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Jesus last won the day on September 27 2020

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About Jesus

  • Birthday 08/03/2020

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    Ex Army ranger
    Doctor in real life.
    18 ironman completed
    42 half ironman

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  1. mac address doesnt seem right
  2. Ahahahahah!!!! I love that fucking movie ahahah! :lol:
  3. Mac Catalina won’t allow me open ET
  4. Update: won’t be on unfortunately
  5. He got banned. He thought it was admin abuse for banning him because he kept teams uneven even after warnings and warnings. Anyway, this has been resolved. Andy took care of it.
  6. i'll try to be on but cant promise
  7. here's my 2 cents as I've kicked several people and even Banned permanently for the constant spawn killing and breaking rules. Beach is an awesome map, i do enjoy playing but unfortunately i havent played that map lately as i had to sit spec and watch spawn for the whole time and warn, gib, freeze people. It is really frustrating you warn 5-6 people for the same exact thing, then you gib these said people for the same reason...when they dont keep listening you have to use kick. It sucks this happened to you but as a regular player everyone should know the "NO SPAWN KILLING" rules by now. Example, i kicked 4 people yesterday for the same exact reason, nade in spawn....also, whats the point of throwing nade in spawn? what do you accomplish out of that? 1 kill? big deal.....you wanna kill axis? take obj and finish the map, thats how you kill axis. I'm going to lock this topic for further arguments, an admin will answer shortly.
  8. hey Maximus, welcome to the site. glad to see another fellow US in here sorry about you being furloughed, hopefully things will get back to normal sooner rather then later. \m/
  9. Probably more then that lol
  10. oh, didnt remember that lol. man, has been too long ago lol. miss etpub lvls though, especially -1
  11. you were a jaymod peep, i was etpub not that hard to kick my ass in et lol
  12. I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t read it either just hit “mark read all” lol
  13. I dont think i'ever made an introduction before....never really been good at this but anyways... Not sure why i chose the name Jesus back in the days but ive never changed it. I joined the US Army as soon as i turned 18 years old, after finishing boot camp training (3 months) I went to Hunter Army airfield GA to join the 1st battalion, 75th Ranger regiment, training involved running 150 miles per week with rifle and other equipment, jumping out of the plane, war strategies etc etc. 62 days later i was sent to Iraq for 7 months as a sniper and focusing on rescue missions. To answer your question, yes, ive killed people, please dont ask more questions. Real ptsd that we actually had to deal was in regards to where to put our next step, in other words Iraq and Afghanistan had quite a lot of landmines (especially Afghanistan), normally it was MD-82, some M14 and i forgot the other one. After Iraq, i was stationed in Garmisch, Germany and I started focusing on my studies to become a doctor, then i got stationed in other places but no war zones until 2008. Joined TM back in 2008, was in trial but couldnt finish it of course as the US Government decided to send to Afghanistan for 8 months, after about 6 months spent between kabul, kandahar, korengal and other provinces I was asked if wanted to serve another 7 months, so...after 1 year and half i returned to US. year 2011: I started playing ET again on TM servers, as soon as i hit 5k xp (back then was 5k requirement to apply ) i applied to join and that ass of @Andy was my recruiter (he was mean, now u wonder why i'm mean??! joking lol) passed trial and become a member, shortly after a recruiter, then jun admin and then co-leader. I do not tolerate any sort of racism or very bad insults. Unfortunately, my life was quite of a mess when i was a co-leader, had a ton of stuff going on, was leaving the army, was traveling a lot between upstate NY and DC so i got rid of everything because i felt incredibly overwhelmed. I have finally retired US Army as an officer Now, I live in Connecticut, USA....live with my girl (unfortunately, shes reading this also lol), have a huge furry pain in the butt called Shadow (my Siberian Husky ) and I work as a researcher in cardiology at Yale New haven Hospital. I collect a ton of data and visit patient. I still own 5 firearms that are only sitting in my closet locked up, except for my S&W mp Shield 9mm thats in the drawer next to the bed, its really just for protection towards my girl and my dog. My girl is dentist and shes never seen war or anything crazy, shes never been in the military and we've been together for....too long lol (8 years ) any questions? ask.... also, pls roast everyone
  14. Welcome bud!
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