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Everything posted by Niki

  1. Hey welcome on forum, look around and have fun
  2. Hey welcome on forum, look around and have fun
  3. yeah generally yes but we needed with PPTP protocol and we needed this connection for Ketiv work or his clients, I think it doesent work becouse its the most simplest kind of connection not the saves one
  4. +10 for panzerwar meaby end of July?
  5. our provider change to IPv6 some time ago but I still had mac adress and wasnt kicked, we asked to change it back to Ipv4 becouse VPN wasnt working
  6. 15/22: -goldrush -battery -goldrush_sw
  7. Hey I moved topic to right section How do You connect? when we moved to new house we didnt have internet for some time and we used GSM based connection (3G/4G/LTE... and also didnt have mac topic here...
  8. will quote myself... want to wait few days what times and maps people will suggest. I understand we dont have to make it today we can wait few days...? Will make summary and write here results. But we already speak on TS and write on forum to try increse times not from 15 to 26 but 15 to 18 meaby...
  9. We already talked about it and decided we wont make drastic changes, for now we try to change spawntimes a bit and see if it helps...
  10. we wont increse spawntime to 26s its to much, well good idea but none of us can write script for that to work...
  11. Citrus I am you biggest henchman in panzer case well its my topic Jessica quote. I suggested many times to disable atlest panzer when we play 3 vs 3 but You see vote results, if people dont want it I must respect that About spawntimes I agree on few maps but not to much to not make allies so easy win. Please write suggestions I will gather it and try to change it or atlest find place hahah never done it on Ts during event I remember we talked about: goldrush, battery and I will also put snatch o and You said braoundorf? lets put concrete times how You see it?
  12. Special thanks to Raiko who bring water to booze party!!!! o and ice dont forget ice
  13. It was really fun Guys, Thank You for comming and for everybody who joins TS Dont worry we will !ban Mirraro for not showing around!!!
  14. Jaime connect to etpub as normal and we saw you on TS
  15. OMG whats with those Estonians and water? First Freak now You? will send You good polish vodka
  16. Hi nagg, welcome on forum I hope you will have fun
  17. so sorry bull mail didnt want to cooperate...but as they say better to much than to little Tupla You are very welcome to join us
  18. Niki

    Member map

    dont be shy
  19. Niki

    Member map

    ooo dont worry nobody will come to canada to run You over or meaby.....nahhhhh
  20. Niki

    Member map

    Dear Muppets and Friends Lets have some fun! I invite You to mark Yourself on our map http://teammuppet.eu/home/membermap/ in the right conrner choose add location and write Your city and country. We will see who can visit who on weekend and which country have the most ET players. Enjoy! cheers
  21. Wow I also didnt see that post, sorry next friday come to first this summer boozy meeting but next on I also vote for panzer war
  22. This is how I see You road trip to Belgium
  23. hey Mud do You have camel on Your head on avatar ? sooooo cool
  24. ok want suprise come to TS i will sing and you can listen to lovely sound of shooting glass !wine for everybody !!!!!
  25. I see You often on our server , hope You have fun with us, welcome on forum as Eagle said tell us what you like meaby some good belgium chocolate or wine ?:P
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