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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by Niki

  1. Niki

    Admin Level

    ok first of all why You dont sleep at 4 AM? did You change Your guide lately? You had member level and we didnt change anything. Anyway when You will be on server poke one of admins or recruiters we will set Your level back. I will be today on server in the evening (europeen evening)
  2. Niki

    The end of an era

    sad to read it...hope we will never have to read same thing about TM
  3. so how was it any screenshots?
  4. ooo in 4 im making birthday party for my dad 70, will have plenty guests and I want make it
  5. well wewent throught whole shrubbot file with Jesus and we might mistake ban section with +10 section so You better check, if you are banned well bad luck
  6. yeah sorry for problem guys we restored old backup, some of You expecially new members may have lower level or dont have it at all just plese write to us on server we will fix it. Eagle I really thank You for Your help I wouldnt do it myself :*
  7. oo yeah I confirm he isnt nice Agree with opinions above we dont tolerate SK (unless its capturable one) if any of us are on server we react immediatly, if nobody around you can also send us demo and we will punish. We did ban people for that in the past.... We really want for this place to be nice and friendly and everybody have fun and meet nice people
  8. Hello and welcome on forum, I hope you will enjoy our community and server, have fun
  9. Hey warm welcome on our forum is also very nice to meet You I saw you on server very often. Well its Eagle job to harasse people haha. You are welcome to join us when you will have more time at any time. This clan was created out of passion of our founders Mrmuppet and Minimuppet and they never took any money, or they ever care is for server to be nice, friendly place when people can gather and have fun. we also have TS and chat where you can find our members.
  10. Niki

    Giveaway reveal!

    its looks great
  11. Hey welcome on forum I hope You will find something interesting, it would be nice to hear few words about You, hope to see You in game
  12. Niki

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year dear Muppets
  13. Niki

    Event: Christmas!

    I love christmas event those sounds, bells and snowballs as grenades:) it wasnt growded but thank You for all who come and we had great fun
  14. Niki

    Event: Christmas!

    hehe me too and her Raaaatsuuuu
  15. Niki

    Headshot server

    headshot? nooo I would never kill anybody
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