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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2022 in Posts

  1. 2.81.0 patch Increased (doubled) UI memory pool size for x64 architecture, fixing cases where UI would run out of memory on x64 but run fine on x86 due to different pointer sizes. 2.81 version should fix the memory issue. Once this patch goes live i think its ok to test menu again to see if the problem is solved. Meanwhile maybe someone would like to check over the rules if all the info is up to date or anything needs to be changed, removed, added and exactly like admins want it. Current Copy/paste from https://teammuppet.com/home/rules.html/ Notice: trying to keep the changes to original files minimum so there are only 2 files that overwrite original ones (nothing is removed just added lines) ingame_main.menu menus.txt If there will be changes or updates to those files from legacy team then need to adjust new ones (just copy some lines)
    1 point
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