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Everything posted by LordNewbie

  1. really, venius really did bring peace, we played mars for a school concert last year...
  2. so u agree with me?
  3. take one off and replace with a different map which changes every week.... keep it more fun Just a thought
  4. This is the bad things about Windows http://www.techcult.com/high-tech-pranks/
  5. Have you listened to all of them.... Jupiter, mars, neptune and uranus are my favorite
  6. all for windows and windows for all
  7. Underwire bras are those that provide additional lift for your breasts and give great support. Softcup usually focuses on comfort and also gives lift and support, but in a less dramatic fashion. :mrgreen:
  8. We can always join a random server.... and completely fill it up and have a scrim... the fun way
  9. i know i wish....
  10. Mac OS yes
  11. Your message contains too few characters.
  12. but i cant cause i dont know how to edit the poll... dont have that option, look everywhere quick tools and everything
  13. Whos the guy behind her.... wait that was me nvm.....
  14. I think we need a commander.... even tho... ill be the guy know one know where he is.. cause ill be examining the suroundings :mrgreen:
  15. no.... we just have to come up with a strategy... a well thought out one
  16. k.... list the other options u think are need down below
  17. Saturdays... and school days (so Sundays) but put me back up player
  18. not the console... i dont think
  19. My way might be long, so just check if the others have a simpler way... Open Application supp, (u have to do this to every mod) open etconfig.cfg with TextEdit (fast way... command f (find) and type ether what u think the console button is or toggleconsole)(remember its to all ur mods)
  20. YEs another one... some may fall under another
  21. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/25-ran ... uters-tech its pretty interesting
  22. Thanx Virus
  23. Second question of the day
  24. nice... im only have the HTC wildfire... but also have a hacked ipod for free games (poor game company, srry)
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