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Posts posted by MiniMuppet

  1. I have never know braundorf to be a issue 8 out of 10 time allies win the map, axis usually fail to defend.

    I don't play much anymore have things change and more people play axis then before? I'm just asking as increasing to much will cause more issues and even less people playing axis. So small step would be best.

    We did have a different spawn added to goldrush but this caused to much spawn killing so was removed.

    I think to do some of the things people are asking we need lua scripts and i don't think we have anyone who can write them.

    Maybe try something and leave them for week see if the server gets more active or we lose players as the end of the day we don't want a even emptier server.

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, potty said:

    Ah, minimuppet. I do remember you and I believe that your mum and dad also used to play, am I correct? I think when we played vs you back then you'd of been super young like I have a vivid memory of your dad saying something about his son coming to play in one of the games. I think he mentioned that you was about 8. Would that be correct? I just remember you was super young and didn't type for years!

    Your on about tinymuppet, so im still the step mum and Mr is still the dad :) buy close :P She doesn't play no more and she is 23 now enjoying her life and at Notts uni, no time for et no more.

  3. Hi potty

    It sure as been a long time, i remember the 6v6 matches and i also remember when we had 13 v 13, you guys tried to teach us how to scrim lol was fun times, we were always bottom lol.

    Nice to see you have returned after so long. i don't have a copy of your config but we do have a few configs on the forums you can try http://teammuppet.eu/home/forums/forum/257-players-cfgs/ not sure if any of these will help. Also try r_primitives 2 if your lagging.

    Hope to cya on server soon :)

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