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Everything posted by lost

  1. Sorry cyber but this is the most funny comment i see in this thread so fops should only give ammo and place arts, cvops should only take clothes and allow friendly team to pass through enemy lines (doors etc), eng should only place dyna and the ONLY class which should only fight will be soldier
  2. Can we Just finish this crying about medic class ? Medics are not causing any chaos comparing for example to engineers with 8 nades and rifles. For me medic can have limited his class only to 1 point (no green syringe, lower speed of recharging medpacks etc) but it will not change anything comparing to spam of nades, mortar etc
  3. About 1 point, you can disable it by r_wolffog 0
  4. Lie Jessica ! im throwing nades to destroy tanks etc
  5. I have the same suspicions, he came yesterday from nowhere and his gameplay from the beginning was really low, about 20 acc , nearly any headshot. After few minutes something change and he started to shot only hs and his accuracy jump to about 50 and he was able to kill 3 players at same time without any problem (including me, 3 vs 1 in the same time). I started to spec him and noticed that every spawn he is staying for few secs, like configuring something (and he was minimazing game everytime, you can notice it on lagometer, when you minimize game there is little spike with connection disrupted and your ping is lowering down)
  6. In my opinion soldier class should not be able to achevie lvl4 like medic and it will balance mortar and pf
  7. I voted NO too because this will cause a lot problems and complains. Spawn area is a safe place i used it sometimes to tweak small thing in cfg, change class, hud etc. It usually take only few seconds and like Ctrz wrote, sometimes you need to make some action outside the game for example: fill cup with water, talk to some1 in home etc. Im not talking about constant afkers who are joining the game and standing all the time in spawn, for this we have afk script
  8. Hi Sklamak This was the mistake Im sorry about it. There is one player From Poland who were using very similar IP like You and he is banned on our server. Why are you using VPN, because when I checked your ip it shows that is VPN ip. To be honest I do not recognize your name and you are very handy with Polish langauge thats why I thought you are Zublik Sorry for this misunderstanding
  9. Neverending story. This is roltz. He changed nick again...
  10. Like i said, i did not check the demo only notice his skill improvement in very short time. Streaming is not the proof that some1 is clear or not there was one example with streamer who was caught im not familiar with aimbots, but these programs are improved compared to the start of ET. With very good configuration it is nearly impossible to proof some1 is cheating or not and there were many cases that some1 was using bot, but only malfunction in this bot software help with catching cheaters and make everything clear
  11. Cant check demo right now but I noticed that this guy improved his skill in few days. At The beginnig i have no problem to kill him and after few days it was for me so hard to kill him. And this is another example of player who is changing guid etc
  12. Hi Im attaching here demos with clear evidence, this guy is using aimbot with wh (but turning it on and off) His info: https://ibb.co/hfrF3X2 Below videos:
  13. I will help you DMXJ it was yesterday 6.02. Check logs from 14 to 15 and we will see who was trashtalking and being racist.
  14. lost


    Yup he was answering this guy who I reported
  15. lost


    He is called syndykator, he was banned for language once so this is your decision. He was triggered by this guy, but itd up to you, how you will handle this situation
  16. lost


    This guy cant behave on the server and trashtalking all the time, about everybody hates him becaue he is jew etc and he started to writing some racist sentences. Some screenshots in links. Some of his sentences: Poland should belong to Russia because this is useless country. He wish Poland will be bombed again. He told me to screw goat. He would give Poland to Isis Etc https://ibb.co/m02QXG1 https://ibb.co/svFvJng https://ibb.co/L58ghL6 https://ibb.co/sy1r0VP https://ibb.co/92rqzth https://ibb.co/3NPZxXn https://ibb.co/MCHc8HM https://ibb.co/sy8xSp7 https://ibb.co/nfVk5rB https://ibb.co/wK1cTGf https://ibb.co/Zdt1NJG
  17. Hi This guy is clear cheater with poor aimbot. Check the demo from 3:20 on the timer and look how he is sniping with his bot Enjoy https://files.fm/f/s7t8yxbmp
  18. lost

    Robert Plant

    Knardo contact me in prv message on discrod, probably his english is not so good so i will write what he mean and want. He is claiming that he did not start this trashtalk with Cain, in his opinion Cain started calling him with bad names. So he is asking admins to check logis from that day.
  19. lost

    Robert Plant

    screens from today, check his nicks https://ibb.co/N7bRswm https://ibb.co/5MhbYcz https://ibb.co/CtMjHrT
  20. lost

    Robert Plant

    This is Knardoo, constant cry baby on TM servers, so Im not suprised he is acting like that
  21. Strange for me is about 32Mbits/s so about 4MB/s
  22. yup
  23. There is cvar (do not remember which one) to allow http download in game, it is faster, without it you are downloading from game server directly which has limited bandwidth
  24. Do you have enabled http download in game ? It will make download much faster
  25. Every member can speak in case of reporting one of us. I deal with people like you everyday on the server. You all the time claiming that you did not anything wrong, you are clear, follow every rules and bad admins made wrong decisions. Kindergarten is over, follow the rules and there will be not problem at all.
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