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Everything posted by papywolf

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Map Type: OBJ Map Size: Large Map Theme: Regular Attacker: Allies Description: allied "Destroy Doors controls and steal the keycard!" axis "Kill the allies!" neutral "Allies have to prevent Axis from starting up the rocket!" Axis Objective **Capture The Flag! **Defend the Flag! **Defend the Generator! **Destroy the Allies Command Post! **Repair the Axis Command Post **Defend the Axis Command Post! **Defend the Main Generator! Allied Objective **Capture The Flag! **Defend the Flag! **Destroy the Generator! **Repair the Allied Command Post **Defend the Allied Command Post! **Destroy the Axis Command Post! **Destroy the Main Generator!
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Download pk3 name: Eisfaust-Festung_(Beta-2).pk3 Map name: eisfaust.bsp Author(s): Gadler Festung Eisfaust MISSION: The Allies have discovered a secret fortress in Germany. Reportedly located there, the launch base of V2 (Vengeance Weapon 2). This must be destroys at any price. Much luck! OBJECTIVES (AXIS): - defend Mountain Wall - blow West Tower - defend Fortress Wall - keep main gate closed - defend V2 - build command post - steal V2 documents from cabin - take V2 documents to the radio room (after the axis have brought the V2 documents to the radio room the 5 minutes countdown to the start of V2 begins ) OBJECTIVES (ALLIES): - destroy mountain wall - build West Tower - build command post - destroy fortress wall - defend V2 documents - Prevent access to the radio - open Main Gate - destroy V2
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Villa Gun - alpha 2b release *** * This map release is a playable test release. * It does not represent the final quality and does not include all the features of the final release. * Alpha version lacks the second stage of the map after destroying the Villa Gun. * Author: islander ---------------- Axis are holding the massive Anti-Aircraft gun in front of the Villa preventing Allied aircrafts from bombing the city.*Allies must gain access to the Villa and dynamite the Gun .
  4. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    =============== Map: Bone NCM (True Edition) Map type: OBJ Author: B0n3g1b - bo-n@ukr.net Visit for update: http://wet.ho.com.ua ------------ Instructions: Place "bonencm_te.pk3" into your ET/etmain/ ------------ Tools: GtkRadiant 1.4.0-ET, Q3map2 2.5.7, EasyGen 1.42, Fotoshop 7.0 Last update: 12.06.05 .zip Size: 1 MB .pk3 Size: 3 MB Max players: 6/6 ------------ Missions: Axis: -Protect the Gate -Protect the Cage -Protect the Rocket -Construct the Defence -Construct the Command Post -Protect the Radar Part Allies: -Construct the Assault Ramp -Construct the Command Post -Construct the Water Pump -Destroy the Gate -Destroy the Cage -Steal the Rocket -Steal the Radar Part ------------ Time Limit: 20 min Axis Respawn Time: 15 sec Allies Respawn Time: 10 sec ===============
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Mapname: Operation Azure Sorrow PK3: azure_sorrow_pub_final BSP: azure_sorrow Version: Public - Final Creators: Level design & scripting: Kommandant Assets & additional scripting: TechBoy Omnibot: Warden Description: This is the official release; feel free to use it on public servers. In case you want to test it with localhost, make sure you get rid of the test version (azure_sorrorw_pub_test.pk3). Note: This map won't get any upgrade by the creators. HD textures, seasonal themes and other additional assets are meant for the VIP version. You are allowed to edit the public version, but the creators will *not* provide any support. If there is a map related issue which affects the gameplay in general, please contact the following person: Email: hh.gaming.et@gmail.com Discord: Kommandant#9874
  6. Version 1.0.0


    ------------------------------------------------- Basic Information ------------------------------------------------- Author : Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren Email address : lindgrenrikard@hotmail.com Webpage : http://www.drakir.tk ------------------------------------------------- Map Information ------------------------------------------------- Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Title : 1o1 Arena Filename : 1o1.pk3 Release date : 2003-10-09 Decription : Challenge your friends or foe´s in this 1on1 Desert Arena. Program : SD Radiant 1.3.8 Build time : 30 mins. Compile time : 1 minute Compile machine : AMD Athlon 2200, 512mb Installation : Place the 1o1.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or bring down the console and type: map 1o1. Textures : Nope Sounds : Nope Models : Nope ------------------------------------------------- Info! ------------------------------------------------- #. Just another 1on1 map, no special things. Small map for 1on1 fights. ------------------------------------------------- Special thanks and Credits to: ------------------------------------------------- All who will use it! ------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2003 Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren all rights reserved
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Axis: "Kill the opponent!" Allied: "Kill the opponent!" Neutral: "s y K o t i c dm1 #sykoticdm @ quakenet"
  8. Version 1.0.0


    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Practice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author : Stealth' webpage : http://www.clanpsl.nl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Title : PsL ctfstation Filename : psl_ctf.pk3 Release date : 04/12/2007 Description : A Capture the Flag style Enemy territory map. It was made for and in association with clan *PsL. The scoreboard is on the compass. Capture the Enemy's flag 4 times to win, a draw is possible. There are 2 secrets in the map. Installation : place the ctfstation.pk3 to your etmain folder. Textures : -textures from soc (all credit goes to him for these textures): ->textures\egyptsoc_floor ->textures\egyptsoc_trim ->textures\egyptsoc_mat ->textures\egyptsoc_wall ->textures\tech1soc_sfx ->textures\tech1soc_mach ->textures\ctf -Textures from Rayban floating powerups (credit to RayBan for models+textures): ->models\multiplayer\rayban\powerups ->textures\powerups_test ->models\multiplayer\rayban\ctf -textures from norman (credit for pornagraphy goes to him 😞 ->textures\norman -textures from Drakir (credit to drakir for these images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: -Clan *PsL Great clan, they supported me for this map, visit them www.clanpsl.nl -TrickJump paradise clan: help testing my map and just being a great clan. -Splashdamage forums: Helped answering alot of my questions -RayBan: Used his Q3 style powerups (the floating medic and ammo packs), all credit for those models, and idea go to him. Also he gve me tips on improving the map, and fixing bugs, on the SD forums. The Q3 style ctf flags are also made by him. -Unreal Tournament: Inspiring the map -2bits: Learned mapping thanks to his tutorials -Simon O'Callaghan aka soc: Used some of his textures that he released on his site: http://www.simonoc.com/pages/materials.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misc: Best played on a Good computer on high, thats what i used anyway
  9. Version 1.0.0


    File type Map for "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory" Title 6flags File name 6flags_110.pk3 Map name 6flags Version 1.1.0 (Created July 2005) Author 2Bit (www.tibetclan.com) Other maps The Breakout, Glider Assault, TankBuster, British Bulldog, 2tanks - available from www.tibetclan.com Optimum number of players At least 12. Plays well with 24+. Installation Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder. Description For either team to win: Capture both base flags and hold them for 2 minutes == or == Control all 6 flags If the time limit expires the winning team is the one which controls the most flags. Gamemodes Objective, Stopwatch. Thanks to Splash Damage and Activision. Drakir and Iffy for various neat prefabs. Heckl3r and Marko/Lowlife/Bob Le Roux for some great textures and sound files. Amethyst7 for his great skybox. TibeT Clan for invaluable testing and feedback.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    no information on the map
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Sedes RC1 Author: six six@planetwolfenstein.com http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/six =============================================== Programs used in creation: GTKRadiant 1.4 Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Notepad Changes: -Pits were removed/replaced to fix "bottleneck" issues -Window by axis spawn is clipped to keep balance ----------------------------------- OBJECTIVES ----------------------------------- ----------Axis Objectives---------- Defend the main entrance Defend the generator Defend the old city Defend the gold crate Construct the command post ---------Allied Objectives--------- Destroy the main entrance Construct generator Capture the old city Get the gold crate Construct the command post
  12. Version 1.0.0


    no information on the map
  13. Version 1.0.0


    ***** Bunker ***** ******************************************************************************* * Enemy Territory Map - by Impact - 2004 * ******************************************************************************* Note: This map is exclusively my own permanent property, that is, the copyrights are automatically mine. Equal- early the map is a hobby project by a gamer for gamers. Therefore this map freeware. Everyone is allowed to use this card for their private use Offer to download, copy, or publish. One too I expressly consent to publication in the following German game magazines to: PC Action PC Player Game Star PC Joker Any other commercial use, in particular publication on dis- chain, CD-ROM or DVD in a magazine other than those mentioned above is expressly prohibited. Everyone has the permission to change the map for the private area, or Copy parts of the map, e.g. to create your own maps. In this case I ask for the note that parts of my map are used to create the map were used. This map is my first ever map. It so I am aware that this is not perfect in many areas. Besides the map was created as part of a MapContest, which is why it is very small has failed and there was a certain time pressure. For these reasons it is this map was also my "test object" because I was practical all the steps that are necessary to create a map still had to be learned. Nevertheless, there are over two hundred hours of work in the map. But above all others that I mention here made this card possible would like to: www.dflv-clan.de: no map without beta test;) www.Fragpoint.de: Very good German tutorial and a nice one small forum www.haradirki.de: Very good German tutorial www.level-desinger.de: Best forum for mappers with lots of nice people www.planetweltenstein.de: Everyone should know, good forum for ET and RTCW Those were the pages I visited most of the time. The people who helped me just as they occur to me: Fragpoint, haradirki, Ron007, BeoWulf, michi.be, HBe99, Rought, Fidelcastro, NightWulf Micro, freakman, hardcoreraver and of course all that I haven't mentioned now. [DFLV] Wolfine [DFLV] Kosmic [DFLV] Maroni [DFLV] Maschine [DFLV] DerBeo [DFLV] CrazyPittbull [DFLV] Denation [DFLV] Dagget [DFLV] HomeX [DFLV] Nobert [DFLV] Servidge [DFLV] TheCrazyKraut [DFLV] Tankwart [DFLV] GohanZeta Description of the map: Bunker is a small map for ET, intended for 3-5 players on each side. Installation Guide: Unrar the file "bunker.rar" and copy the new file "bunker.pk3" into the "ETMAIN" folder of your ET installation. Start the game and select "Host Game". Simply extract the Bunker.rar file into a directory of your choice. You should then find a bunker.pk3 file. It belongs in the ET main directory. If you start the game now you should be able to start the map via host game
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Title : Destruction_final Filename : destruction_final.pk3 Date : 2009.03.29 Author : Russell Story (Geehaad) Contact : angel_son_7d@yahoo.com URL : N/A Map File : destruction_final.bsp Script File : destruction_final.script Release : 2009.03.02 Gametype : Objective, SW, Campaign Maximum Players : 64 Recommended Players : 12-18 Story: *Allies have cornered the Axis into a heavily bombed out warehouse complex. The Axis are making their last stand, and trying to call reinforcements to stop the raid on their last stronghold. *Allies must destroy their Communications before they are able to radio for help. Objectives: Axis 1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them destroy the Comm Station.**This will cause a loss of communication to reinforcements. 2 "Secondary Objective:**Don't let them destroy the Gate.**This will give them access to the warehouse. 3 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Weakend Wall.**This will give them access to the roof. 4 "Secondary Objective:**destroy the side door. This will give them quick access to the forward warehouse. Allied 1 "Pr**Destroy the Comm Station.**This will keep Axis reinforcements from knowing about the raid on the warehouses. 2 "Se**Destroy the Gate.**This will give access to the warehouse. 3 "Se**Destroy the Weakend Wall.**This will give access to the roof. 4 "Se**Destroy the side door. This will give quick access to the forward warehouse.
  15. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Mapname: warmup_final Status: final Mapper: CyburK released: beta1 03.08.2006/// final 20.08.2006 contact: cyburk@gmx.de website: www.cyburk.net This is a very small dual Objective Map i made to get warm with mapping again. beta 1 was made in 3 Days. Again this Map is really small i havent tested it yet but i guess the fun limit may be reached with 20 players. Install: put the warmup_final.pk3 in your Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain folder and play. If you have a ton of maps in your etmain folder its possible you cant run the map with the ingame "host-game" option. In this case open the console with "^" and type "/g_gametype 2" hit enter and then type "/map warmup_final" hit enter again and check it out. Objectives for Allies/Axis - Destroy the Enemys Safe. - Steal the Secret Documents - Build and Defend your Command Post - Bring the Enemys Documents to your Command Post. thanks and greetings all people at level-designer.de / etmaps.de / M8D Nephilm / M8D clan /Northerner /Shazam /Pitsbrgparatrpr / Berserker from wolfmap.de / splash-damage / macbeth / MerCuryRisIng / nullskillz for his nice forum post/tutorial on the dual objective / speedy (http://speedy.planetquake.gamespy.com//) for the nice mountain enviroment. ...............enjoy
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Fragginhart Canyon Pk3 file : fragginhart_final.pk3 Objdata file : Map date : 2022-08-14 Gametypes : wolfmp wolfsw Raw map name : fragginhart_final Arena file : fragginhart_final.pk3\scripts\fragginhart_final.arena Date added : 2023-05-28 **Allies must raid Fragginhart Canyon and broadcast the documents back to Allies HQ. **Can the Axis forces hold?
  17. Version 1.0.0


    no information on this map
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This map was ported over from my map Operation on RTCW. With many thanks and patience from Kemon and Pinn it is now also playable on ET. Have fun:) No information on the map
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Download pk3 name: hkf1v1_3.pk3 Map name: hkf1.bsp Description: Allied objectives 1 "Destroy the wall to gain access to the city" 2 "Steal the tank from the axis garage" 3 "Use the tank to breach the axis armory" 4 "Plant explosives from the armory on the three main bridge supports Axis objectives 1 "Prevent the allies from breaching the wall and entering the city" 2 "Prevent the allies from stealing the tank" 3 "Prevent the tank from reaching the armory!" 4 "Prevent the allies from planting explosives on the bridge"
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Download pk3 name: g0ldrush_b1.pk3 Map name: goldrushtest.bsp Author(s): Zer0Cool There are number of eggs in the map (in this case 20) which can be taken by both teams and have to be brought to the nests of the teams. After all 20 eggs have been taken 3 new spawn randomly. Every time when one of the 3 eggs is captured, a new one spawns, so there are always 3 eggs in the map till map ends. There can be taken up to 120 eggs per team atm. The team with the most eggs in the end wins.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    No information on this map
  22. Version 1.0.0


    beta_1* objective is to kill your enemy !!
  23. Version 1.0.0


    _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ DeathShaft _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ I do not allow changes in this map. Map created by 'Just!ce. This is my second map. Special thanks to: - Yodh and - [NM] - wezelkrozum - {SSF}Sage At the Splash Damage forum. Contact: MSN: antonh_8@hotmail.com Xfire: antonh1
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Download pk3 name: bhop.pk3 Map name: BHoP.bsp Description: Allies and Axis just have to make as many frags as possible.
  25. Version 1.0.0


    ,-. , ( {o\ {`"=,___) (`~ \ ,_.- ) jgs ~^~^~^`- ~^ ~^ '~^~^~^~ map 1v1DM Tournament Edition Objective : kill your enemy ! Rules : Only fieldops no airstrike no fire for effects. source Te_valhalla modified by JoOx www.imperial-team.net #imperial-team
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