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Posts posted by MiniMuppet

  1. On 3/26/2016 at 0:43 PM, Duro said:

    When you go to Unread Content and you select the topic you wish to see then it doesn't sent you directly to the new posts on that topic. The forum we had before did this. Is itpossible to get it working here to? Or is it an personal setting i need to adjust?

    After we did a security update this skin seem to have bug somewhere in it, the 2 other skin work correct hopefully ipsfocus will release a new version or can help use fine the incorrect coding.

  2. 2016-03-27-195515-beach_hns.jpg


    Great turn out guys. We only had server set up for 24 slots but had to increased it to 32 which was full at one point.

    Was fun even though i was rubbish at it :) Look forward to the next one :) 

    Thank micha for all your hard work on the server.

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  3. 11 hours ago, Eagle_cz said:

    great turn! I really like this new feeling/skin of the forum. Really great work and BIG thank you for this!

    ...sadly as Mini wrote above, i have noticed few problems - and hope not so serious ...

    * problem with UTF encoding (for example shortscuts and other chars ... examples u can find under join us sections ... Cesky and etc)

    * tables (forum cannot handle [table] tags and etc and formating is gone)

    * hyperlinks or href looks weird = when you want to copy&paste some href, its without <a> tag = we are not able to click on it :)

    * few of forum permissions are gone (hope its temporary situation)

    * forum is really slow (Mini told me that this is somehow connected with the update - hope its only temporary issue)

    * member's list is completely gone (lvl 11 and above will know what about i writing now :D sorry )

    * crew page or meet the muppets is quite empty :) think its connected with Mylan's work - just an reminder :D

    * attachements included on the topics are gone (= maybe its matter of the time when the cache will rebuild itself somehow :)

    * calendar is useless now (= it's without nicknames on the list)


    ...from my point of view, this is something like beta-testing and problems above are not so important. Dont take me wrong, just trying to report what i had noticed ...


    and again, thank you for the fresh update! well done! :)

    (btw. if is there something what i can do, or if I can help somehow, feel free to let me know! )


    If any permissions are not correct Eg if you should be able to moderate a section and you can't now then please pm me with all details.

    hyerlinks or href look weird - can you give me screen shot

    attachments are working

    calender - Sorry but this is how it is and we don't have any options to change it. (maybe there will be an add on made in future to feature this)


    All the rest are still not working at the min.

  4. 15 hours ago, Charlie said:


    Quote and spoiler tags have gone from old forum posts, as well as emotes. It makes certain things look a mess, the latest news topic for example. Sucks but we might need to go through old pinned topics and double check they are legible. Be a good time to clean up parts of the forums too but that's another subject hehe.


    Attachments have also gone, which is a pain for our cheatbuster section hehe. Not sure if it's possible to fix it all, but just pointing it out.


    Spoiler and Attachments are now working. The quote thing we had before was a add on don't think one as been made yet if thats what you mean. Normal quote should be working. Emotions should be working.

  5. Some of you may have noticed the forums have changed a little. We have now update ipboard form ips3 to ips 4. This means that something may not be working correct and will take us a few days to try to correct any issue we may have :)

    We would appreciate if you guys could post any issue or bugs with the forums.


    Cheers :)

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