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Everything posted by divine_one

  1. Great idea! I wonder if my shitty prepaid mobile internet let me come at least for a while? We will see!
  2. divine_one

    It's time

    I also do not know what to say... This is a grat loss for the muppets community and, as was said before, this is the end of some era... A lot of respect for what you have created here, for the time and effort devoted to so that we all can be part of this unique community. THANK YOU Mr. and Mini! P.S. As the saying goes: The King is dead! Long live the King!
  3. Np mate! I've set com_hunkmegs 192 and com_zonemegs 32 I will try your cfg later. Edit: I have checked your cfg Eagle and it seems that for me it's all about r_primitives. With r_primitives 0 framedropping is back. Tomorrow i'm leaving again, so i don't have a time for testing a little bit more.
  4. It's MSI GE70 2PE Apache Pro with GeForce GTX 860M, nvidia drivers 344.75, default settings.
  5. I had a huge framedrops, sometimes even to 15 fps, playing at some powerfull gaming laptop with windows7 x64. I tried everything, but nothing really helped. Then I've set: r_primitives 2 (default is 0) and... magic! - All framedropping are gone! Now I have stable 125 fps all the time. It's probably something about OpenGL and it helps with 64 bit systems,
  6. Touchpad and mouse were the very first things that i have checked. I'm too tired now, but tomorrow i must deal with this problem. It's pretty annoying you know...
  7. I have an MSI GE70 Apache Pro with Steelseries keyboard (it's a gaming laptop). With it i got a CD with some drivers and utilities from Steelseries, theres should be a keylogger too. Hmm...
  8. Hello! Since i'm playing ET on a laptop i have a problem - when i'm just running trough the map sometimes i start shooting without pressing ANY shoot button. Shooting continues till no bullets left or till i'll press LMB. I have changed the mouse for another, but it did not help. Guys, any ideas?
  9. Good luck everyone! I hope i can join next time. You did a really good job btw.
  10. Hello Kamil! Nice to meet you Don't worry about your english. Chatting with other players you can improve it a lot in short period of time. My eng is not perfect also btw
  11. Welcome to the forum! Nice to meet you
  12. Welcome to the forum buddy!. Nice to meet you
  13. Nice to meet you, welcome back.
  14. Logitech mx518 here. Classic. Mouse without any unnecessary frills, but has everything you need. Considering the quality / price, I think it is the best choice.
  15. Welcome on the forum! Nice to see that our community growing fast
  16. Yeah! And real hardcore is between 2:47 - 2:55. What the hell they are doing?
  17. Yeah! and this is the core of the black metal! So, Jesus, you should also like this:
  18. Thank you all for a warm welcome! One word about my nick - it's not a big ego or something it's just from a game Divine Divinity (released in 2002) and i use it for a loong time. Btw. I wonder if anyone played this game?
  19. Hi there! My name is Peter and i'm... hmm... i'm old enough. Slowly getting too old to be honest. I'm playing ET since World War II was ended or so. Started from etpub, then jaymod, nitmod, silentmod. Ocassionally pr0, I'm interested in martial arts, I have trained a little bit, but now I lack the time to do it. Recently I play mostly at night because lack of time again - somebodys called it a real life - and in searching for a not empty server i have found teammuppet et pub and discovered that there is more night owls like me. And well, i quiet liked to play here. So see you ingame! Cheers! P.S. And yes, metal music this is it!
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