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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2015 in all areas

  1. As everyone knows Teammuppet has some rules regarding spawnkilling on our servers. Take make it clear to everyone we have made up a simple but clear overview of what is and is not allowed. Fixed (normal) spawns Spawnkill on fixed spawns in not allowed, with any kind of weapons, on our servers. This includes spawncamping at the spawnexits. There is no legit reason in which you are allowed to spawnkill other players. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Capturable flag/spawn Spawnkilling at capturable flag/spawn is allowed. The only weapon which is not allowed at capturable flags/spawns are mortars. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Command post Spawnkilling at command posts is allowed. The only weapon which is not allowed at command posts are mortars. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Spawnpassing On some maps running through a spawn is a strategic way to get to the objectives. Therefor spawnpassing is allowed. As soon as you get shot at you are allowed to defend yourself by shooting back. This is ONLY allowed with light weapons as thompson, mp40, pistols, carbine, sniper. Any form of grenades and heavy weapons is not allowed! As the rules regarding spawnkilling is clear above we expect everyone to follow these rules. As this clear explination is being released a lot of players might not be aware of this update. Please refer players to the forums regarding the spawnkill rules so that everyone gets to know them a.s.a.p. Happy fragging! Regards, Admin team
    1 point
  2. [You can find the event info at the event info marker] Want a modified version of this poster as your wallpaper? Dear members, friends and visitors. Recently we had to say goodbye to two of the greatest people I have ever met. MrMuppet and Minimuppet are an unique couple who once had the crazy idea to start their own clan togheter with a bunch of work mates. Little did they know back then that TeamMuppet would grow to be one of the biggest communities still standing in this game we love so much. The moment I read their notification about their decision my heart stopped beating and the clock stopped ticking, for I knew this not only was a sad moment for me personally but it also marked the end of an era. MrMuppet, I can not describe how much respect I have for you. Your abilities to combine your personal life and your life on this community on such a proffesional level are unimaginable. The things you have done for the ET community as a whole are probably amongst the many things that people did not thank you enough for. If it weren't for your efforts we probably would not still be here. I thank you for your leadership, mentorship and the many other things you did for me personally and the people of this community. MiniMuppet, I don't even know where to begin. Your patience, fortitude and kindness where things that have helped TeamMuppet through it's worst times. I have always looked up to you, in a way you were a second mother to all of us. Your advice has helped me to get through some of the most difficult periods of my life and have helped shape me into the person I am right now. I will for ever be thankfull for that. I have witnessed the evolution your community made and I can tell you that it is an amazing accomplishement. I'm gratefull that I had the chance to experience it first hand but I am also sad that I had to witness how it took it's toll on the two of you. I sincerely hope that your time away from all this will increase the happiness you feel in life. I wish you all the best. Allow us to thank you one last time and enjoy eachother's company on an event we planned out specifically for you. [event info:] I introduce to you: The End Of An Era. Next Saturday, the 28th of February we will all gather on a special server that Ailmanki has set up for us. The event will start at 19h GMT and will not end untill Stumpel falls asleep on his keyboard. (which will be late at night) He may or may not be snoring, there is no way to predict that, but if you're curious to find out you can find me and many others on our TeamSpeak server. ( I said "special server" because the server is running a special mod that Ailmanki has created himself. I will not spoil the surprise on what it is but I can promise you that it will be great fun. We posted a teaser movie to give you guys a little preview, if you haven't seen it yet or if you want to watch it again you can find it at the bottom of this topic. Everybody is invited to join, it doesn't matter if you are a member, clan friend, guest or ex-member. I hope I will see all of you Muppets out there, even if it's only for a few minutes. Let's show Mini and Mr how thankfull we are and let's show Ailmanki (who is still quite new to TM!) what and awesome community we are! Teaser Video: The server is hosted on:
    1 point
  3. pah! u became admin and then disappeared. honor to whom honor is due..... i wont admit anything related to you being admin until your return ban jesus pls!
    1 point
  4. awesome words and awesome idea its been a pleasure being the meaniest recruiter and the meaniest admin (shhh, i was ). As I would love to be part of this I wont be able cause I will be in Cleveland OH for a show Mini and Mr have created an amazing community.
    1 point
  5. hey!!!! i'm disappointed!!! you didnt mention me???!!!! i've been crucified for you!!! you dirty sinners !
    1 point
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