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Forced.to.leave last won the day on February 27 2019

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  1. A further confirmation that maybe it's time to force the events, by removing a couple of "always played" maps, regardless the fact that they aren't the best ones. Don't forget that the wheel of maps should change from time to time, to incentivate new gaming experience. From what I read, you want that the server ET Legacy play always the same 5 maps, and it's ok to change the less popular ones, and keep the most voted. For sure no one will recognize the difference, before and after the map pool change.
  2. You can replace fueldump with fueldump-z https://et.trackbase.net/map/7422 EDIT: And I strongly suggest to replace Goldrush with Goldrush GALS https://et.trackbase.net/map/166
  3. Welcome to our forums EliteVeteran! I am glad that you registered and found the way to introduce yourself here. Feel free to take a look at our rules for a best gaming experience with us! Hope to see you often on the servers and to spend some good times to play with you. Of course don't look at me as admin or whatever. We are all players and we are here to have great fun everyday with your precious presence. Thanks and see you in the server!
  4. This is wrong, because first the server load "default.cfg" then after eventually if present, the custom map cfg. Have you tried this way already?
  5. Consider to use default.cfg in "maps configs folder", this will be the default setting for every map i.e. "set g_moverscale 1.5" The spawntime bug probably comes from a map which includes something like a scrip that override the server settings. Happened to me with my server and one CTF map in the past. Ofc I cant be sure, maybe it is another issue.
  6. A little contribute to avoid server full when too many members are spectators , is to add private slots for members. The private slots aren't counted as slots for regulars, this mean more free space. Of course it's good the suggestion of g_spectatorinactivity. If it doesn't exist in ET:L let's open a ticket to Timo "Wolfadmin" and ask to add it or wait the neew release. My 2 cents ofc.
  7. Hello to everyone!
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