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Hi Muppets,


To immediately skip to the truly important questions: Yes, my name 'mup' is short for muppet. No, it has nothing to do with "The Muppets". 




Now, lets get down to business.


I've been playing ET for like.. uh.. 7 years? Didn't play last year though. Anyways, played with a lot of different names which i don't even remember (probably something 'cool' like s0ulCrUsh3r or something else with a lot of numbers in it), but last years i sticked to mup because its simple. I like simple sometimes.


Started playing again like 3 or 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately it didn't work because i'm running ET:Legacy on a macbook, which crashes. Searching for a solution i ended up on this forum and then i ended up on your server. Which is the only server that works for me at the moment, but thats not important right now.


I don't really know where this story is going. Should i tell something about myself? I guess i should. I'm from the Netherlands, 24 years old, got some free time at the moment which is the main reason i'm playing a lot right now. If you really want to know more, just ask me ingame and maybe i'll answer.  ;)


I like being some rambo engi guy and then brag about how i saved the game. 40% of the time i'm not serious about it, 50% of the time im joking, 10% of the time i was actually playing medic and camping somewhere else, and 5% of the time i'm making up statistics.


That's it for now because i'm a bit tired. See you @ server! 



Edited by mup
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