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Everything posted by LordNewbie

  1. It contains to few characters... u just writing randomly
  2. Change the straight lines into curved lines and have arrows to point which way to turn ur head... and add instructions
  3. oh.... maybe curve the lines a bit and take the weird inverted part of the circle and make it less confusing... if u want
  4. i still dont get it? the instructions are confusing
  5. no.... :?
  6. What is it?
  7. Female American pac man?
  8. I hope so too, at least if something doesnt work he will tell me hopefully,
  9. extravagant
  10. American pac man?
  11. How was that guys? I so beat someone here ive got that feeling
  12. i feel special... tell me if something doesnt work Table of contents para 1 etkey para 2 profiles/ knowing ur application support (where all the behind the scene stuff is) para 3 pb, it might be long but most of it is me questioning myself, you will go through it quick i think im guessing u dont have a etkey... can u make one? if u cant ask some1 to give it to u, if u have the etkey make sure it is in ur wolfstein ET folder, in etmain, leave that there, u wont find ur profile there. If your finding profiles got to your user, from there go to library, then Application support, then Wolfstein Et. When you get there you will find all your mods that are loaded on wolfstein aswell as pb (dont touch this one if your having trouble with pb) and etmain, et mainn u will find the maps aswell as profiles (should have 3 files in each profile (game user dont get confused) Trouble with pb, well i prob have a solution. With my magical mind i felt like making a para like a ad. Go back to your wolfstein folder where ever it is not the one in application support, well go to http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php then download it for mac ok so far? Find where its downloaded, unzip it and you will find pbsetup.run. Take that to your Wolfstein folder (not application support on). Run it and go through accepting everything (you can read it if you want like i do because i get bored), ***when you get to a thing that wants you to put in a game then put in Wolfstein not return to the castle one. It will also have a browse thing in which you press it to and navigate to your Wolfstein folder (not application support one) make sure you end when you see your wolfstein client (the thing which you press to start the game, i think im right when i say client), make sure it is with it. If nothing appears on the screen press file and go through from the triple star. If wolfstein appears than your fine and press file and update. Thank you and please tell me if something is wrong (i hate macs, just to let u know) This has been your lovely guide to the world of Wolfstein please shut me off (took that from Futurama from the whale biologist epi) :mrgreen:
  13. Hahaha, on minecraft im jesus
  14. Im very disturbed about my wound :?:
  15. independent cats will rule the world
  16. as long as its not many maps
  17. u should make a special window in which u use a command and only higher level admins can see
  18. My the lord be with u, so when can i come over?
  19. Two tips on your birthday: 1) Forget the past, you can't change it. 2) Forget the present, I didn't get you one.
  20. What chords are they, is it B, F#, G#m and? E?
  21. now i am scared, thank goodness my fridge is cat proof
  22. By any chance can some1 help me place a mod in my minecraft.jar folder (open it up)? Im pretty sure im messing up somewhere.... minecraft forum http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=125803&f=25 Minecolony website http://sites.google.com/site/minecolony/home
  23. Makes Pi so much easier....
  24. the funny thing i that i know most of them.... not all so dont quiz me
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