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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2015 in all areas

  1. Thank you both for creating this community and making it a place for all of us, we're not just a community; we are a family some argue, fight and love each other but in the end we're just like one big crazy family, after all if it wasn't for you two I wouldn't of met some of these great people! I'm glad you two aren't just gonna disappear really is an end of a era. Take care and don't be a stranger Now its our turn to step up; we shouldn't make it a chore playing on the server for anyone we all need to put that little bit extra help in to make Craig and Rachel proud - not just to make them proud of one person in particular but to make them proud of what they have made here. You've left TM in capable hands I trust Smirre and Ailmanki congratulations to both of them. Long live TeamMuppet
    3 points
  2. Thank you Mr, Mini and Virus, the work you have done is something that i admire and all i can promise is to keep your work alive.
    2 points
  3. Blondie of course I forgive you. You must take the best care of your children and make sure they will be fine that's all I demand sir Blondie
    1 point
  4. ah, i don't have words... Someone said "You don't know what you've got, until you lose it". maybe this is main point - Mr.Craig wrote about heart of TM and I think that you both are like our virtual parents ... many times you were tried to give helping hand, you both were here when someone needed to talk,... Its sad that you decided to do this decision but it's completely understandable and must be respected. But it can't change my current sad feeling ...one page ended but story will continue! I really hope that you will be still around and THANK YOU alot for everything that you have done for this great community family !
    1 point
  5. Breh, We have always respected you and your opinion as much as anyone else's. The people in charge consider every player on our server as equal when it comes to following our rules. We are doing the best we can in removing what is bad from our server and/or community. (we recently removed Joker from the clan for example) From my point of view the problem between you and Blondie seems very personal at the moment, attacks from both side have been made and if we would be perfectly strict we would have to 'punish' both you and him for it. We truly believe that both of you are more mature than to hold a grudge against a person you met online and that you are capable to let it go and not try to start something (a discussion or what not) when you are both on the server. From what I've seen both of you are guilty of that, and as everyone you two deserve the time to make a change for the better. When a problem with a member persists we will notice it and act on it, we are activly monitoring the server for such things. I would like to ask from you to be patient on this case and when you are on the server try to maybe ignore the people who annoy you rather than to fall for their trap and get involved in discussions you shouldn't be in. You have to believe that we are doing what we can, even if you can't see it.
    1 point
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