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Everything posted by LordNewbie

  1. use offline web connection... like the ones that spies use when in enemy territory... that take control of things like planes
  2. Jason... :mrgreen: and i on games i go by the names of ppj789, newbie, lord and master, or jjbucks, or jjbinks... just to let u know
  3. Cya.... dude... say hi from me to winston
  4. A message from Pro
  5. A message from Pro
  6. Still the same... The application Wolfenstein ET wquit unexpectedly Mac OS X and other applications ae not affected. Click relaunch to launch the application again. Click Report to see more details or send a report to Apple
  7. Still the same... The application Wolfenstein ET wquit unexpectedly Mac OS X and other applications ae not affected. Click relaunch to launch the application again. Click Report to see more details or send a report to Apple
  8. I get to the point in which it say awaiting game... and then BOOM i quits
  9. I get to the point in which it say awaiting game... and then BOOM i quits
  10. thats good.. i suppose :think:
  11. so is this ranked?
  12. Gaymod?
  13. ill be ref if needed
  14. This pretty funny all the It people at my school that i know have HTCs, except for one who has the Samson galaxy
  15. u should see what people can do on that
  16. Does any1 play it here? like have a actual account?
  17. i dont prefer touch, sometimes it reads wrong
  18. My friend has a LG touch and the touch screen is bad
  19. hi
  20. ive got the wildfire and i love it
  21. leopard
  22. Well i cant
  23. if we make a deal... u know what im talking about :shifty:
  24. This doesnt work if u have a mac
  25. i wish i could :violin:
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