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Dragonkiss last won the day on August 23 2024

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About Dragonkiss

  • Birthday 12/29/1970

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  1. My bad if I miscommunicated. Of course I meant the use of vpn to bypass bans. !Apologies Cyber 😘
  2. It ‘can’ work but 5g is 5g either through an thetered phone or as an mifi router both use the same type of aerial connection. And as ham amateur I know that that can cause huge issues. Not saying it can’t work but the latency can differ a lot causing huge lag issues. vpn can level it out, but TM has rules about connecting through vpn. I hope you get it to work, but it will always be an undesirable way to play online games.
  3. Im no expert but 5g offers a lot of bandwidth but is still crap concerning an stable latency… you cannot compare it to an ‘regular’ isp connection. And it’s not the bandwidth you want (download a lot of mb’s fast) but an fast way for your signal to go from a to b (latency).
  4. So the horrible bad pre-game shuffle vote by players is turned off? I might start playing again.
  5. All caps… that’ll help ye case (pun intended).
  6. Merry xmass 🤩🥳🎄🎄
  7. You can upgrade your VPN to use an dedicated ip so the server won’t recognise it as an vpn ip. Costs some more but that’s how I bypass the Reddit filters. (And no, I never use an vpn to play online games.)
  8. Playing from the US will always give you an high latency (aka ping) due to the fact that your signal cannot go faster then the speed of light ergo it takes a few thousands of a second more to reach the eu based server. And the dude with an us flag prolly is using an VPN with an dedicated ip to play and not get kicked from the server. I used to play with a lot of peeps from the us and yeah, that ping sux.
  9. I hear an new tv format: skating on ice whilst repairing a tank 🤣
  10. So limited nades for engy and unlimited medpacks for meds… yeah, no.
  11. And remove medic class together with mortar…
  12. Mmm, playing FPS but being an pacifist at the same time… That’s a first for me. But when I’m in the mood for non-killing objective gameplay I always fire Stardew Valley up. All the pleasures of objective play yet no killing done. (No, I’m not being sarcastic).
  13. Played Bremen mostly as Allies but with all the chokepoint advantages for axis I’d say getting the truck itself should be considered an miracle 😋. Only if axis are crowded with Rambo medics allies stand a chance.
  14. The same settings with fewer players and smaller maps. With heavy weapon limitations to just 1 of each. Perhaps nerf the power of mortar and tube. Just don’t limit the rnades 🙈🙈
  15. Why are we even having these discussions is the real question. The rules are far to specific and difficult. And, as the past showed, they are wide open for discussion or at least fun for some to seek up the edges just for fun of pissing on players
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