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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2016 in all areas

  1. Time to announce our next event: Capture the balls! I know what you guys might be thinking right now. You can not wait to go out there and capture some balls. Well, we agree with you and would like to invite you to join us on our quest to capture as many balls as possible on the first of October* on our event server. Eagle has installed the domination mod on our server along with our event modifications. The domination mod is a "capture the flag"-like mod that reminds me a little bit of rugby. In every map of there is a "ball" that you need to capture and bring to your enemy team's goal. If you manage to make a touchdown (bring the ball to the goal) you team will earn some points. You can not shoot while holding the ball, but you will automatically regenerate HP while holding it. To steal the ball from an enemy player you can kill him to make him drop the ball or push him to steal the ball from him without killing him. There are other fun mechanics to it that you will have to figure out for yourselves on the night of the event. From now on me and Eagle will organize an event every first Saturday of the month. With an afterparty on the Sunday the week after that (so that would be the second Sunday of every month) The event will allways start at 7pm and the event IP will always stay the same. Also don't forget about our afterparty on the 9th of October*! We hope to see you there! Edit: @VeryDead will also be streaming this event on his twitch channel for those that want to experience the domination play & the fun on TeamSpeak, but don't feel like being in-game themselves Check it out! - Eagle & Miraro3 Tl;dr section: Domination mod, 1/10/16, 7pm Copy&Paste section: /connect TeamSpeak3 section: ts3.teammuppet.com Note: there is currently a problem with file downloads on our event server. You can download the mod files directly from the link above. Extract the 'domination' folder from the .zip file into your Wolfenstein - Enemy territory folder. The download issues have been fixed thanks to the help of @MrMuppet. You should be able to just connect to the server now and get the domination files from there. I will leave the download link here in case any unexpected problems arise on the night of the event. Click me to follow the news section and never miss new events or giveaway actions!
    1 point
  2. This was my first time playing deathmatch and it was a lot of fun for sure... Too bad many people left after 1 hour, but then again these bots are much easier to kill than Fr3ak!!
    1 point
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