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s05aa last won the day on October 3 2018

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About s05aa

  • Birthday 04/13/1989

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  1. I would recommend everyone to change their nickname on the server as soon as they join the TM Discord server. This way the admin can set your role correctly Changing your nickname will be only done for this server. Any others you are in will remain as they are.
  2. This should bring tons of... frustration @Charlie a couple more episodes and I perfected my Ultra Instinct. Then im cmng for ya
  3. Please dont
  4. I am a down to earth Dutchman. I see Dutch girl, I upvote and post an "Hello".
  5. s05aa

    Shocking News

    you idiots wasnt on
  6. s05aa

    Shocking News

    Kermit The Frog & Miss Piggy Split :O Is no Hollywood romance safe? After a summer of break-ups, divorces and cancelled engagements, not even the love between Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog could last. ‘The Muppets’ couple announced their split during an Aug. 4 Television Critics Association event! Love is dead! Or, it’s just really, really sick. When the romance between a pig and a frog cannot last, what hope is there for anyone? The Muppets most famous duo, Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog, announced that they have officially called it quits, ending a relationship that lasted nearly 40 years! During the Television Critics Association event on Aug. 4, the Muppets held a panel to announce their upcoming ABC television show, The Muppets. During the panel, Kermit fielded questions about the status of his relationship. The leader of The Muppets confirmed that he and Miss Piggy had “officially split,” and that he’s currently dating a new pig named Denise who works in marketing at ABC! Miss Piggy seemed to be taking the break-up in stride. She told the audience at the TCA panel that “any kind of attention is good publicity!” and that she’s glad that Kermit and [she] are broken up!” The couple released an official statement, saying that after “considerable squabbling,” they made the “difficult decision” to terminate their relationship! Oh no! Miss Piggy and Kermit began their romance back in 1976 during the original run of The Muppet Show. The two were reportedly married in 1984, during in the closing scene of The Muppets Take Manhattan. However, Miss Piggy revealed in an interview with Canadian Living that the priest had been defrocked and that the two never officially tied the knot. Kermit and Piggy’s relationship has gone on for the past four decades, but it’s had more rough patches than the love between Chris Brown andKarrueche Tran. Yikes! Fans of The Muppets were clearly devastated by the news that their favorite couple has broken up. They shared their grief online, wondering if Kermit and Piggy will ever get back together or if this was really the end!
  7. Player name: InSaNe Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: pasA Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: wabbasat Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: Alien Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: #AKILL'TOUR Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: Rukus. Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: Rooky Our vote: was cheating => Banned Player name: Mongo Bill Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: The fuuuk Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: ||Sl!lls. Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: Su!Fury Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP:
  8. Player name: Ganjaplant Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: f_u Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: Wiet / Hond Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: Koffie Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: / Player name: Nederwiet Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: WoDKa / dooderino Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: TartinausorusFLEX 8D Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Clean xnoxious dood blade Hennessy & Cola & Ice Bozok
  9. As everyone knows Teammuppet has some rules regarding spawnkilling on our servers. Take make it clear to everyone we have made up a simple but clear overview of what is and is not allowed. Fixed (normal) spawns Spawnkill on fixed spawns in not allowed, with any kind of weapons, on our servers. This includes spawncamping at the spawnexits. There is no legit reason in which you are allowed to spawnkill other players. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Capturable flag/spawn Spawnkilling at capturable flag/spawn is allowed. The only weapon which is not allowed at capturable flags/spawns are mortars. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Command post Spawnkilling at command posts is allowed. The only weapon which is not allowed at command posts are mortars. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Spawnpassing On some maps running through a spawn is a strategic way to get to the objectives. Therefor spawnpassing is allowed. As soon as you get shot at you are allowed to defend yourself by shooting back. This is ONLY allowed with light weapons as thompson, mp40, pistols, carbine, sniper. Any form of grenades and heavy weapons is not allowed! As the rules regarding spawnkilling is clear above we expect everyone to follow these rules. As this clear explination is being released a lot of players might not be aware of this update. Please refer players to the forums regarding the spawnkill rules so that everyone gets to know them a.s.a.p. Happy fragging! Regards, Admin team
  10. s05aa

    Coming soon

    Haha shh Ding. Was mostly cuz I didn't had time to make these myself
  11. s05aa

    Coming soon

  12. Player name: M3cury Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: Rush Our vote: was cheating => Banned IP: Player name: de|noisii Our vote: was cheating => Banned => Appealed => Unbanned IP: Untouched virgins dood xnoxious Boss
  13. s05aa

    TM Rifle Tennis Cup

    It is finally time to launch the long waited rifletennis cup officially and let everyone to sign up! We heard everyone’s opinion so we are proudly going to release 2on2 & 1on1 tournaments! 1on1 Is going to be on the 13th of February at 19.00 GMT+1 & 2on2 tournament is on the 15th of February at 19.00 GTM+1 How to sign up? Choose the event below you want to participate in and you are one step closer to be a winner! Rules and further information can be found behind the links! http://tmrifletennis1on1.tourney.cc/ (1on1) & http://tmrifletennis2on2.tourney.cc/ (2on2) Hosted by Alistar, Duro, Muddeh Powered by Mr.muppet Special thanks to s05aa for creating the banner!
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