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Everything posted by Niki

  1. Reindeer for Alistar
  2. Niki

    Xmas Event.

    Tnak You Charlie I noticed I wrote solution in the morning but on friends forum I forget members cant see it anyway I dont know what it dawnload from begginers but it works:P
  3. Niki

    Xmas Event.

    and eat our christmas reindeer
  4. Niki

    Xmas Event.

    my favourite event ofc I will be there
  5. goldrush isnt counted x2 Goldrush is one map and Goldrush_sw are counted as 2 seperate maps. If we would have only one GR I Think he can beet even oasis with popularity now he choose one version and than second, Sw now take votes take it away and You will see. and yes GR is more popular than other: normal goldrush was played 43 times and supply 30, frostbite 20 etc only Oasis beet GR 54 times played, dont know from how long those statistics are I think since server is up
  6. Why You always have problerm with goldrush? why not oasis or battery or other basic map? I dont like venice or beach but I dont whine about it just go spec on this one map and wait for the one I like play. Basic maps were always heart of ET and I never didnt see server empty on goldrush or oasis but its always empty on same lame new map. look at the statistics on Tb or SL which maps are most popular and than think twice to remove them. and Its not about that I like goldrush, I like also oasis, battery, supply and many more since people vote on it and its playable dont see reason to take it off. If its really a problem take the sw version but since and Charlie explains it can be not often than 8-10 maps I dont see problem... Ps: I see on Sl that normal gold rush is second popular map on server first is also normal Oasis....
  7. ooo game, TS, booze and Niki killing Miki perfect evening
  8. Niki

    Map Voting

    I also voted 2
  9. You and Your parachute
  10. Niki

    Map Test Event

    cant wait, will be there for sure
  11. You were bored right? I would use cover ops I would cover all mines, one grenade, hudge boom and obj is mine
  12. Niki


    Mup very interesting and nice name I like it welcome on our forum and hope to see You on server
  13. shakespeare shows us in hamlet that revenge deleyed brings madness

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Towelie


      Well, they say vengeance is best served cold. Do you like ice cream?

    3. Macka


      If Niki asks if you want ice with your cola, JUST SAY NO

    4. Towelie


      I, for one, respect shiggaspeare. He was mentioned in one of my childhood movies!

  14. Hey Strange nick You have there:P Join us also on TS expecially on weekends. Enjoy Your stay here and have fun.
  15. Niki

    Shocking News

    Muppets forever !!!!
  16. Niki


    hehe that was short:) nice to meet You hope You enjoy our server and have fun
  17. Niki

    New leader

    wow congrats Freak I hope it will be all great
  18. Niki

    Mobile internet problem

    Thank You guys it works now, my holiday life is saved
  19. Niki

    Mobile internet problem

    You have 2 weeks after that we will move and I will die without ET
  20. Niki

    Mobile internet problem

    Yeap I was checking my guid not mac after !userinfo its 0
  21. Landys and Gentelman and expecially smart Birds Some of You already know that we are moving to new house very soon and we want have cable internet for some time, we will have to use mobile internet and we already have problem. We can come to game, play, have no lags but it kicks us after every map with sign "discconnect for unknown reason" after reconnect we have sign "You have no mac adress". Durin map when I use !listp I see I have mac adress. Strange thing is that we only have problem on our etpub server. We check it on other servers and even on other our server like silcence etc and everything is ok. Im using modem HUAWEI E3131 with HSPA+ speed and I tried in 2 different operators T-Mobile and plus GSM.Im using dirrect connection to computer by USB. Any ideas anyone? meaby we have some kind of security on EtPUB? please help it will be my life for next 2 months
  22. Niki

    And the winner is....

    the is a car inside we have steering wheel, radio and small mirror for make up ofc something to sit on outside we have 4 wheels and another 2 mirrors ooo and those small aaa wipers thats all I win
  23. Niki


    hehe it was really fun I also didnt play RTCW but if You play Et You can see differences if they ask about something You know we dont have it means it was there.
  24. Hey Maverick nice to see You registered on our forum. I hope You will enjoy your stay both here and our servers. You are also welcome to join us on TS and chat. have fun
  25. work on easter day???
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