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yoshy aka logic

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yoshy aka logic last won the day on August 16 2019

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About yoshy aka logic

  • Birthday 02/24/1977

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  1. welcome m8 but in our lang its more izi bem vindo
  2. https://et.splatterladder.eu/?mod=claninfo&idx=164228 i was Yo$hY*BB* of band of brotherz clan
  3. long time i saw =BO= blowfish clan welcome back
  4. for more objective gaming you have ETL Campaign server but always empty sadly 😮
  5. don't worry, you will get there eventually
  6. Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum RGB
  7. frost - its ok supply - didn't like it maybe its my config cuz all green mixes with the gray, PS - dont know if its only with me or this happens to any else, but on both maps when you minimize the game and return fps goes from 125 to 40
  8. this one or /players /follow + number of player to follow
  9. not easy to disagree with this ❤️
  10. same school probably, cuz Underpants do the same @oasis
  11. That crapolio error happens when i have minimizer open and trying to open a new one 😛 1. copy etmin to etmain folder 2. give etmin admin permition 3.lanch etmin from etmain folder, if error appers try to shortcut to your desktop (dont copy/past) and try time to time ive some issues with etmin aswell
  12. Old Minimizer Alt+z https://www.upload.ee/files/12403886/etmin.zip.html
  13. agree but i like more !teleport or !disarm
  14. best bug ever back in the days i do it alot on 3v3 or 6v6 to crash the server, most of players didnt know that at the time 😛
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