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Everything posted by 0wN1x

  1. Hey Gavin. At the moment our ETLegacy and ETPro server are the most popular, especially in the evening. I hope to see you at the battlefield!
  2. Like I said tonight on the server. We're finally getting great amount of players. They don't seem to mind, or else they wouldn't come back. Unless it really grows to be a problem in the future. I wouldn't change a winning team.
  3. 0wN1x

    Happy new year!

    Happy new year!
  4. I'm not sure if we've met before, but welcome back anyways!
  5. 0wN1x

    Merry xmas

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  6. Merry Christmas to you too! And a happy new year
  7. It was a lot of fun. Thanks for the good laughs everyone and a special thanks to Eagle for organizing the event and fixing the problems on such short notice Also, thanks again for helping me with my forum account. Good to be back on the forums :)
  8. It's ok. You can't please everyone obviously
  9. For a few hours I thought I was going to be able to join this event. Then I realized it's on Saturday, not Friday
  10. Hey kujaw. Welcome to the forums
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