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Everything posted by LordNewbie

  1. I like that game.... but gets too easy sometimes... stupid brain
  2. Does any1 know why i can never download a illegal copy of settlers on my ipod?
  3. noting is impossible... actually thats not true
  4. Do i have to write something here?
  5. umm... slightly disturbed.... poor guy
  6. Pretty funny tho.... hehehe
  7. yeah... i realized...
  8. You need jasons happy corner
  9. I dont want to do this
  10. Im scared.... cant u make it a bit more happy for me... maybe in the corner... Jasons corner... that would be awesome
  11. yeah... cant dont worry... found out how :mrgreen: facebook can be stupid
  12. Pimps and sluts... wow.. now all we need are slaves... i think... or gangster.... hope every1 is following cause i dont wanna... im up for any clan.... depends if u want me
  13. can see it
  14. What r u afraid of
  15. yea for swinger... i love hookers who swing by... hehhe... seriously i agree... theres more to the parties then what they say they are
  16. lol i dont get it
  17. What do u prefer?
  18. so? What are we gonna do?
  19. Then is there a way only we can change to that map? I mean as we put it on vote which doesnt disrupt the cycle? If we cant than... we might as well forget the idea
  20. cant u not put it in the voting screen in the menu where u can also put people to spec?
  21. It only becomes a non download server if people want to play the map of the week(s)... other than that it still is a no download server
  22. Its only one map per week... and we can just put it as a optional (vote for the map of the week)
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