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The Great Pharaoh

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  • Birthday 11/19/1965

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  1. this is a complaint post not a discussion post, you are not helpful here, Please read carefully what I posted , this not a public post for discussion and defend your friend , it's a complaint , and I am waiting for the investigation( this is my right) , as like I said to Eagle , I am not in a hurry, , but I want to help him to understand the situation, and try to defend myself against an admin not a player, and that is a difficult situation for anyone. I don't looking for immunity, more rights or take advantage of Tm friend , I don't and I want, (again read carfully what I posted and try to think and understand, for yourself), I only want some respect For the sake of the good time, we all are grownup here we are not children, and that wasn't a proper way to treat not a Just Tm friend but anybody else, As I remember there complaint against Jessica not long time ago. you are not helping anyone here because you wasn't there when it happend, (that's uncalled for and doesn't really show the respect that you claim to have) what I understand here, you are trying to accuse me that I claim when I am talking about respect, and I am not respect him when I said :Karma looking for you, if you don't know what is Karma mean, google it, maybe you learn it, and to know that everyone did something wrong karma is looking for him and that including you , it's very obvious that you are defending him by trying to accusing me with wrong things, I didn't posted or maybe you didn't read and understand what I posted. I already know that I can play in other Tm server , nothing knew here Cheer, it just a game, "life is very short for fuzzing and fighting my friend" beatles
  2. Take your time Eagle, it just a game not Finding corona virus cure ، but please be advice, when you investigate: I didn't shoot mortar at the exit in pirates map but after the exit at the room up stairs where the mortar , sniper , panzer and campers hide, ( I killed one player i think his name accu , but I didn't remember what class I took a warning only when I killed jessica, after the warning, I stop shooting mortar because I was chatting with him( you can find it in the chat log) I didn't remember but I thought he was warning again me for nothing , because I was chatting with him and maybe he gibed me , my ping was too high and I have too many packet loss because my internet connection is too bad. the braundorf map started , I aim mortar at the gate where allies suppose to blow it , at this gate every kind of weapon is used Then he kicked me from the game for 900 second , when I entered the gane again he said to me I should ban you not kick , then he ban me without doing any thing. I joined the teammuppet servers before Jessica did I am the most one who respect the rules even when there was no admin, many admins admit that ( I think) respect is more important than a game or life, So I am not in a hurry to join the game, but I write here to defend myself an that is my right , and as I said before it's only a game , but that's not a the right way to treat a Tm friend (or that what I think), I was waited for apologies from Jessica , or at least respect from high rank admins, about the way he treated me , not for a quick appeal,( I write my complaint in player abuse forum not in appeal forum) at the end, small word to Jessica: karma is looking for you chill and have fun, it's not worth it
  3. please , why appeal , I didn't do something to him for kicking me second time, he used his admin power wrong, he said to me he should ban me , instead kicking me ,you can check the chat log, I think he was waiting for any chance to ban me , Warning for one shot of mortar then kicking for 900 sconed for another shot in another map and said he was wrong for kicking me and he suppose to ban me , and then he ban me , and now I am waiting for appeal when the investigation is done, really that's a bad way to treat Tm friend!!!! For me He is a bad admin , that's my point of view.
  4. He kicked me for killing him, he said I sk him , while I killed him outside spawn , then he give me the second warning while i didn't shoot the mortar , I was chatting with him, In pirates map i was shooting at after the exit when they hide with panzer and mortar. in braundorf map I was shootng at the door where we put dynamite all this years and I didn't sk , only by accidant and few times , I know you want do nothing for him like the last time I kicked for no reason , only because a hater. he said he have a demo and kicked me again . Thats not a good treatment to one who played so many years with you, so please investigate and with fair and justice , and you'll find I wasnt deseve the second warning ok at least I deserve a 3 warning . thanks really I need an apology from him
  5. No Eagle, thats not fair, you must let me replay, although it’s not worthless to replay to Dakudas because he must be new here , and he think that I am crying a lot and he didn’t know that I used to play medic in this server, and if I want to play with Fg because I want to, I think I didn’t ask him to play a certain class, because it’s a game, for fun why all that hate , then he took some word from Kitizen as proof, because he think kitizen is an Expert in Fg, but if any one read the first sentence of Kitizen replied, he’ll never finishreading because he new that he don’t understand what Fg do, “@Pharaoh: I tested the FG a few times for short periods (it is mostly useless for obj; I do obj) and there is a problem. ” let me know your real name in game to deal with you my only replay to the developer , although I can replay on more much than this , when I Asked some questions, no body replied to it, it’s only need a logic and brain, I didn’t tell him that the codes he wrote it wrong , no , it’s just simple question, is it fair to let covert ops with low power Fg after the fix. How is simple is that. no body replies he wrote: ”The second one is what we always aimed for, and that's to stay close to the original gameplay and of basically any other mods out there.“ my reply is , did the bazooka stay close to original , artillery ,support fire, grenades, rifle grenades, Like any other mods I think not. one last thing, yes, I think myself expert in Fg, as you think you are expert . I’ll neve write againe in legacy update forum again
  6. You fixed the “bug” and you asked if there is any issues in the version, I reported to you , what the fix done with Fg as an Expert and long time user of Fg (I think) No one good and fair enough test the Fg after the “bug” fixed, and give report on it , and is that the same performance that the Fg should do in the normal situation without a fix or a bug or the fix ruined it and it need to edit it, does anyone find that the difference between the bullet spray and the fix is over, (+45%)? Can the developers never be wrong? Or maybe because the developers need some one to test their codes and report the bug and what the fixes done to the codes( as a retired developer) or you think it’s fixed as the opponent said it’s ok now he can’t kill us like before. Fine , let us all play with Rambo medic, just kill and heal yourself, I am not the owner of the Fg or sell it. I am done here
  7. Sorry, but you are wrong, as long as the bug nonetheless why you bother and troubled yourself to change it, if it’s nonetheless from your point of view, is there statistics or just your opinion , or a guess from you, for me , this thing that you call it a bug simply it’s not a bug , But if you want to lower the power of Fg as some ppl wants to as they asked me many time to change classes , then lets calle it a bug ;), you said “The spray reduction was 82.5% instead of the expected 35%.” Over a 45% and you said it’s nonetheless, do you know as a ppl that playing with Fg all the time , I can’t kill or hit anything in the long range, everyone can kill me so easliy, in the med range I can hit most if the player in front me was a noob, in the short range I can kill a medic but my health become too low and the enemy suit disappeared from the first bullet, now I can’t hit anything in the short range and in the mid range, in the short range 1vs1 they killed me very easily now specially from a 156 good medic , engie kills me easily with riflr grenades, bazooka , mgand flame thrower, because the bullet spray now become in a large area, if the target get far the spray area become larger and larger there’s no accuracy now, in the short range or in the mid and long range, Some smart say use the scope, i’d better not to reply on him. I know it’s your server , but as all know , only me who playing with Fg all the time , Kitzin said with Fg you can kill’em all I’ll reply on him , did you ever found the score of covert more than 50 kills , what about other classes like medics fragging with 70 kills and more
  8. That’s the Pharaoh curse becaus you interfering as an Expert in Covert class, your score tells everything about your opinion.
  9. Sorry it wasn’t advantage, and it wasn’t a bug, you made it class 3 with less spreading, now you made advantage to other classes against Fg, and thank you for admitting that you made the Fg weaker, let’s talk frankly and clearly, We all know that only me uses Fg, and some ppl always crying when they killed by me and sadly you listen to them, and really it makes me smile when I remember your effort in the past just get Fg weaker, I know lots of ppl try to use Fg but they didn’t continue because its disadvantage more than it’s advantage, maybe you’ll win a 1vs1 but you can’t continue because your health bar was decreased so much, especially if you fought against a good medic, but you are doomed in front of panzer , flamethrower, Mg, engie with rifle grenades, artillery, support fire and medics with aimbot. I made a comment couple a weeks ago about the same issue and mini replied to me and said nothing is changed, so I knew you want to get it weaker, at least try it a whole week to know is it really powerful and unfair against other classes, or at least ask the one who uses it a lot, the one who was told to change his class all the time and the only one who use it. The thing is why only Fg!!!!!!, how it come advantage in front of the powerful panzer that damge cover a big space and have three weapons , for covert he has no chance like other classes such as medic with 156 health and 30 round, engi with jacket ,powerful rifle grenades and 10 bullet after that and lots of grenades , or mg, flamethrower , field ops with his boring artillery and support fire we waits too much, I encouraged new ppl to use covert ops with its weaknesses more and more, I remember a couple of days all the team was medics, is this what you want us to do , play medics all the times !!!! Ok that’s easy. and why you have to listen to some Rambo ppl because they always crying when they get killed, they suppose to get kill. Thank you for ruined covert ops class. P.s the other 2 weapons are useless.
  10. Why you did that to Fg, who said it need fixing , you made Fg weaker because it already weak , accuracy is down now. only few player use Fg maybe 2 or 3, is that worth it to made the updates , although all other classes upgrade
  11. Thank you Ctrz, this information helps me a lot
  12. Please our eyes want some mercy, most players of this game are old
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