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Everything posted by divine_one

  1. I was wondering the same. It's damn good question.
  2. Huge respect for the job you've done guys! Thanks!
  3. Are you serious? I'm using Win 7 with QWERTY. I just open console and type...
  4. divine_one


    It looks like the server is offline atm or crashed again?
  5. Server keeps crashing again. (21:18) Recived signal 11 ----- FS_Startup ------ Last few lines says: "file: ui/ingametmmenu, line 41: too few define parms". same for line 42 and 43.
  6. GTX 1060 is kinda old but still enough for comfortable playing. If you want such a card, the best choice seems to be Asus GeForce GTX 1060 6GB GDDR5 Strix Gaming. It's a card that offers high core clock speed and even higher boost mode, GPU is effectively cooled by 3 fans. Unfortunately, this is reflected in a higher price but it's still good choice imo. However, it is worth considering buying a newer model - GTX 1660. Prices slightly higher, and the leap in performance in newest titles is significant.
  7. Merry Christmas and happy New Year Muppets!
  8. I've played this version on a full server some time ago and I have to say it looked good. The allies had more chances to steal gold from the bank and most of the action is taking place near it, instead of "bridge defending" as it is now.
  9. Due to repeated problems with some players, I wonder if it is possible to give a "permanent" mute by setting the player level to -1. This could be very useful in some cases.
  10. Same here. Frozen, then ET crashed ater a minute or two.
  11. I wanted to send you my cfg but changed it many times in last few days, also reinstalled ET. So i have lost my original cfg. Now i'm using default one. Anyway, stable 125 fps again. Thx bro!
  12. Well, something new, at least for me. I got used to play with the weapon visibility turned on. But after every change for pistols or medkit, the weapon disappears. Setting cg_drawgun 1 works till next weapon change, then automatically returns to 0. But stable fps again.
  13. Where is the sense in reconnect if the result is the same as after the kick? I mean, being kicked doesn't prevent you to reconnect anyway?
  14. I've probably tried everything but reinstallation. I'll do it tommorow.
  15. Since 2 days my fps dropped drastically. Previously I had stable 125 fps. Now it jumps between 40 - 80 and most of the time it's about 50 - 60. Of course i have changed nothing in my config, hardware, etc before fps dropped. I tried cfg from GrobbeBol (he has a stable 200 with it), but the fps number doesn't change for me, it's still low. At first I wanted to put this post in the help and advice section, but I checked the game on our Begginner and Pro servers and also on FA silentmod. Everywhere else I have stable 125 fps, so it looks that the problem is only with our ETL. I use MSI GE70 Apache Pro laptop with i7 6700K and Geforce GTX gpu on Windows 7.
  16. Bugged again, just right now. Screen disoriented upside down. Asked others and at least 4 of them needed to recconect also. It's Twice already in 20 mins. Me and few others.
  17. Jesus - the man who was so annoying as a recruiter that he made me join to TM years ago Nice too see you my friend P.S. Who even buy Macs anyway? Get a PC.
  18. Populating the server is the answer. Our serwer is full. Despite the objectives game, people like to check the statistics which are best for them. Good aimers are checking for their accuracy, some players hunting for best engi/medic/fieldop award etc. For some of them it's just XP. It's normal. SR depends on winning the maps. What about players switching the teams few times in a row or just joining to the weaker one trying to keep them ballanced? Is their skill are lower? Not at all, but their Skill Rating is lower for sure. In the past i used to play with campaign xp save (Cyber mentioned about it) and kinda liked it. After all, I would not make such big changes. All I want to say is that there is no a perfect solution that would please everyone. Let's just keep our server busy.
  19. Baserace with 15 vs 15? Yes from me! Streets of Italy was also popular To remove: Battery and School
  20. divine_one

    Easter Event

    I had 2-3 hours of great fun! Thank you for your work guys!
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