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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2016 in all areas

  1. Dear Muppets, Friends I would like to start fragile but very important issue about religions. As Many players on server there are as many believes, almost all biggest religions, their segments but also atheist, agnostics, apostate and many more. Every one of them have a right to believe and have their own opinion about religion. One are very spiritual other don't need it at all, but we need to respect what other think even if we think otherwise. This topic is very fragile, in the past when someone start in on server it end up with fights, abusing, one got mad, other offended, somebody got muted, we where in bad position because as admins we cannot take any side because what ever you think and feel you are right, that's why the best solutions was to end conversation. That's why we ask all of You to don't start such conversation and if You see other players don't answer and try to cut it before it start for good. If in the future will be needed we will make it as official rule.Till now we just ask better not start topic than have a big storm. cheers <=TM=>admins
    7 points
  2. Firstly thanks Niki for starting this topic. I think we should remember to respect eachothers choices and i believe this topic will help 'to remember' . Since i came this server I rarely seen arguments and insulting talks about this subject while playing. But i can not say it never happened too. There are just a few people (i can not say more than 3) who being catalyst for this kind of arguments. Of course you may be a believer or not. Sometimes it's a choice like hoping, sometimes it's a choise like being a good person or bad one. I can go out to street and can fight with the first person who comes in front of me. Yea, i can do that, and believe me i can be very good at that too At the and it's just a chioce for me. But why? What's the purpose? What's the meaning? I have more important things to do and to think! People born, then start to grow up, then start to 'think'. With the power of knowledge and working brain, they try to make connections about life. Try to understand.. And after all decide something and make choices. And it's not like a thing that which football team you will support It doesn't matter which religion you follow, or you're a believer or not. The important think showing respect to your next person as a human. Try to understand him/her, even can't understand can give a friendly smile which means 'ok i accept you as the be you are'. The main purpose of being here playing the game and 'having fun'. But of course we can discuss about other stuff too, in game or out of game. But we should only do that if we believe we can show respect to other players and don't hurt them. Otherwise it's better not to start or get involved it Hope that one day we will achieve that truely in the worldwide.. *Sorry for my english mistakes if i've done
    7 points
  3. Every religion wants the same thing. Love and unity amongst all the people on the earth. Specific religions have different ways of achieving that and some take personal and mental progress above spiritual development but they still strive to achieve the same goals. No religion has ever said that another religion is worth less or that their own way is the only true way. People that chose to bash on other people because their religions differ from eachother don't have a clue about what they believe in. Those people shouldn't call themselves catholic, muslim, etc. If people truly understand the religion they follow they would never get in fights over it on a server of an online game. Think about that next time you want to bash a muslim because you think you are a christian, or vice versa. Atheists that want to bash on people with a religion are not any better. If you need to start fights with people because they believe in something that makes their life better than you are a bad person. And if religious people need to start fights with atheists because they don't believe in the same things as you do they are bad people as well and miss the point of being religious. I'm not a religious man. I believe in the power of the mind and I want to understand what life is about. So far I have learned that many of things we do towards eachother not only hurts them but also hurts you in the long run. Why would we waste energy on being a toxic person in life that causes fights everywhere if we can just be friendly and feel happiness with much less effort? I think this post is great and I hope we can all take the effort to not fuel religious debates on the server. When you see it happening try to be friendly about it though. I don't think you need guidelines on how to do this, all of you have your own ways of dealing with situations. Just make sure that the people in question know that we are not trying to oppress their religious or political thoughts, we are just trying to keep the peace on our server.
    7 points
  4. Well I like birds, like I really do
    2 points
  5. The light is where we hide. For what we do in shadows, Is who we really are.
    2 points
  6. I hope my dark side never shows!
    1 point
  7. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
    1 point
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