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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello dear sirs/madams, I spent some time on the server and since I have enjoyed my stay thus far, I decided that it is the appropriate time to introduce myself. All of you know me as Cptn Hadd0ck, but you might aswell call me Stefan. I am 23 years old and currently in my fifth (and last) year at the university. I study law, with my main interests lying in human rights topics, such as indigenous people, development, etc... Other interests are reading (Orwell fan)(Game of thrones fan), recreational running and I enjoy good discussions or relaxing nights with a strong beer, whisky or a good red wine. As far as gaming is concerned, I still play some league from time to time besides wolfenstein. I started playing years ago, back when I was 15, but stopped for quite some time. Recently, I decided to download it again, and here I am enjoying my time. I like to play engineer, partly because it gives me an excuse to die frequently (due to lack of skill). I enjoy pursuing the objective since I enjoy the team play aspect that comes along. If there are any questions, shoot. Best regards.
    1 point
  2. Mini watch it, I was sceptical at beginning, then became a drug Remember, Valar Morghulis!
    1 point
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