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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Dear muppets and visitors, Sun becomes rain. Rain becomes snow. snow becomes ice. Winter is here so prepare for pain. Attack the grinch and make him bow. Make Santa happy, even when it needs your sacrifice. Gunshots everywhere, blood filling the drain. Protect the muppet's christmas, don't care how. If it takes your life, that's just the price. We are here to entertain, sit back and enjoy the show, Watch the biggest event of the year rise. Be there to protect the Christmasspirit, join the muppetsparty for a bit, you will never wanna quit! Snowy greetz and see you there, TM EVENTteam Date: 22nd of December Time: 7 p.m. GMT (https://time.is/GMT) IP: TS3 Server: ts.teammuppet.com
    3 points
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