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  1. @Jane0754 post an actual proof if you want anything done with such fundamental part of game GIB_HEALTH constant wasn't changed in legacy from released ET source, so it should not be different [1,2]. The legacy mod is being used in competition replacing etpro mod while trying to not change gameplay, such change would not be welcomed. [1] https://github.com/id-Software/Enemy-Territory/blob/40342a9e3690cb5b627a433d4d5cbf30e3c57698/src/game/bg_public.h#L66 [2] https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/blob/414ea20d52819b6c81ef6ef1fa299dc8fc0bd524/src/game/bg_public.h#L58
  2. I would prefer longer warmup in general
  3. Heavy weapons are issue when there are more players on server on chokepoint-like maps (adlernest, erdenberg, delivery,...) because AoE weapons will just deal more damage if there are more players jumping around. Restricting HW if there are less players on server therefore won't solve this issue. IMO proper solution would be to edit such maps to have wider pathways, but I understand that probably ain't happening. Maybe some other solution could be with slower recharge, but it would also have to be applied to grenades somehow. ET and it's maps weren't designed to be played 20v20, it just happened to be quite fun on public 😄
  4. there isn't a simple solution to stop escaping from reality, when facing responsibilities But I am working on it
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