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Alistar last won the day on July 22 2024

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About Alistar

  • Birthday 09/29/1994

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  1. This and the mappool with less played maps so the most voted maps can't be voted. Can we try this out?
  2. What I have noticed that democracy is not happening. Most of time I notice only 40-50 % voting the next maps. Those who vote for the next map are most likely experienced players who only want to play old school maps. Pub heroes or beginners seem not to vote at all. Why else the voting percentage is so low and same maps are being voted? I agree with you about intervalling maps. As long as new maps are show more and are more likely to be selected over the same old maps then the system would be good.
  3. It aint a bad idea. At least everyone has an equal chance to have a map which one likes. I personally support voting system if less played maps have also chance to be selected.
  4. It is ok to vote old school maps. I just think that it gets way too boring to repeat the same maps all over again. Not all new maps are too big or boring ones. In the past public servers used to have many public maps instead supply. In my view, it makes it more enjoyable and attractive to play big and new maps when server is nearly full.
  5. How it did not work out?
  6. I have noticed that mostly 50 % of players vote for next map. Those who vote will vote the same maps all the time. If mappool changed at the some point then new maps would be played more. I even believe that playing the new maps would even motivate some people to play more.
  7. I feel like the same maps are voted all the time for example supply, braundord, goldrush and delivery. Those maps are great and I have nothing against them. Is there a way to only vote new or less played maps after same maps have been played many times? For example today's voting list expectionally looked like this: Mlb temple Oasi Warbell Italy Fragginhart canyon Capuzzo Minas Helmsdeep Battery Library It would be cool to have similar maps to be voted so less played maps have to be played at some point.
  8. Hello! I would like to suggest maps to the server. For example some of these maps: Fueldump, Paris Bastille, Marrakech streets 2, Kerkyra, Teuthonia_Final, Warbell, Saberpeak, Rommel, Snatch, Transmitter, X-dam Complex Final, MML_Helmsdeep, Night of the Wolfes, SOS_secret weapon, Ruins of Acquiesce.
  9. Congratulations 😎
  10. Some map suggestions: Capuzzo, cathedral_final, desertrats, eagles_2ways_b3, falcon2, kerkyra, missile_b, mlb_temple, river_port, rommel_final, school, tankrace_b1, trmfght_beta2, GA_el_Kef, TCE_northport, Paris Bastille, Secret bay, teuthonia, cursed temple, X-labs, Rovaniemi_farm_beta2, Daybreak, MLB_hotchkiss, the_station, SOS secret weapon, MLB_starbase
  11. Frostbite
  12. Alistar


    I have also high ping with telia provider. Got 1000 m connection still having 80-100 ping.
  13. I have high ping and lag spikes though I use 400 mb download connection with 50 mb/s upload speed. Is there anything to do? This occurs when there are several players online.
  14. I know but I realized too late to take information because I disconnected from the server just after I kicked him.
  15. Hello, today I warned a swedish player whose name was fuck admins and yankies. He did not obey and changed his/her name into fuck admins and muppets. After renaming I kicked the player out of the server. Please have a look at this player who uses insulting names from time to time.
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