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Everything posted by naz

  1. just 30 votes on the poen/story competition ?! are you just to lazy or you dont care ?! GO GUYS TIME TO VOOOOOOOOTE

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Macka


      Get voting guys! I'm sure there's more of you who like reading and need to vote!

    3. miraro3


      And stope voting for that name-dropping-vote-beggar!

    4. Slarty


      Just to lazy to read :P

  2. welcome to forums
  3. welcome to the forum jasper ! looking forward to see you ingame if you didnt know yet, our teamspeak server is here : ts.teammuppet.com see you
  4. welcome !
  5. naz

    Time to vote

    voted ! but kinda bad that one can see if you are about to win or not but great storys and poems !
  6. naz

    Time to vote

    no way you have your cup !!
  7. welcome to tm forum
  8. welcome
  9. someone up for tj? im on tm tj server ;)

    1. sh1sha


      Maybe come and visit me on NoDownload ;)

  10. naz

    ET Minimizer

    lol for me its workin fine without admin rights ... since my new pc with nvidia gh
  11. naz

    ET Minimizer

    im unsing some etmin exe for years now ! i think its the same like ail linked !
  12. www.dnbradio.com/player !!! gooood tune

  13. naz

    Fixed: no cgaz :S

    i know some of you do tj pls help me. cgaz is not the most loved option in tj mod i know .. but i like it and need it for some hard maps but somehow it doesnt work anymore when i don cg_drawcgaz 2 nor in option menu ... pls help i doenst work on all servers thx kisskiss naz EDIT: OK FIXD IT !!!!. just deleated tj folder !!!! now it works fine again
  14. fokk beaf ... ( so it has come to this ) START LOVE !!! watch football now ... the real one ! seahaws vs chargers ... miss jesus and tampt ... ;) gn btches

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TommyBiondillo
    3. Macka
    4. Stumpel


      Football pthyi! I hope Barca loses all its games and drop to lower division

  15. Awesome finals !! anyone see them ? (dota2)

  16. just watchin the internationals ... anyone knows when this fokkin game starts now ?! xD

    1. Towelie


      Sorry I don't watch sports :-)

  17. naz


    hey madman welcome to forum and servers
  18. naz

    TM-Menu 3.0

    etjump but the rest is nice ! (though i use hlsw to connect to servers )
  19. naz

    New leader

    Hey congrats Freak !! you are the right choice!! and you smirre take care and see you around !
  20. gg page running smoth again !! nice

  21. hey yo guys i have a problem with random bluescreens. It started with one like 2-3 month ago. and since like 2-3 they become more frequently. now they come everytime the pc is on. But still very randomly. They come when i play or just when the pc is on and im doin other stuff ( not at the pc ). I checkd all if all drivers are up to date, what they are (unless some mouse and keyboard drivers but no importent one). Gonna format my pc soon anyways. But somefirend of mine said it could be that my harddrive is damaged. So a fromatation would help on that problem. I tried to check it ( rightclick on the harddrive - tools - check for errors) but obvioulsy it doesnt work while the system is running from it. How can i check itthen ?? and do you have another idea how the fix my problem You guys helpd me alot in the past <3 i hope this wont be an acception Thanks allot anyways and happy halloween (even if we in bremen dont selebrate it )
  22. YEEEES . did my big sport test for college ! woop woop

    1. Slarty


      You moving up to the big sports league, where the big boys play? :P


  23. "Listen, it doesnt matter if youre muslim or christian Everybody need a little food in the kitchen Hindus and jews, they all feel the tension And any other race or religion i didnt mention" !!

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