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Everything posted by LordNewbie

  1. The sad bit is i have updated it manually yesterday
  2. The sad bit is i have updated it manually yesterday
  3. I wish i could get in it
  4. Austria, hahaha, u will get owned by germany (me)
  5. a...... do u think that is the guy's wife in how?
  6. ERror Server Disconnected - Punkbuster kicked player '<=TM=>Lordn'MAster (something is here in black(cant read it)) minutes) ...PB INT FAILURE (If this persists, visit evenbalance.com and click support to manually update PunkBuster)
  7. LordNewbie

    NAmMod and mac

    ERror Server Disconnected - Punkbuster kicked player '<=TM=>Lordn'MAster (something is here in black(cant read it)) minutes) ...PB INT FAILURE (If this persists, visit evenbalance.com and click support to manually update PunkBuster)
  8. ...... that 18+, ...........
  9. Miraro the girls are this way thats the guys
  10. I love my phone :ugeek: :!: :ugeek:
  11. U might of killed him but I drugged him
  12. ah.... that was a obvious explanation, cant believe i didnt see it
  13. We should really find out who is inactive and give them all warning and delete them in 10 days
  14. New question; the servers on gametracker, what does it mean claim server?
  15. Maybe ips should be there? Jay NoDownload Etnam
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