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Everything posted by Poyer

  1. Poyer

    Lolotaz tk

    I think it's not enabled. Or maybe the time in between messages is too short. I tried to spam voicechat yesterday and it actually worked... at least 4 to 5 in a row. Might not be right after eachother, but certainly 4 to 5 voice chats in a few seconds.
  2. Hi dude, welcome objective players are always good to have.
  3. Hello, welcome to our forums and I'm happy to read your decent introduction!
  4. Hello! How nice to see one of the early adopters of this game coming to this forum . Welcome, enjoy and hopefully we'll see eachother in one of our servers! Nice introduction by the way .
  5. Hello Goldy welcome and enjoy!
  6. I agree with the opinions that panzer should not be enabled/allowed within a game that counts less than 10 players. I know the intention was to keep ETL2 the same as ETL1, but it seems a lot of objective based players are joining ETL2. If you've got a 4v4 game going on for example and an experienced players takes panzer, it might result in a 4v2 if the panzerplayer kills 2 players of the opposing team (which is realistic if someone experienced takes panzer and knows where to shoot). I know it's part of the game of course, but I still think enabling panzer with 10 players or more will do the game good (especially the more objective based ETL2 games). Just for what it's worth
  7. Hello, welcome
  8. Welcome man
  9. Welcome Aciz. Didn't notice you weren't on our forums yet
  10. Welcome (back)
  11. Hello Monkey, welcome! Enjoy your stay at our forums as well in our servers
  12. Hi there, welcome to our forums. Enjoy
  13. Spojetski! The secretly hidden Polak How is it possible you're not from Poland with a name like that Anyway, welcome to our forums. Hope you'll look around here and I'll see you around in the (scrim)server.
  14. Voted Voted wrong of Battery though. I go with Stypek about the previous version of Battery and that seems to be the SW version (I voted for original). Anyway, good to have all the versions of those (popular) maps together so we can choose.
  15. Poyer

    New year

    Happy new year all !
  16. Poyer

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas and have a great New Year you all !
  17. Poyer

    Summer Event!

    Gotta work, but maybe I can hop in afterwards! Have fun anyway
  18. Looking forward to the super secret fun party
  19. Hi there, welcome to the forums :). Played the summercup 2v2 against you (and Lepari). Got wrecked of course. Anyway: nice to see you joined the forums.
  20. How cool! Thanks again for the work in order to meet our requests . What should we do without you guys ?!
  21. Isn't that called Korsakoff my friend ? Just kidding! Nice introduction and a steady addition to our servers. Feel welcome and see you on the battlefield !
  22. Hi there, welcome to the forums :). Enjoy!
  23. Huh, that really true? I remeber that I've been playing this map and that the map just ended after like 20 or 25 minutes? But forgive me, that must've been 12 or 13 years ago :D. Anyway, I always like the map, so I voted F1 for Hydro Dam :).
  24. You guys are nuts, you know that?
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