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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by Niki

  1. Niki

    The MuppetMail #6

    me too
  2. Charlie, Mini, Xantipia, Ownix and everybody who go to work, will play on phone You cant be working all the time its boring have some fun
  3. Warm Wishes to Karin and Eeric who bring us new baby muppet! A beautiful princess has joined your family, I take great pleasure in wishing you the very best as you embark on teaching her everything she will require while growing into a beautiful young woman. I hope You all feel fine and will join us soon, please show some pics and we all wish You all the best!
  4. hehe nice name, welcome
  5. o yeah more bloooooood, great job PurpleHaze
  6. Niki

    Event: Halloween

    Warm thx to Eagle and event team to plan and set server and Also warn thx for everybody who showed on event and Ts it was great fun
  7. Niki

    Event: Halloween

    Jess we have the same time
  8. haha now I found Damien is Dami and Dami I remember
  9. Hey Damien, You were before my time but welcome back
  10. Niki

    Event: Halloween

    the count down is set on your own time zone (unless You use wrong time on windows) when it counts to 0 you come on server
  11. Niki

    Event: Halloween

    for me and you it will be 20.00 for Charlie who will be late anyway it will be 19.00
  12. Niki

    Event: Halloween

    cant wait love halloween sounds and maps
  13. Welcome on forum, look around and have fun
  14. it took You a while to register but welcome
  15. Niki


    if You make xp on public setting and then they would change to competition you wont have them and vice-versa setting can be change by escape/vote/misc and competition settings or public settings notice this is normal vote so if there are other people on sever they also must agree on changing settings
  16. Niki


    on what server it was? Eagle asked good question with etkey you have any / or use the same all the time? or meaby it was Legacy? if so its very possible becouse there are 2 settings there: competition and public and if you get xp on one of them and then setting will change and they can be change easily by vote you wont have this xp
  17. We already have @Miki And niki love to kill miki
  18. Niki

    Etro training session

    whats fun in killing Niki, let her live
  19. now we have Mini and Nini welcome on forum, wish You fun
  20. Welcome on forum Matu
  21. ETPRO TRAINING SESSION !!! Sunday 15.10.2017 18GMT ( add +1 hour for England time so Charlie come at 19.00, put +2 hours to netherlands, poland, belgium etc. come at 20.00, put +3 hours to Finland time and come at 21.00) If You not sure when You should come write to @PurpleHaze Join Team Muppet ETPRO server For password: PM Charlie/Purplehaze/CTRZ or just come to our TEAMSPEAK. ts.teammuppet.com:9987 Training is open for everyone, You are all invited !
  22. Niki

    New car

    wow looks great , congratz and save drive
  23. welcome on forum
  24. Niki

    Event: Halloween

    cant wait, love haloween
  25. Niki

    Event: Panzermania

    It was very fun, thank You guys
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