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Arno last won the day on November 28 2020

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About Arno

  • Birthday 06/24/1976

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    Cars, Computers and electronics

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  1. Well it sounds like we are almost a team now, I knew I couldn't be the only one That could be cool if we can setup an environment with a channel and maybe a forum if possible where we can share ideas and info as long as its cost free for the community I vote yes Should we see if we can gather up around 1900 CET Friday? or is it primetime for gaming
  2. I had a brief chat with @kemon today (Thanks @Dmxj @Charlie) and he is bit busy with other projects as mentioned here earlier but he is supportive and willing to help out, so I ill catch you on Discord soon and we see where it leads.
  3. Will do. I do, i am on your channel now an then and I'll keep an eye out for him Thanks
  4. Well I ain't up to speed either.. years ago for me as well.. but I thought if we where a few that worked on it together with a realistic timeframe (we all have lives) we might come up with something useful while having some fun revisiting brushes, shaders, portals and scripts. I made one for RTCW and one for ET (Alchemy Castle) and contributed to Operation Tower back in the Dark Alchemy days. Are you interested in a brainstorming sometime?
  5. Thanks, I can see he has not been active here sins May, I'll msg. him and see what happens
  6. Hi All, Are any of the Muppets doing any mapping? I've been thinking about making another map or participating in making one. are anyone doing anything they need help with or are anyone interested to start something? Cheers Arno
  7. I love it when you add new maps, thanks 1944 Huertgen Forest Final 2, Was it just me or did any one else notice both allied and axis spawing at tank start after it was repaired ? a coble of times I spawned (as Allied) there and got shot in the back by a freshly spawned enemy (Axis)
  8. Thanks for fun times, was a lot more fun this time now I knew the rules
  9. Gr8 idea I'll be ready on Sunday
  10. Thanks a lot, sounds like a ton of fun. So as I understand server setting are made so you can't do something wrong? That was what i was afraid of last time where I didnt even was on Discord I can easily go and get a mic or a headset and i guess I should. I play on my custom workstation and it was never made/installed with sound and mic in mind and I have no mini jacks in the 19" Cabinet, so today i only have a Bose Soundlink Mini for sound via bluetooth. Can anyone recommend anything with bluetooth or USB so I don't have to take the rack apart to get to the mini jacks on the back? Thanks in advance
  11. I was on a Hide and Seek Event a good half year ago, while it looked fun I did not fully understood the rules so I just hide myself and didn't dare to do anything else in case i broke the rules I want to join again, but this time around I want to be prepared.. Where do I find the rules for H&S Events? Is it absolutely necessary to have mic. or would it be OK just to listen in? (I don't have mic at the moment) Thanks in advance
  12. Yeah I know your working on, it was just to report it Keep up the good work ! If it's any help.. The first of this series of crashes happen on Gold Rush, just when the tank passed 1st barrier (when materials are supposed to disappear) Then it changed to Aldernest map and kept crashing a minute or 2 into the game, I left after some time so i'm not sure how it ended.
  13. The server is constantly crashing Sunday 19/01 2020 1430-? (GMT) We manage to get a few minutes of play for each crash
  14. I see your point but i guess you could say the same for engi, they cannot defend them self when planting but yeah anyways it just feels unfair.
  15. I know this was discussed before I even made my ET come back on your server and I can read you already decided on the subject. Anyway, just wanted to add that I also think the amount of HP an medic has is too much and is sometimes the reason I log off as its too difficult to be an Objective Player (e.g Engineer). I know it's down to teamwork, but that's not always happening and when you constantly run into medics with 30 some HP more than you, the fun starts to wear off. Where does it actually come from that medics have 156HP or how much it is, wasn't that normally 140 as I remember it? Was that a part of Legacy when that was developed? I'm still catching up on what happened the last 10+ years
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