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Everything posted by papywolf

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Download pk3 name: vara.pk3 Map name: battery_vara MISSION: The Allied landed at the beach of Norge by Kirstinensand. They have Order to destroy the Big-Gun of the Battery Vara / Steel the Gold at the Ammodepot and drive it with the truck to the beach. The Battery Vara is real. It was build by the Axis during the WWII and the Big-Gun´s are the same gun´s that are on the axis-ship Bismark. The Gun was build by Krupp and have a 38 cm kalliber (14,8 inch/zoll like the gun´s at the US-Iwoa). The Norge-Army use the Gun´s after the WWII and now the Battery are an museum. OBJECTIVES AXIS Prevent the Allies take the beach bunker Main task I - Prevent the Allies destroy the gun Main task II - Prevent the Allies steal the gold and the truck Prevent the Allies destroy the Radarcontrolle Guard the side entrance Protect the side entrance on dynamite storage Build the command post in the side entrance Build the MG on the beach and dynamite storage Build the two truck latch Build the two barbed wire fences Build the radar control ALLIES Get the beach bunker Main task I - Destroy the gun Main task II - Steal the gold and steal the truck blow up the radar bunker and destroy the radar control blow up the side entrance , the truck blocks and the barbed wire fences destroy the fence at the dynamite camp
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Axis Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the Main Complex Gate with dynamite." 2 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the Side Entrance with dynamite." 3 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the garage door. 4 "Primary: Prevent the Allies from stealing secrets documents." 5 "Primary: Prevent the Allies from tramittings the documents." 6 "Secondary: Prevent the Allies from constructing a command post." 7 "Secondary: Build a the command post and prevent allies from destroying it." // Allied Objective Descriptions 1 "Primary: Breach the Main Complex Gate with dynamite." 2 "Primary: Breach the Side Entance with dynamite." 3 "Primary: Breach the garage door to secured the flag area." 4 "Primary: Steal the secrets documents in the research room." 5 "Primary: transmitted the documents at the radio transmitter." 6 "Secondary: Build a command post to enable a new spawn area." 7 "Secondary: Destroy the Axis Command Post."
  3. Version 1.0.0


    version that works dual map scenario information allieds: Infiltrate the City and Steal the secret of Cali from the Axis!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Onkelb0b from the Exxtrem Terror Clan has released a new map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, entitled, ETc Race. It's a fun map, set in the desert, where the Allied and Axis troops race each other to refuel their respective flying carpet all the way around the map circuit to victory.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Teuthis has released his version of the classic Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory map, Fueldump, recreated and re-imagined with a new storyline. The Axis troops are hiding a stolen Allied tank in the Fueldump Fortress to get information on the allied tank technology and weapon strength. Allied headquarters is planning a massive airstrike to destroy the Fueldump area. The Allies must steal the tank and escort it out of the area before the Allied airstrike kicks in. Allied Map Objectives: Dynamite the depot gate. Steal the tank. Destroy the tunnel doors. Escort the tank over the bridge. Destroy the escape door to leave the area. Allied Secondary Map Objectives: Destroy the Fuel Depot side entrance. Destroy the Axis command post.
  6. Hello, I will contact you to know if there are waypoint files for the etl bergen v6 and etl supply v4 cards thank you
  7. Hello friends I contact you to know if there are waypoints files for the etl bergen v5 card I tested the waypoints of v4 except there is a bug with the spawn flag axis in the bunker
  8. Hello friends I contact you to ask you for help I cannot find the waypoints files for the etl bergen v5 card
  9. thank you for the info for the etl supply v3 card for the waypoints files
  10. Hello I am contacting you to know if there are waypoints files for Pointe du Hoc map
  11. Hello Super nice job for the new etl supply v3 card, I want to test but with waypoints files if possible thank you .
  12. Hello indeed if there is an update I cannot find it at the moment !!!
  13. hello and thank you for the waypoints files of the etl bergen v4 map does not work on my nitmod 2.3.2 server crashes after a while of connection.
  14. hi friends I would like to know if there are waypoints files for the etl_bergen_v4 map which was released a short time ago
  15. For my part I have no problem with fps on the etl supply v2 cards on the other hand I have players who have problems on the etl ice v4 map because they have old computers
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Map made by |UJE]Niek --UJE_final_battle -- The Axis have lost the war! Stop the final battalion of axis soldiers that are trying to get through the Alps. Prevent them from refueling and constructing bridges to get to their final destination. Axis Objective * Escort the tank to the boat * Steal the fuel * Destroy the bariers * Build the bridges Allied Objective * Prevent the axis to flee with the tank Here some screenshots how the map looks ----------------------------------------------------------------- More [UJE] maps: You can see the info about our other maps on our website ----------------------------------------------------------------- [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com -----------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Map made by [UJE]Niek --UJE_watten -- Allies took control of the area and have to keep the missiles and documents under control. Axis will try to destroy a V2 in order to get access to the documents. Axis Objective * Steal the objective and bring it to the truck Allied Objective * Prevent the axis from stealing the objective Here some screenshots how the map looks ----------------------------------------------------------------- More [UJE] maps: You can see the info about our other maps on our website ----------------------------------------------------------------- [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com -----------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Map made by [UJE]Niek About This File Allies have to steal the objectives and bring them to the truck Allied Objective * Steal the objectives Axis Objective * Stop the allies from stealing the objectives Here some screenshots how the map looks ----------------------------------------------------------------- More [UJE] maps: To many maps made by uje to put in here so you can see our maps at our website. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please take your time to post on our forum for any questions [UJE]Clan site http://www.ujeclan.com
  19. the problem with the bots on the etl supply v2 map the axis no longer defends gold once loaded in the truck.
  20. Thanks for the etl supply v2 files I installed the map with the waypoint files you gave me and happy New Year's
  21. Version 1.0.0


    About This File Dingenskirchen b8 Release Date: December 2020 http://forums.warchest.com/showthread.php/39432-MAP-RELEASE-Dingenskirchen-a-tribute This map started as a collaboration between phisherman and me and was created as a tribute to the good old times of RtCW. We hope it will bring back some memories to the old-schoolers among you. -----Beta 8----- * Fixed missing texture * Fixed bug where Allies can spawn in the castle before it's breached. (TODO) * Moved river flag closer to tunnel doors and removed crates restricting player movement. * Moved tunnel grate lever to tunnel doors gatehouse * Changed Axis Hill spawn to Church spawn * Changed Allied Church spawn to Tram spawn * Remodelled Axis castle spawn and moved staircase tower to split balcony walkway * Changed "placed" to "planted" in wm_announce "^5The Allies have planted the Suitcase Bomb!" * Added arm/disarm mechanic to suitcase bomb. Axis have 15 seconds to disarm. * Added two additional paths into the castle through the gatehouse towers to accommodate Allies now spawning outside the castle. * Added ladder to transition between wine cellar and middle route inside the castle. * Moved river flag secure event to when tank passes river spawn hut. * Widened passage ways to village flag * Removed crates at village flag to compensate too strong defensive position for Axis * Fixed various texture alignment issues -----Thanks to----- • Special thank to Niek and Shargo for huge feedback support • The UJE clan for play-testing beta 1, 2 and 3 and 4 on their server and substantial feedback. • acQu for his most amazing blender model tool enabling the display of the officers in the conference room. • ryven, acQu and thunder for helping debug the officer models. • WuTangH for his superb suitcase and light models. • Mateos for omnibot waypoints. • ryven and hatcher for gameplay feedback. • hatcher for support for 'floodlight' map lighting. • ischbinz for direct support and his most awesome Tiger Tank. • Backsnipe for his eagle model + direct support in beta1, suggestions & feedback. • FireFly for direct support in beta1 + textures. • Gordon 'digibob' Biggans [SD] for his purely magical MD3-to-TAG tool. • Detoeni for the animated Tiger tag from Breakout 2. • hipshot for his "stormy days" skybox. • WL6 for textures. • McNite for textures. • Diego for textures. • The {WeB} clan for play-testing beta 1 and 2 on their server. • Everyone else who played previous betas, gave feedback and suggestions or helped in any other way. You made this map
  22. I really like the new etl supply v2 card, very nice graphically, but I am waiting to install it on my server with waypoints files will be much better
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