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peyote last won the day on September 10 2017

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About peyote

  • Birthday 01/03/1983

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    riding a photon
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  1. If your new keyboard came with a ps/2 connector - and your motherboard has a ps/2 connector use that instead of USB. Also if your motherboard has ps/2, but yozr keyboard did not deliver one.. time to get one. With ps/2 you will be ab to press as ma keys you like
  2. Welcome DDG !
  3. Welcome MrVee!
  4. Tankrace = FalckonET + tanks + big maps, and some admin in spec judging who reached the goal first. Ehrm its quite buggy to drive tanks, there is no real physics. Still its quite nice to drive a tank from top to bottom in minas tirith. Imo for long time ET players its quite cool to drive a tank around; even if its silly and buggy. lol. Domination I suppose that is the Powerball mod. But thinking now about it, there are also maps - where you simply have to "dominate" the top of the hill and stuff like that.
  5. Happy new year
  6. Merry Fishmus
  7. Nour, as I have told you are banned for cheating. You have violated our rules, therefore your not allowed to play on our servers. Yes I have made range ban so you cannot join again. As network engineer you will know it's a cat and mouse game. It's unfortunate your friends can't join the server anymore, will see about that soon.
  8. if it isn't in config, then just add it with the values you want. The server you mention is jaymod, so I guess there is no relation; but maybe you now have to many pk3's in etmain. Maybe clean up etmain, you just need in it, pak0.pk3, pak1.pk3, pak2.pk3, mp_bin.pk3 and etkey; the rest is files you got from servers. Also try cleaning up the etpub folder.. or just remove it and copy over your config... then join the server as administrator.
  9. It was the idea of many actually, but not easily doable; the problem is that you get goldrush twice in a row, because people vote for it twice. So I had the idea to write a lua script which alternates the 2 maps properly. And voila goldrushs Yes still not finished, omnibot compatibility threw me back - and destroyed my motivation actually (its not just wrong waypoints, but the complete script and lots more due to fixes for max gamechars in that map; I am actually on the brink to add a lua which excludes that map when there are bots playing).
  10. Welcome
  11. peyote

    Map Test Event

    Yay!! Looking forward to this and session on TS!
  12. Your banned for cheating accept it... but thanks for letting us now the server was stuck in endless loop..
  13. peyote

    Halloween event!

    It was awesome Thanks for the fun guys!
  14. teach that the omnibots
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