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Everything posted by Macka

  1. Macka

    Map Test Event

    It's the one where allies assault the beach, capture a command post at the top, blow a main set of doors then run round to a house on the right and steal documents. Allies begin the map by spawning on assault barges on the coast.
  2. Macka

    Map Test Event

    1944 beach instead? Still beachy
  3. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Fun beach is......fun i have to say. In either team. I like it
  4. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Scared me there. Very good map imo. We dont wanna lose it so soon!
  5. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Cluedo has been removed? Whaaaaaat?! I thought Ice replaced Hydro Dam!
  6. If I close my eyes forever Will it all remain unchanged? If I close my eyes forever Will it all remain the same?

    1. Eagle_cz


      ofc not, you will be able to see dark side of eagle :)

    2. Slarty


      Who would like to see the dark side of the eagle? Ain't that the last stop in the food chain? :D

    3. Towelie


      Close your eyes and smell my finger

  7. Macka

    Map Test Event

    I suppose it had to happen eventually
  8. Macka

    Map Test Event

    I quite like Hydro Dam also. I didn't realise until I played it the other day that it used to be one of my favourites back in the day. Shame we had to lose it PS - 1000th post
  9. Macka

    Map Test Event

    *facepalm* Thanks....
  10. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Hey how are people finding the new maps? My favourites so far are Praetoria and cluedo (even know i still dont know where half the rooms are!)
  11. Who wants to get drunk with me on TS this weekend? I'm celebrating some exam results :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Niki


      I sign for friday :) Wine-et night :)

    3. Macka


      Let's do it!

    4. StaR


      friday is funday~!!!

  12. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Let's wait and see what happens. If it's always voted then is there an option to limit the number of times it comes up for selection? Sad to see Navarone go. Really good map imo, people just didnt vote for it Lost Children is also good, but far too small for our server population.
  13. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Looks good. I will have to play them now :-)
  14. Has an awkward feeling of deja vu....

    1. Slarty


      Monday coming up? :D

    2. Macka


      Hahha if only that was it :D

  15. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Agreed with Cluedo and Hydro Dam.They were fun. I think I missed Praetoria. V2 base is also good imo
  16. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Only caught the tail end of it but had fun. Thanks
  17. Well, Paul, I am sorry that you have made this decision. As has been said lots of people often get rejected first time but get in on a second trial. I know from experience that when people have a certain impression of you it can often seem like an uphill struggle and it's natural to worry that that impression will remain. However, it doesn't always act against you. In fact, it is often used positively as a benchmark in judging how well you have subsequently performed. Not everyone gets everything right first time; there is nothing wrong with picking yourself back up, dusting yourself off and going back at it with twice as much energy and vigour, to get that which you really strive for. Nonetheless, you have made your decision and I respect that. I hope you will continue to play in our server and join in our conversations on forum
  18. Macka

    Map Test Event

    Yay! Cheers
  19. Macka

    Map Test Event

    It's in the picture I will see if I can make an appearance that evening
  20. It's ok Mr. Will be fun trying to match my old score
  21. Good advice, Slarty Not sure why youre getting that Charlie mate
  22. Hello and welcome to the site. Been nice playing with you but I have one question....where's my mint shake?!
  23. Great...I got highest score in Solitaire yesterday and now it's gone!!
  24. *Rubs tummy. Fibre optic cables are so tasty*
  25. Yay!
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