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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2024 in all areas

  1. broke the chain - re-considering applicaiton vote
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Server Rules The Main language for the Public chat is English. Not allowed: Cheating,cursing,spamming,Advertising other servers,pushing/blocking without valid reason,trickjumping for main objective/end map,abusing bugs, exploiting game/weapons to gain an advantage, Spawnkilling-unless battling for spawnpoint's(see SK rules).short and not unique names. Allowed:Selfkilling,boostjumping,spawnpassing to get to the objective(you may defend yourself with light weapon in the way after you get shot-otherwise it will count as SK). Spawnkilling Rules Fixed (normal) spawns Spawnkilling/camping on fixed spawns is not allowed. Capturable flag/spawn/command post spawn Spawnkilling at capturable flag/spawn/cp spawn is allowed-Exept mortaring any spawns or spawnexit. Spawnexit Rules Mortaring ANY spawn or spawnexits isnt allowed! Artillery and other heavy weapons near spawnexit is allowed only when there is multible exits,otherwise its not allowed! Its not considered as multible exits,if there is a small cabin with 2/3 doors(like in bremen axis 2nd spawn and in oasis allies 2nd spawn) Heres some examples we have most problems: Oasis map:No axis arty or mortar behind wall after its blown!No allies arty/mortar in to axis final spawn yard! Bremen map:No allies arty/mortar into axis 2nd spawn yard! Goldrush map:No allies mortar at any axis 2nd spawnexit! Admins/Members Guidelines Do NOT use commands on other clan members if they break rules. Use /mc chat or forum for discussing/arguing. Ask recruiters or admins if you will need any help. Members and Admins should do whats needed to balance teams when teams are unfair.That means to switch teams himself,ask nicely one of the strong player or tm member to swap/switch. Do not just !put without asking.Autobalance working but its balancing only by numbers so your part is to balance by skill. Especially pay attention at the beginning of the map in warmup,so the match can start with even teams. Its importand that all members understand when and how to use commands.Ask any member/admin if you need any help. Commands: type "help" in to console. https://teammuppet.com/home/forums/topic/17522-commands-on-etlegacy-couple-of-changes/ Lastly,have fun and enjoy. Its only a game!
    1 point
  4. désolé mais je suis nouveau dans le mortier et en effet j’ai fait quelques erreurs ! A savoir que sur la carte si vous utilisez le mortier et que vous visez à côté de la zone rouge sans le toucher vous vous faites éjecter du serveur, il n’est pas facile de bien mesurer le mortier en général je respecte le spam de mes adversaires ! sorry but I'm new to mortar and indeed I made a few mistakes! Note that on the map if you use the mortar and aim next to the red zone without hitting it, you get ejected from the server, it's not easy to properly measure the mortar in general, I respect my opponents' spam!
    0 points
  5. And try fight somewhere else than spawn..
    0 points
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