf
This is a special version for nq mod servers.
Spiders are up side down , so i had to lower them for
not turning up in the rocks.
Map by [UJE]Niek
The Axis have landed on the shores of this haunted island.
Rumors tell that the Allies are trying to release an
ancient giant from the cave under the big mountains.
Special stuff:
* Moving spiders
* animated objectives
* Black and white island
* Colorfull Cave
* Scary models
Axis objecives
* Capture the flag
* Destroy the Barrier
* Destroy the first Pillar
* Destroy the Cave
Allied Objectives
* Defend the flag
* Build the Barrier
* Defend the Pillar
* Defend the Cave
A big thanks to Fabi for finetuning the script and adding the objective sounds.
And ofcourse to everyone who keeps this game alive.
bsp name of this map is UJE_horror_island6 downloads
bonencm - bonencm.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map: Bone NCM
Author: B0n3g1b - bo-n@ukr.net
Visit for update: http://wet.ho.com.ua
Instructions: Place "bonencm.pk3" into your ET/etmain/
Tools: GtkRadiant 1.4.0-ET, Q3map2 2.5.7, EasyGen 1.42, Fotoshop 7.0
Build time: 40 days
Last update: 22.02.05
.pk3 Size: 4 MB
-Protect the Gate
-Protect the Cage
-Protect the Rocket
-Construct the Defence
-Construct the Command Post
-Protect the Radar Part
-Construct the Assault Ramp
-Construct the Command Post
-Construct the Water Pump
-Destroy the Gate
-Destroy the Cage
-Steal the Rocket
-Steal the Radar Part
Time Limit: 20 min
Axis Respawn Time: 20 sec
Allies Respawn Time: 15 sec
1 download
intel center b2 - intel_center_ b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Date: March 26, 2005
File: intel_center_b2.pk3
Mapname: Intel Center Beta2
Author: zig-zag
Email: painelements@myway.com
Description: Map for Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory
"The Allies are rolling into Germany and must escort a tank to the Axis Intelligence Center,
and destroy their communications. The Axis must stop them to keep the Allied advance out of Germany."
-Allies escort a tank to the objective building. Once broken into, they must capture the building via a flag.
ametypes: Objective, Stopwatch, * Last Man Standing -- Not yet implemented *
-Unzip and place intel_center_b2.pk3 into your \Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\ directory.
2nd Beta release.
Still working on:
-LMS mode script
-Better lighting
-More detail if performance allows
Thanks to Phats and the Chicken Bucket for their input in modifying this map.
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions:
Copyright (c) 2005 zig-zag
All rights reserved.
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
1 download
firetrail - firetrail.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Title: Firetrail
File: firetrail.pk3
Mapname: firetrail
Revision : 1.0
Author: DizzyDevil - DizzyDevil@my-private.com
Game: Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
Gamemode: Campaign allowed, Stopwatch allowed, LMS not supported
Tools: GtkRadiant 1.5.0-ET, Q3map2 2.5.7, Photoshop 6.0, Nero Wave Editor
Build time: 2 Month off an on (max. 12 hours per Week)
compile time: 2 minute 45 Seconds
compile maschine : AMD AthlonXP 2400 , 1 Gb Ram
Thanks to: my Wife :-0)
Activision for the best free game
Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren - http://www.drakir.tk (some textures/prefabs)
Sorry for: -the less Brightness
-the standard Trace/Command Map
"Primary Objective:**Defend the Depot Pumpstation."
"Primary Objective:**Defend the main Entrance."
"Secondary Objective:**Defend the Forward Bunker."
"Secondary Objective:**Defend them from repairing the side Door so they close them forever."
"Secondary Objective:**Construct a 2 Stage Barbwire."
"Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post."
"Secondary Objective:**Build your Command Post for improved charge times."
"Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Depot Pumpstation."
"Primary Objective:**Dynamite the sain Entrance."
"Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Bunker."
"Secondary Objective:**Repair side Door to close them forever."
"Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Axis Defense Barbwire to reach the Pumpstation."
"Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post for faster charge times."
"Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post."
Copyright 2005 DizzyDevil - all rights reserved
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
arha beach 4 - arha_beach_4.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map: ArhaBeach (Final and Fixed)
Author: B0n3g1b - bo-n@ukr.net
Visit for update: http://wet.ho.com.ua/
Instructions: Place "arhabeach.pk3" into your ET/etmain/
Tools: GtkRadiant 1.4.0-ET, Q3map2 2.5.7, EasyGen 1.42, Fotoshop 7.0
Build time: 13 days
Last update: 16.04.06
.pk3 Size: 7 MB
-Defend the Wall
-Protect the Gun
-Destroy the Wall
-Destroy the Gun
Time Limit: 10 min
Axis Respawn Time: 15 sec
Allies Respawn Time: 5 sec
katastrophie b1 - katastrophie_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Kernel's Katastrophie:
Dateline: 1944
Axis forces have used the theories of Nickola Tesla and rumors of the Philadelphia Experiment to fuel their own experiments into the possibilities of electromagnetic forces.
Rumors abound that they have advanced to a dangerous level that could decide the outcome of the war.
These experiments are being conducted at a top secret base.
This is my first attempt at mapping.
The first BIG mistake was mapping on a system that was not "clean".
I owe many people a debt of gratitude for their textures and shaders.
I don't know who they are but if you do, go to www.prisoners-of-war.com and look for
the Katastrophie section on our forums (or start a post, or send me a P.M.).
I will gladly add their name to the credits.
Special note to server admins:
This version is designed to provide a 15 minute objective lock out (and 30 minute play clock) when the sv_keywords cvar is set to:
/sv_keywords 123
This will give players 15 minutes to screw around exploring the map and gathering XP before the generator is able to be blown.
Without this cvar set to 123, this map will play normally with a 25 minute clock and objectives enabled at the start.
A big thanks to Erik for his RTCW entities in ET.
Shout out to Hank since I borrowed many dimensions from some of his Hankjump maps.
Many thanks to Chruker who answered lots of my questions and for his excellent website or mapping info.
Thank you Spalsh Damage forum members for your answers and informative posts.
You can contact me at: www.prisoners-of-war.com
=PoW= Kernel 2.6.5
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective: Defend the EMF inducer at all costs."
2 "Secondary Objective: Defend the shield generator. Rebuild it if necessary."
3 "Stop the allies from destroying the vent house."
4 "Stop the allies from destroying the vent cover and getting inside."
5 "Follow the arrows to the objective area if you are lost. There are reports of many secret passages."
6 "Allies may try to breach the bunker to gain additional access. STOP THEM!"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective: Destroy the EMF inducer."
2 "Secondary Objective: Destroy the shield generator."
3 "Destroy the vent house to gain another access route."
4 "Destroy the vent cover to get inside."
5 "Follow the arrows to the objective area if you are lost. There are reports of many secret passages."
6 "Breach the bunker to gain additional access."
temple sniper night - temple_sniper_night.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
| 5/13/06|
| Title : temple_sniper_night
| FileName : temple_sniper_night.bsp
| Version : Final
| Authors : MLB, Megalyth and Busta Capinyoass and Private Jackson
| Email : private.jackson@hotmail.com
| Type : Sniper
| Spawn Points : supports up to 32 players, 16 per side
| How To Play:..
| :..Unzip temple_sniper_night.pk3 into your etmain folder.
| :..Launch Enemy Territory(tm)
| :..Find a server running temple_sniper_night
| :..Enjoy!
| Copyright :..
| :..Copyright (c) MLB
| Background :..
| :..Map decompiled by Megalyth and Busta Capinyoass for a sniper map and decompiled once again for a night version by Private Jackson.
1 download
TTW Sniperhell b1 - TTW_Sniperhell_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
no information on the map
1 download
sniper ruines b1 - sniper_ruines_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
no information on the map
1 download
UJE fastfood sniper b7 - UJE_fastfood_sniper_b7.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
[UJE] fastfood sniper b7
Map made by [UJE]Niek
changed to b6 5-11-2009
Changed to b7 10-11-2010
2 Dinnerhouses standing against eachother.
Who has the best food or the best dinner.
Let the snipers decide.
This map is specially made for the ujemembers because all the pictures
are ujemembers
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_fastfood_sniper
sniper gigant - sniper_gigant.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
_____ __
\_ \_ __ / _| ___
/ /\/ '_ \| |_ / _ \
/\/ /_ | | | | _| (_) |
\____/ |_| |_|_| \___/
Author.............: Ex-Member Conflict
Major/Minor Changes and Bugfixes made by:
Author.............: #RoN.et'cl4ym4n?
eMail..............: cl4ym4n@ron-clan.net
xFire..............: cl4ym4n
WWW................: http://www.ron-clan.net/
IRC................: #RoN.et@Quakenet.org
Copyright (c) 2008 [RoN] Clan - Realm Of Napalm.
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
uje city-sniper 2 - uje_city-sniper_2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
[UJE] City sniper
Map made by [UJE]Niek
* 48 players sniper-map (24 Germans & 24 Dutchmen)
* few bot optimalizations implemented (build for a 24-bot-server)
* health-cabinets can be toggled on/off by a admin.
* all smoke can be toggled on/off by a admin.
* all fences can be toggled on/off by a admin
* /rcon set sv_uje_medi 1/0
* /rcon set sv_uje_smoke 1/0
* /rcon set sv_uje_fence 1/0
This is the second map I've made.
It's a snipermap because there are too few snipermaps published.
This is a small city with lots of places to hide and shoot from.
Nice moving water and neon lights.
Shoot your targets from high or low places.
Have lots of fun with this map.
I want to say special thanks to [UJE]C for his help with
adjusting the map, the scripting and the shaders.
I can't say it enough; Without his help this map wasn't made.
More [UJE] maps:
UJE_00 made by [UJE]C
UJE_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
UJE_city_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
[UJE]Clan site