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Everything posted by s05aa

  1. For everyone submitting a demo: When you think someone is using wallhack or aimbot which you 'think' is being activated/deactivated during the map, watch the demo and provide us the ingame time when you think he is hacking. Especially when you provide us a long demo, or even more demo's it will become very difficult to find the moment in which you thought it happened (eventually we will watch the whole demo(s) some time, but then we know where we need to pay a bit more attention to). Sometimes you ask, why is it taking so long. Well basically due to this reason. If you wish a faster process, then please provide us the needed information.
  2. Not supposed to say this but, me being PA of The Script soon?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StaR


      Write one about me

    3. s05aa


      @gaunt, ye. Just during the liveshows of The voice of Holland tho. But hey, you dont hear me complaining xD

    4. s05aa


      @Jaden: What?

      @Star: will do bring light in the sky

  3. 2days afk again. Studio rehearsal and liveshow time.

    1. VeryDead


      dont listen to tomo, its a trap!

  4. I totally agree on this! Think it was beginners
  5. Dunno what to say, im Ariana Grande her organizer tomorrow at the first Live show of The Voice. Hate my job ^^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VeryDead


      Dont forget to tell her about feath and the amazin press B to blow skillz.

    3. Jaden


      shes freakin hot. take some photo ;)

    4. Slarty


      Yeah do that, and send them to me so I can be the judge of that :D

  6. Who wanna play Defiance with me?? Starlight? Add me on steam: s05aa

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VeryDead
    3. s05aa


      Feath lies. he is nolifing it. He wants a pink buggy

    4. VeryDead


      thats the only reason I play the game!!! god damnpink buggy, why are you so hard to get :(

  7. well Mr and Mini are still able to play at the same time right? In that case it might have been a router update? Dunno for sure, never had smthing like this myself.
  8. sorry for not being there, even after promising baldy (srry). Was working till now at a new tv program (might heard of 'Utopia'). This also kinna explains my afk's
  9. s05aa


    Never apologize for an opinion welcome to the forums.
  10. If you watch GoT, listen to this. You Might like it:

  11. A little teaser for the TMCup video. Hoping on having the vodeo finished this week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J8Bt5WwusE

  12. Shouldnt there still be an etpro server to have the TMCup on? Dont know if there still is one remaining besides these closing ones
  13. just keep ur hands of the TMCup movie. its mine!!
  14. Well I do have the time for the production atm. Star got the 10k for the winner avi, so lets do this!
  15. As a employee of The Voice I would strongly recommend you to participate The Voice UK. You got an unique sound which carries emotions in it. Just my opinion dude. OT: Welcome to the forums and nice introduction. Enjoy ur time with us and just dont listen to Wolf to much
  16. Team 5 has bribed ben, gg Bronzes!!
  17. Everybody is thankful for everybody their work on catching a cheater. Since we as CB can't be there all the time, we do need these extra set of eyes and ears which can help us identify suspicious players so that we can make sure of they are hacking or not. We greatfully thank you for that! At the same time we do have some points in which we think things can go better. This is not just for catching the cheater, but also for the continious visitor flow on our server. Below there is a list on how to act when you catch a cheater and what you should and shouldn't do. 1. When you think you have a suspicious player: There always comes a point in which a player joins the server and you think; "hey, there is something fishy about this dude/chick". In this case you do make a demo and get his userinfo (READ PLZ). This is all needed for our process. Once you have recorded the demo, you will post this one in the correct section. PLEASE NOTE: Look before posting. There might be already be a topic about this player. In that case just add your demo to this topic with aditional information. Double posts will make the forum less clear. 2. You have uploaded the demo: After you have uploaded the demo there is nothing more you can do. As long as the topic hasn't been moved, add more demo's to the post so that we have more material to analyse. Don't overdo it, since we got a life besides this aswell 3 While we are analyzing: As we are all checking the demo's it migth occur that the player in this case joines the server. Since there is no desicion, there are no actions been taken towards these players. This means that they are still free to join. What we do see in this case is that members tend to go in spec all together and spec this player and talk about him/her in /mc or pm. DON'T do this. When everyone joins spec the map will be empty which can effect the attractiveness of the server. Even when it isn't fair in your opinion because this player is playing like a star, don't stack spectator. We are making sure that we come to a desicion asap, so that the correct actions can be taken if needed. 4 When the desicion is made public: When we came to a desicion, we will take actions and make it public. This might take some time, since it needs to be sure that a player really is hacking. Even then some players can come back by some different types of backdoors. Just make sure you tell an admin so that they can do whatever these can. Some things which you should NEVER/NOT do: - NEVER talk to a cheater about his cheating or his cheat, not in mainchat nor in pm. Not even when this player speaks your native language or one that you know. It is up to the CB to deside if a player is cheating or not. - DON'T sit spec and spec that player for like forever. Even you might get owned by a cheater, try to play as much as possible. Last thing we want is a server getting empty. So ensure that a 'wallhacker' is not a camper/leaner and 'mortar cam user' is not a guy who shoots the same coordinates all the time. - DON'T yell to all members that there is a cheater. If you think someone is cheating, then just go spec or ask an individual if he is there (e.g. higher admin, CB, Recruiter) if they want to check someone out. - DON'T spec with with all of TM members on the server. When you are playing with members and you think that there is a cheater we just need one player to make the demo's. With all of TM sitting in spec, people get suspicious and might turn off their hack of just leave. In this case the demo could get to short for us to watch it. Besides, this makes the teams less full, which could result in players leaving. - DON'T keep spamming that someone is cheating. You are NOT always right! So if you see someone cheating, post demo and wait. There is no need to spam it to other members and get them to think that someone is cheating when they might not be doing it. Helpfull link: - http://www.teammuppe...-spec-somebody/ Maybe not everybody read it yet, but please do so. There is some great info in there which will help alot. Read it and take that info in there (also in the replies) to your advantage. Eventually all parties will be happy. This was all that we wanted to share with you. Please follow this guid when it comes to this point ingame. This way we all can continue enjoying this game and make the environment atractive enough for people from the outside. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in PM or chat. There are no stupid questions, just stupid anwsers. Kind regards, CB and admins
  18. Ohw England what happened :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darek


      Like I said, Rooney wtf

    3. Wolf


      The bus apparently :|

    4. Ren


      oh yeah we won :D sorry lads 8

  19. Streaming Battlefield Hardline, Go Check it!! http://www.twitch.tv/s05aa/

  20. Streaming Battlefield Hardline. Go check it

  21. Vinku no need for apologies. You are LARPing ET and getting paid for it. So i guess you combined 2 hobbies and made it your job Anyways nice read and goodluck with anything you are doing. See you when you and me will be on the server at the same time again
  22. Ted Harris is Ted Harris, legit and been confirmed The money can be tranfered to my swiss bankaccount. Nice doing business with you
  23. s05aa

    Coming Soon!

    pc working: check, et interesting again: check, do i have time to maybe be backup: dunno, but ill say check
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