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Eerik last won the day on November 18 2017

Eerik had the most liked content!


About Eerik

  • Birthday 08/24/1989

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  • Interests
    Everything that has to deal with having fun!

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Enjoy the stay!
  2. Riiiiiight .. Just like them.. there are no other pairs in clan Enjoy your stay w3st
  3. Yeah. He rarely follows the rules.. Wonder where does it come from
  4. Eerik

    The MuppetMail #6

    Damn it.. i wanted to be in the newspaper ( joking )
  5. Wat.. I only now realised you are the freaking Mcbeth or whatever the hell your name was ages ago.. Hah! Know this guy from ages ago and during the time i met my wife in ET
  6. Tbh happened to me yesterday as well when i joined. XP and everything was solid but no level. Random ..
  7. Eerik

    The MuppetMail #6

    Where are the news about new member being born? Jesus last seen 2016 Spoke a lot in chat, rarely in-game though.
  8. Sorry I couldn't make it Gladly for obvious reasons
  9. Eerik

    Event: Halloween

    It was great event. Although we need more then just plain simple map shooting n stuff
  10. Lucky that i'm working at that time..
  11. Thanks for coming for couple of practise rounds :)

  12. Don't forget to come for practise this Sunday (15.01) @ 7:15 GMT 0. Our ETPro server. 

    1. VenoM


      wots dat finntard time?


    2. Eerik
  13. Cant get into server. Stuck in loading. Seems rest of people have the same issue.
  14. Server aint working (nodownloads) cant get in, stuck in loading


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