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Everything posted by LordMarco6699

  1. Regarding the last point, I was thinking that the player that accomplishes an objective( like to destoy an objective, for instance gun controls at Battery/Braundorf) could receive a "reward" of a server annoucement
  2. Hey Flo We can always go above 8kills but idk how often it happens Perhaps the kill window can be 1sec for 4 kills and below *and* 2sec for 5 kills and above? I would remove the "!" as well, but that s a detail I would make the server annoucement, perhaps even from 4-5 and above. Tbh 6 multikill is very not common Could we make the same server annoucement when an engi destroys an obj? Perhaps only the primary objective as gun controls? And potentially with flag also only for the attacking size?( and limit it to one flag capture per game so no spam?) I feel that these annoucements are a nice new touch, so the game does not become very boring.
  3. Hahahahahaah :DDD Funny funny The conversation was a bit different but fair enough :DDD Username: stfubot GUID: 9CE05B7CB3684E370BA9EB9BF17550BB IP: Thx mate
  4. Exactly, I think that a 12 or rather 13 map rotation would be better than the current one. It will bring more diversity. Perhaps we could make a small survey/vote?
  5. See you on the server!
  6. Hey guys! Some new players complained about playing the same maps all the time and I would be happy if we could open a discussion about map rotation. I have to say that I agree with the fact that we do not play new maps very often. Sometimes I try to lobby for a new map and it works pretty often but without this push the same maps are always chosen. If I am not mistaken, currently one specific map can be played every 10maps, what about increasing the interval to 15?
  7. We had a good time, thanks for the event! Perhaps we can set some small banners to the main server to make a bit of marketing for the next event I was thinking about a "paintball" event: One shot one kill, and shots would be affected by gravity, basically falling down quickly Or a second possibility: Like in Call of Duty "One in the chamber", a free-for-all, one ammunition in the pistol that would be 100% lethal. In case of a kill, +1 ammo
  8. Very good idea Instead of map "boxes" I think that it would be better to use lines as it s much more precise.
  9. Ah it s Disney? Well than it s not rly realistic indeed On the other hand, we do not use their original character as it s heavely modified
  10. You have a point. Nevertheless, the modified image with the nicknames on is different from the original Kermit the Frog and therefore it can be used I think. A second option would be to contact the owner and ask for an approaval. Potentially a third option would be to design a new mascot
  11. A little idea for generating some revenues that could be used for future events/marketing campaigns: What about selling this image on a T-shirt? I am sure that plenty of ppl with their nicknames on would be happy to buy it It could be a nice nostalgic/game relic and at the same time it will help the community(=fundraising) If you would charge like 15-20e for a nice quality t-shirt than it would sell @sty will be able to use it as a gym tshirt haha
  12. Truly amazing work and thank you for building such a community I am not rly active lately but I am looking forward to be back!
  13. So arty is allowed behind first wall at Pirates? I thought that the whole area behind the wall is restricted.
  14. I was about to do the same joke...
  15. On top of that, Legacy is made in such a way that any modification of the initial menu will be deleted/put to the initial state with the next launch of the game. By the way, amazing work uips Thanks a lot! I will try not to tk you so often in game
  16. Glad to be part of this amazing community! Thanks for all the hard work
  17. Amazing work guys, it´s perfect. The amount of small details, like Muppet flags, songs, special flamethrower,... makes it even better Maps are very nice too! Especially the UJE version of Goldrush. Santa hats on characters, both in-game and on screen next to the health lvl, look very nicely too! Thanks
  18. Hey @StiffWrists! Welcome on the forum! Which interactive novels do you read/play? I was a big fan of them in the past
  19. Hey dude! I am happy to see you on the forum
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