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Melissa last won the day on June 27 2024

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About Melissa

  • Birthday 06/27/1998

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  • Interests
    Football, travelling and Niwazekisho

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  1. Welcome and goodluck!!
  2. Melissa


    Hi there and welcome!
  3. Melissa


    Hi Mehmet, nice introduction and welcome! 🙂
  4. Hi Serenity, Nice introduction and welcome, I also found the game by my dad! What kind of art do you make? See you around when ur about to blow off some steam again!
  5. I understand the points ur making, the nade part(y) is definitely something interesting to take a look at. Thanks for the input and glad u found ur way to forums
  6. Hello uips, I also voted no, most points have been already made and I fully agree on that. We are not aware about what is happening behind their keyboard, ofcourse it is annoying when people really are afk but we have indeed the script for that. We can't punish people by getting stabbed in the back in the one and only area they should experience some peace to do whatever little thing they need to do and continue with their game experience.
  7. Hi Popper, this automatic reload should be in Options -> Game -> (Weapons - Automatic Reload).
  8. Melissa


    Hi RosenCruz, Nice to meet you and welcome to the forums! Glad you found your way back to ET and found our servers to play on, enjoy ur relaxing stay and see you in game!
  9. Melissa


    Hello Heaven that is a former player that used to play quite a lot on TM Great to see you on the forums, what kind of cars do you like?
  10. Hello Marius, nice introduction and cool hobby's you got there! Hope to see you around on the servers!
  11. Heyaa welcome Goldy!
  12. There he is! Welcome welcome
  13. Woohooaa, I do know what you are indirectly referring too and we will fight this out in the field
  14. Or maybe you should so they mention ur name
  15. Unbalanced teams is and will always be a point of discussion. Not because of specific rules that should change but just because of how the game is build. People are able to switch teams whenever they want (exception with the amount of players in the team ofc). If they are not happy with the team they'll just go spec and join the team they prever as soon as the spot comes free. As TM members we often switch and that is what we should keep doing, if we only have players with the mindset of Sebast1an the problem will be solved forever If there are specific players that keep changing teams and make a big difference in the win probabilty (within a few minutes) we should write the name down and let the admins try to have a discussion with them. We will always have players that follow up our wishes and people who are completely agains it. I prefer there to be a one on one discussion with the player instead of an endless discussion in mainchat with 30 to 40 people watching and giving their opinion with or against it.
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